

Well-Known Member
i will say that nothing gets me higher like a bong though hahaha vaporizor gets me high but its not like a bong hit, nowhere near as intense... but thats only cause when you smoke your body releases europhoric counteractants to combatant the damaging particles that come from burning and inhaling something, its sorta like the europhoria you get from working out except its not beneficial like working out, so with a vape because you aren't actually inhaling any damaging particles aka smoke, none of those europhoric sensations are felt compared to that of a bong rip


Well-Known Member
how do u get the hash oil bro?
everytime you vaporize, a little bit of the vapor gets into the body of the vaporizor so you take it apart and run an ISO 99% alcohol wash through it (or everclear) and then evaporate that alcohol and you're left with hash oil, although its a little contaminated from using alochol and not as potent as say butane oil or ice water hash but still way more potent than regular weed and not as harmful

plus you can vape the hash oil as well lololol i dont even need to go into the benefits of that 1


Well-Known Member
No doubt it's a different high. I like them both. But now that I tried the vape, when I'm home, it's on. I'm still grabbing for the lighter everytime I fire it up. lol


Well-Known Member
Figured I post an update on my vape experience. I love the high. I love the fact I'm not inhaling carcinogens. Can't tell the difference in my cardio endurance as of yet, but hoping it's coming. Feels just like when I quit cigarettes whatever fucking year that was, think 2001. Still smoking bones outside the crib though.


Well-Known Member
Are you supposed to turned the shit off between hits? I've been keeping it on for long periods of time. Is this OK? I'm I gonna fuck it up or something?

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
haha bro I leave mine on all the time, but not if I'm like leaving or doing something extended.. if it's between hits and you aren't taking 45 minutes per hit then you are fine. What part of 5th av you like to smoke on yo? I bet we have walked right past each other high as shit before, nyc is funny like that.. the coincidences that go down here are unbelievable sometimes..


Well-Known Member
I've been researching vaporizers, yet haven't come across any real people testimonials. So, what say ya'll? Do they work as advertised? Are they a mother to maintain? Drawbacks? Any info/advice will be appreciated.
Dude, I get sooooooooo high from my Arizer Vaporizer Extreme. It costs half of what the volcano costs and it comes with tons of accessories (including a remote control, which I use 100% of the time). It's so much better than smoking. You don't get the harsh tightness in your chest on hits that are too big, the weed smell is completely different and much more easy to hide from others in the vicinity. One of the cool things about using a vape is that you get to taste the flavor of the weed. Different plants have different flavors. I really need to get myself a bluberry clone. I bet that would taste awesome.

Okay, now for the most important reason. My best friend is a radiation therapist who treats cancer patients all day long. Now, it hasn't been proven that smoking weed causes cancer, but come on. Anytime you smoke ANYTHING you are opening yourself up for health problems (including cancer). My buddy treats pot smokers all day long for cancer...and these are people who never touched a cigarette.

And he vapes as well.

I LOVE the high you get from vaping. It is a little different than smoking, but once you learn your vaporizer you can get more baked than smoking. The high is so mellow. It's like, you know when you've gotten too baked and started getting paranoid, heart beats really fast, etc... Well, you can get even higher than that but without the paranoia.

I'm rambling now :lol:

If you want to try it without a investing a huge amount of money, get the VB Brothers vaporizer. It's only about $170 and works very well. If you get one, here's what I found works best...

Turn the vape on as high as it can go
Grind your herbs fairly small (but not down to powder)
Fill up the bowl about 1/4"
Put the bowl on the heating element for a couple minutes
Turn the heat down just a tiny bit
Draw to where you feel a little bit of a vacuum on the whip

That's it. You will get the biggest hits doing it that way. You should be able to get about 3 or 4 big hits before having to reload.

If you like it and want to upgrade, get one with the baloons. They're great.

PS: I've heard that the spent weed will get you really high if you smoke it. I throw mine away because the whole point of vaping is to not smoke.

And hey everyone, this is all based on my personal experience. I'm sure others will have different settings and their favorite vaporizers.


Well-Known Member
haha bro I leave mine on all the time, but not if I'm like leaving or doing something extended.. if it's between hits and you aren't taking 45 minutes per hit then you are fine. What part of 5th av you like to smoke on yo? I bet we have walked right past each other high as shit before, nyc is funny like that.. the coincidences that go down here are unbelievable sometimes..
I'm all over Manhattan but primarily midtown and downtown. I go uptown occasionally. Yeah, I figure I walk about 5 miles a day there. No doubt about the passing each other shit. I've run into people from eons ago. Like what the fuck are the chances of that. Even people from my gym I spot in Manhattan, a few times already.


Well-Known Member
LOL LOL LOL Holy shit. Fuck I wish I could have seen that attempt. What size? Bathroom, Kitchen, Garage? LOL


Well-Known Member
Alright - Here is the first and last word - Yes they work - yes they kick ass - yes you get a great CLEAN buzz off of a little bud.

I started out with one of these. Worked great - but was kind of a pain in the ass - the glass and tube get filthy. The vapor was hit or miss - sometimes you would get a great hit and it would cash the smoke out and that would be it. It was also a pain because the process of filing the tube, plugging it in, waiting for the vapor, having to stand and make sure not to pull the tube out on accident and then getting an inconsistent hit.
NATURAL GOODS HANDS FREE DIGITAL HERBAL VAPORIZER NEW!! - eBay (item 110294763503 end time Oct-30-08 10:38:17 PDT)

I used that for a while before I decided to upgrade - I was on craigslist and some dude was getting rid of his lightly used Volcano. This thing is 100% better. Heats up faster, easier to use, and the bag "averages" out the vapor so that each hit is the same. Also you can fill the bag up, sit on the couch and pop in a movie or game and take hits whenever you want without having the machine near you. I use the turkey bag as well, but I think I am going to go back to the Volcano bags. I find the turkey bag is unstable and I have to hold the base on the machine to keep it from tipping over while filling. Never had that problem with the noticably slimmer volcano bags. Cleanup is simple - Throw the bag away, unscrew the screen on the plunger and soak in alcohol overnight - remove and screw new screen on.

As far as portable fuck J's. I looked at
Vapir ONE v.5 Vaporizer Herbs Vapor Smoke Tobacco Aroma - eBay (item 160289488608 end time Oct-10-08 17:58:02 PDT)

But when it came down to it that thing is big, expensive, and not all that portable when compared to.

A friend gave me a pipe that is just like the vaporgenie and it is fucking awesome!!! It fits in my pocket, you drop your herbs in the bowl and screw the cap on - nothing falls out and it is ready when you are, simple to use, you only need your lungs and a lighter to make it work - and they are CHEAP!!!! I think he paid $20 for mine. Took me a couple of bowls to figure it out but now i get nothing but vapor. You can literally carry it on you everywhere and noone will know...


Well-Known Member
Already got the home vape cooking. But thanks for the info on the port. Figure if I use it a home might as well outside. Don't know yet.


Active Member
I love my volcano so much that if it went missing I would buy another at 6 or 7 hundred hands down,,, it rules and it pays for itself...........


Well-Known Member
I'm still looking for input on a portable vape. I'm looking for something that can be carried in the pocket.

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
i used a small one that buffered the weed from the lighter flame with metal so it sorta worked..but man it was shitty.. water cure your weed so it doesn't smell ;)


Well-Known Member
i used a small one that buffered the weed from the lighter flame with metal so it sorta worked..but man it was shitty.. water cure your weed so it doesn't smell ;)
I owe you couple now bro. Smokin, thanks for tip. I'll be away awhile going to South Beach for 6 days. I be hitting while I'm therebongsmilie Later