Another unarmed black shot by police


Well-Known Member
calm down, princess.

there is no need to be so upset.
Ha! Says the guy who adds bold and large font size/color to a citation when asked to provide it for the first time.

Hey, why don't you comment on some more things I didn't say? Maybe nobody will notice.


Well-Known Member
You act like you've already supplied the citation. Settle down, sweetie.

First off, how can I 'be right' in saying that the hospital staff or EMTs should have removed the cuffs with their own key when I didn't even come close to suggesting such a thing? Linear conversations man.. L-I-N-E-A-R. I asked if you were trying to say that the guy just sat there until midnight waiting to be treated since he 'was ignored'.

And no, the staff would be complete idiots to remove handcuffs from a patient without police presence unless it was absolutely necessary. It's not unusual for a cop to cuff somebody after they shoot them, nor is it unheard of to cuff a suspect to a hospital bed. The only problem with that in this case is that the cop was trying to cover his ass and make it look legit, as if the guy was a flight risk. Clearly, that was ended sometime around midnight. My guess is the higher brass saw that there was no way in hell they were going to arrest this poor guy after being treated, and ordered him released from the cuffs.

And the officer fired.

And the lawyers contacted, etc etc

A need to be upset? No, there is not.


Well-Known Member
"retarded suppositions"


you;re always so right, princess.
Caught in your own shit trap, again? Still have nothing of substance to add?

You refuse to answer how many people you know don't have photo ID, yet claim that 11% of all adults not having it MUST be accurate because a graphic told you so.

You think cartels are a benevolent bunch of fellas.

You think it's ok for school officials to make political and religious statements.

Why is it so hard for you to answer direct questions and have a linear conversation?


Well-Known Member
just my retarded suppositions and propaganda, as usual.

or, as people who are not idiots would call them, facts.
So why are you so afraid to use these facts in the real world? I mean, isn't the whole idea behind scientific polling to predict how the nation as a whole will answer?

How can you support science but not support questioning anything?