Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
I've never ran Autos myself either, they weren't doing that 15yrs ago when I was last in this. They sound rather interesting though, seems ya can get some crops pretty quick. Anyhow Baby Girls are looking great quite a few are starting to Flower already so I am super stoked!


Well-Known Member
So quick question anyone think it would be a problem to take a few cuttings off of the lower branches since they have been in flower for a week? Was just thinking of getting a few to drop in the 8x8.


Well-Known Member
Go for it man, I take them up to 2 weeks in flower and they grow fine. May take a little while to go back to veg but they will work.
Nice plants too btw, they look nice and healthy :)


Well-Known Member
Thx Eastcoast I appreciate the compliment. It's been 15 long years but it's coming back to me pretty quick. I am so glad I decided to start gardening again, it is so relaxing! I can't wait to get my lights for the 8'x8' so I can fill her up too. Lol. Although I am planning on running Scrog in there to keep things under control, I let this 4'x4' get a bit packed.


Well-Known Member
Oops! Accidently snapped the top on the lady on the right, that's okay she will be fine. About to move these into my 8'x8' so they have some room and I think I will be building some cobs for lighting.


Well-Known Member
Well I moved the ladies outta this tent and into the 8'x8',
I got some Cobs on the way so once they get here I will update you on what I will be doing with the 4'x4'. I will mostly be using it for clones and maybe a Momma or two.


Well-Known Member
So all my heatsinks and drivers will be in Wednesday so I got to wait a few days before I can build my lights. Man I am so inpatient it's gonna be hard to wait!


Well-Known Member
Hey Coco I moved everything into my 8x8, check that thread out. I still have it going with a new round of Bodhi seeds. Let me know what you think.