Anyone Grown Sour Diesel? (I'm Worried)


This is my first grow. I got the seeds on a trade from some dude I met in class. I have read elsewhere that SD doesnt' come in seeds. So I am unsure of whether or not I actually have SD seeds. that being said; whatever they are...from the plants are sativa as fuck.

The problem is that they are five weeks into flower yet, and as you can see from the pics, they have barely begun to flower yet. I am just not sure if I should trash the grow or not, and start with something more predictable and easy for a noob.

The plants look robust and healthy, one of them has stretched at least 3x (closer to 4x its height since I turned the plants. I have had to bend it pretty far sideways and tie it to the wall in order to control the height. When I rub the stalk, my fingers are sticky with resin and smell like fresh ganja. The leaves are starting to develop crystals on them...although they are not obtuse enough yet for me to be able to capture them with my camera.

There is just this problem with them taking so long to flower. I am unsure of what I should do. I don't know if my grow is broken somehow.



Active Member
5 weeks into flower any strain should be showing buts. ARe you sure your plants are only getting light 12 hours a day? They seem to be fighting flowering.

Could you have light leaks?


Well-Known Member
def don't trash it, they look really healthy. Sativa can take a REALLY REALLY REALLY long time to flower. But its worth it.


Yeah, they are on for 12/12. I know there are no light leaks. I checked and checked several times to make sure. I'll try what the other poster said, and reduce my lighting to 6/18. I'm getting pretty discouraged with this, so I'm willing to try just about anything that sounds reasonable.


Active Member
Hay, don't let it get you down.

My first attempt at cloning I had 100% success. Of course it was a male that I did it with. Has to start over, oh well.

Stick with it, don't let it frustrate you.

Best of Luck.


some sativas can take up to 12-14 weeks of flowering
I read of oen guy growing a sativa that took seventeen weeks to fully flower. I guess what I am wondering is even if it takes twelve weeks or more...after six weeks, should I be seeing any more than just a couple of pistols coming from the nodes.

I have ordered some more seeds (different strains) for my next grow, so it will take me a while to get those ready to turn. So I have plenty of time to wait. So there is nothing I can do except to watch them grow and hope something comes of it.


Well-Known Member
I currently have a similar looking sativa that did the same thing, but it has, in time, produced its flowers. It took 3 weeks roughly to show hairs and then another 4-5 weeks before it started to swell up and look like bud. Have you noticed a progressive increase in pistils? and What kind of light are you using?


Active Member
i turn my Sour D out in about 8 weeks max. Those are defiantly not Sour D. As tussel said as well, to much nitro and they will slow way down... Dont toss them though, they look really healthy. I had some Chem Dog4 do the same thing. Took way to long imo, but ended up with great weight and great product.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I read of oen guy growing a sativa that took seventeen weeks to fully flower. I guess what I am wondering is even if it takes twelve weeks or more...after six weeks, should I be seeing any more than just a couple of pistols coming from the nodes.

I have ordered some more seeds (different strains) for my next grow, so it will take me a while to get those ready to turn. So I have plenty of time to wait. So there is nothing I can do except to watch them grow and hope something comes of it.

thats why i dont do sativas.. takes too long for my liking... All u can do is be patient and wait it out...


I currently have a similar looking sativa that did the same thing, but it has, in time, produced its flowers. It took 3 weeks roughly to show hairs and then another 4-5 weeks before it started to swell up and look like bud. Have you noticed a progressive increase in pistils? and What kind of light are you using?
I have definitely noticed an increase in pistils now, but there is nothing that is looking like buds yet. I am almost through with the seventh week of flowering. My light is a 400 watt light.


The other thing about these plants is the way that they continue to stretch. In seven weeks, they are already four times bigger than when I turned them and still stretching fast. I have bent them both way over and anchored them to the floor with a big rock, and am anchoring them to the wall so that they can grow in a spiral around the closet. If these things wind up taking twelve to fourteen weeks (I read one guy who said his sativa plants took seventeen weeks), then I am going to have some really huge, spiralled marijuana trees growing in my closet.