Anyone watch Burn Notice.


Well-Known Member
it came on at 9 down here..but i missed it

it comes on again at 12....

michael can be funny as hell sometimes

when hes comein off as a geek try to infratrate someone

i keep remembering the ep, where he had that asthma inhaler and he let that dude dislocate his shoulder...

he puts his self through some tourture sometimes..


Well-Known Member
ah those were actually two different episodes. The one where he had the inhaler was when he was trying to recover a stolen shipment of meds (Antibiotics) for children and was talked into it by his side kick that drinks alot. It was a favor for his friend who got into mikes moms interest. The dislocated shoulder was a episode where he was pretending to be a lawyer and had to kidnap a venezuelan property dealer and the security to the vena guy dislocked his shoulder. Yea i watch the show alot.


Well-Known Member
i download alot of shit online and movies arent the only thing i get....Tv shows are another. Easy to keep up with it.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is interested in how to download movies and tv shows i can help you out so you dont get viruses. Very simple and very entertaining when you smoke


Well-Known Member
Just watched the season finale. I wished I watched previous seasons I just used to think the show's a little too corny and far fetched, which I still do but I look past it. It reminds me of Leverage which is on TNT (also a great ass show) because they're always duping people tricking them to do shit.

On a side note did anyone know that Michael Weston cat got a DUI just a week or two ago in Miami. He shoulda just stuck to that good Dade dank.