Arizona GOPer Resigns After Calling for Forced Sterilization of Women on Medicaid


Well-Known Member
It's really sad that GOP Old White Men are so out of touch with reality..this is why your brand is DOA..luckily Mr. Pearce, you are NOT in charge..WE are..the WOMEN and other MINORITIES!!


During his talk-radio show on Saturday, former state Sen. Russell Pearce said "You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I'd do is get Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations…Then we'll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to (reproduce) or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job."
The Democrats would have given him a committee position :P


Well-Known Member
These are excerpts from e-mails Russell Pearce sent from 2006 to 2011. The American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona acquired about 10,000 pages of e-mails from legislative staff via a public records request.
"The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two-and-a-half times that of non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the U.S."
"The birth rate among illegal immigrants is substantially higher than the population at large."
"Last week, Denver's illegal aliens sang our national anthem in Spanish and bastardized the words of OUR country's most sacred song."
"Battles commence as Mexican nationalists struggle to infuse their men into American government and strengthen control over their strongholds. One look at Los Angeles with its Mexican-American mayor shows you Vincente Fox's general Varigossa commanding an American city."
"They create enclaves of separate groups that shall balkanize our nation into fractured nightmares of social unrest and poverty."
"Corruption is the mechanism by which Mexico operates. Its people spawn more corruption wherever they go because it is their only known way of life."
"Tough, nasty illegals and their advocates grow in such numbers that law and order will not subdue them. They run us out of our cities and states. They conquer our language and our schools. They render havoc and chaos in our schools."
"We are much like the Titanic as we inbreed millions of Mexico's poor, the world's poor and we watch our country sink."
(The following was taken from an e-mail with the subject What's a racist?)
"I'm racist because I don't want to be taxed to pay for a prison population comprised of mainly Hispanics, Latinos, Mexicans or whatever else you wish to call them."
"I'm a racist because I believe the News Media has a duty to tell us the names and race of criminals."
"I'm a racist because I object to having to pay higher sales tax and property tax to build more schools for the illegitimate children of illegal aliens."
"I'm a racist because I dislike having to push one for English and/or listening to a message in Spanish."
"Factual is not racial. Realism is not racism. The new definition of racist is anyone winning an argument with a liberal, minority, pacifist, bible banger, or moron."

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Well-Known Member
Because when they put it in a factual and true way it just sounds too stupid.

When worded true and factually few support them.

"My company won't pay for my birth control. "

So what?

"My company is denying me access to birth control. "

How terrible!

See how that works.
"my company won't pay for my diabetes medication because of their religious beliefs, but they totally aren't imposing their beliefs on me"

herp derp flerp dee derp.


Well-Known Member
That is some crazy shit right there. Do you have a link to the interview transcript?

It's unfortunate that this mindset is prevalent among the political and monied classes.

Stuff like this has become common of late, I was reading about Israel giving depo provera to Ethiopian women who have migrated to the country.


Well-Known Member
These are excerpts from e-mails Russell Pearce sent from 2006 to 2011. The American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona acquired about 10,000 pages of e-mails from legislative staff via a public records request.
"The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two-and-a-half times that of non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the U.S."
"The birth rate among illegal immigrants is substantially higher than the population at large."
"Last week, Denver's illegal aliens sang our national anthem in Spanish and bastardized the words of OUR country's most sacred song."
"Battles commence as Mexican nationalists struggle to infuse their men into American government and strengthen control over their strongholds. One look at Los Angeles with its Mexican-American mayor shows you Vincente Fox's general Varigossa commanding an American city."
"They create enclaves of separate groups that shall balkanize our nation into fractured nightmares of social unrest and poverty."
"Corruption is the mechanism by which Mexico operates. Its people spawn more corruption wherever they go because it is their only known way of life."
"Tough, nasty illegals and their advocates grow in such numbers that law and order will not subdue them. They run us out of our cities and states. They conquer our language and our schools. They render havoc and chaos in our schools."
"We are much like the Titanic as we inbreed millions of Mexico's poor, the world's poor and we watch our country sink."
(The following was taken from an e-mail with the subject What's a racist?)
"I'm racist because I don't want to be taxed to pay for a prison population comprised of mainly Hispanics, Latinos, Mexicans or whatever else you wish to call them."
"I'm a racist because I believe the News Media has a duty to tell us the names and race of criminals."
"I'm a racist because I object to having to pay higher sales tax and property tax to build more schools for the illegitimate children of illegal aliens."
"I'm a racist because I dislike having to push one for English and/or listening to a message in Spanish."
"Factual is not racial. Realism is not racism. The new definition of racist is anyone winning an argument with a liberal, minority, pacifist, bible banger, or moron."

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isn't that what the lotteries are for?


Well-Known Member
lol, i was reminding you of reality and how your rhetoric does not correspond to it, beenthere.

just like always.

skewed polls ring a bell, washere?
Everyone knows you were see4, don't try to deflect it by accusing me of being someone else, besides, who gives a fuck what you think?


Well-Known Member
There is a bill in Congress now to make birth control pills over the counter. Great idea! Increases availability to all women and lowers cost.

You progs all support it, right?
you know what would make birth control more affordable for women?

if you just treat it like medicine, which it is.

but you stuck in the past, paleoconservative, misogynist prudes can't bring yourselves to fathom the thought, since you sexually repressed homophobes never get laid anyway.


Well-Known Member
Population of the planet is out of control. Humans are like fucking locusts.

Not sure what the solution is, but people need to stop spitting out so many kids .....especially the ones that can't afford to raise them. Rubber up, and if that fails get an abortion.
Well, if they can't afford to raise them, then who's enabling these folks to the point that millions of people are raising kids they can't afford?

Oh that's right, "the neighbors" are paying for everything these days.

Sadly when the final straw is drawn and people have had enough of it, its the children who will suffer the most.