anyone else scared of this? i dont want to stop breathing


Well-Known Member
Vaccines?! Whatever happened to natural selection?
I think thats part of the plan....i think most doctors and scientists and extremely wealthy belive in evolution so by promoting vaccinations and other things like food processing and antibacterial soaps they could be lowering human resistance. If they didnt use these practices on themselves they could become evolutainarly stronger and healthier over generations-its called Eugenics. Bill gates father was part of Planned Parent hood ....


Well-Known Member
Population reduction has been on the agenda of the global elite for quite some time. Vaccines could very well be the easiest way to implement their plan. FEMA has the power to round us up, confiscate our guns(they did it after Katrina), put us into temporary internment camps and force vaccinate us at gunpoint. The Constitution of The United States of America means absolutely nothing once martial law has been declared. As to the whole global warming issue watch this movie.

please elaborate. :eyesmoke:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
sorry gents I had to laugh my ass off at conspiracy theories concerning population reduction. We need way better standards when it comes to population control. We are busting at the seems. Does not have to part of government it should be like recycling and water conservation and organic lawn care! Take a minute to think about the whole earth before you pop a few out. Do you really need that many any way. I personally like to read and go to the gym. That beats kids anyday anyway!!!! hehehehe. :)


Well-Known Member
please elaborate. :eyesmoke:
Anywhere that was devastated by katrina, FEMA assisted by the national guard went around collecting guns. Not from people on the streets, but door to door, from people trying to protect what they had left. Look it up.


Well-Known Member
Anywhere that was devastated by katrina, FEMA assisted by the national guard went around collecting guns. Not from people on the streets, but door to door, from people trying to protect what they had left. Look it up.
you are the one claiming it as fact. got a source?


Well-Known Member
i read about the situation they had in new orleans. for the weird stuff their doing with vaccines you can google experimental vaccines tested on the poor in L.A. county...theyve just addimtted to doing it in L.A. thats pretty recent its from the 90"s but its been done internationally and weve been doing it for years in a M.A. hospital they injected pregnant women with radium...the Govt made a settlement on that one. you can google that also or i can post links if you want


Well-Known Member
pretty easy, ... when the armed national guard comes put your guns down. :dunce:

people were "asked to leave, not forced".

dudes who were arrested said themselves "our guns were bigger than theirs".

who the fuck arms themselves to talk to the national guard? they seemed to be a little cocky with their big guns as well. the rich rocker dudes, that is.

"they entered OPEN houses with guns drawn when no one responded." well yeah, pretty much procedure in a situation such as this.

it might be a roundup to you, but i see otherwise.



Active Member
I don't want any toxic shit around me(or at least try to limit it in this petrochemical based world) whether its supposedly "safe" levels or not. Its still TOXIC and I'd like to keep it as far away from my body as possible.


Well-Known Member
I don't want any toxic shit around me(or at least try to limit it in this petrochemical based world) whether its supposedly "safe" levels or not. Its still TOXIC and I'd like to keep it as far away from my body as possible.
good thing you didn't grow up in the 70's, lol. :joint:


Well-Known Member
At least the C word hasnt been used too many times so far....
i think those days are over now they make a lot of this stuff public record...its just that the majority of people are idiots who are uninformed and ignorant and most people can't read and wont listen to anything more intellectual than their 10 o clock news and most idiots dont even watch that


Well-Known Member
sorry gents I had to laugh my ass off at conspiracy theories concerning population reduction. We need way better standards when it comes to population control. We are busting at the seems. Does not have to part of government it should be like recycling and water conservation and organic lawn care! Take a minute to think about the whole earth before you pop a few out. Do you really need that many any way. I personally like to read and go to the gym. That beats kids anyday anyway!!!! hehehehe. :)
china has put themselves in a nice position...everyones working and the popullations not exploding so their kids will have jobs to