At my wits end


Well-Known Member
Nah, it'll do them a world of good I reckon. I repot mine about 3 times before they go into flowering. Just be careful when you repot that you don't disturb the roots.

Sure, veg it for another couple of weeks, it's not ready for flowering yet anyway and you shouldn't really be putting a stressed plant into flowering. Repot it into fresh soil as I mentioned and feed it with the ph adjusted tap water and see how it responds.

We'll know a bit more about what it's problems are by watching it respond to the fresh soil and plain watering.
I'll keep you updated, Thanks so much for your advice babygro.


Well-Known Member
No worries, lets hope it gets it back on the right track. Pm me if you need to.
Well I think I'm on the right track, repotted them today and damn was I surprised. They all were rootbound to a degree I had not expected. It looks as if they not only survived their first repotting, but THRIVED. Anyhoo, repotted them all today into pots twice that size, and gave 'em all a good drink of water, no nutes. Again, thanks so much for your advice babygro and excellent call on the repotting info.

I'll post pics of them in their new homes in a few days.


Well-Known Member
On my biggest plants the bottom two fan leaves not only have the brown/dead patches, they've turned almost uniformily yellow.
the bottom two leaves always go to shit for me too. i don't think it's a problem. after it gets to a respectable height, you might as well trim the bottom leaves as you probably won't get much nugget there anyway.