Anybody hear about the girl found dead, stuffed in a suitcase on a sidewalk in NYC?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Good points both ways but, Does anyone know who or what the girl was or did before this? Who's to say it's not her Karma coming back to her? I mean at one point people stacked up huge bricks into pyramids to facilitate travel in the afterlife, now in modern times we have suitcases. who were the sociopaths?
Are you equating using a pyramid as a tomb to murdering someone and stuffing them into a suitcase? I don't follow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah trying to follow might not be a good idea lol. I don't really know where that came from? My point was more about the karma and was just saying maybe it was her karma coming back to her, Does karma only do one way transactions, maybe there are hundreds or thousands of peoples karma's wrapeed up into every event, Since were here and talking about it maybe on a smaller non-life threatening way we are all giving and recieving some karma from this.

Now back to the pyramid thingy, ahh I'd rather disregard that comment. Proof that people think fucked up things sometimes.


Active Member
I used to think the same thing.. but then when I hear things like this, I can't even imagine ANYTHING that could happen to him that would even be close to as terrible as the act he committed.

I think of the girl, and the lives she will never influence.. the love she will never share.. the family who raised innocent girl taken away in the most terrible way imagineable by some sick fucking guy who gets off on such a thing.

You are so sweet. Hug me :hug:

The world is a fucked up place. People fuck children until they're in half and most of their families don't have bodies left to bury. Its hard to think about people having the ability to do something like that...Its a never ending cycle. Someone has a fucked up childhood...they fuck up their on.. I just hope that natural selection is working overtime, because WE NEED IT!!!!


Well-Known Member
These things have a way of working out, as long as they catch very soon. Then he gets convicted, goes to jail and gets his justice, the brothers will get him, might take a year or two but they will get him. Sleep easy there is a justice system inside and it's brutal, just what he needs.