any advice for the new guy


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of homeguard, but like most cleaners I bet it's probably toxic and expensive. quote]

Discussing something you never heard of???? Hmmmm.
You must of been stoned and jumped into the middle of the thread without reading the beginning, we were discussing PESTICIDES and preventing spider mites.
Peroxide is not a pesticide that will help with spider mites.
And I use vinegar to clean my system.
The title of the thread is " any advise for the new guy " I was merely explaining some of the benefits of H202 (which I believe to be excellent advise), while stating my skepticism on this "homegaurd" product. I said nothing untrue.
Besides are you not aware of the devastating effects that chemical pesticides have done and are doing to our planet? That is why I am skeptical about the stuff. If chemical pesticides where required for growing mary jane then I would NOT be doing it. They are not necessary!
IF this homegaurd is not a chemical pesticide then I apologize.
Also I think its worth mentioning the cannabanoids that the marijuana plant produces are in fact natural pesticides. That is why the plant makes them, to protect itself from bugs. The "high" that people get from smoking it is merely a side affect. Same thing for cocaine and almost all other plant derived "drugs" They are all pesticdes to protect the plant that produces them.
Now then I'm not saying that the plant can take care of the spidermites by itself but.....But chemicals are never the best solution.
Just trying to help.....peace.


Active Member
All of you guys are the best. The way people have embraced me, my goals, and the rookie questions that I have is just crazy. two weeks ago I had no idea of any of this now I just need to understand the venting I have an 750 watt mogul base florescent I just bought and don't want to overheat my plants. Do I need a glass to separate the light and the plants?Is it necessary to even get the mylar flexible duct if I have the fans? Just some stuff that has me stumped. Thanks everyone