Another innocent murdered by illegals


Well-Known Member
Y'know, that's just another one of your crazy ideas, but I like it.

We should definitely do that around the borders of both Carolinas, let's keep all of those crazy rednecks away from civilized people.

And you're right, let's leave the bodies, "buzzards gotta eat, worms too."

You're in Colorado, hows it any of your concern?


Well-Known Member
Beautiful place IMO...Passed through there on my way to Tijuana or Ensenada. Lots of military personal in San Diego
wife and i once spent a long weekend in san diego. awesome little city. way more hills than i thought. ate a ton of seafood, hit up the beach, the zoo. stayed at an awesome little hotel where all the rooms basically looked inward to a nice little arboretum/swimming pool area. like a tropical heaven, but only a few hours from phoenix.


Well-Known Member
Y'know, that's just another one of your crazy ideas, but I like it.

We should definitely do that around the borders of both Carolinas, let's keep all of those crazy rednecks away from civilized people.

And you're right, let's leave the bodies, "buzzards gotta eat, worms too."

I like it too. I can fly over state borders because it's legal. I'll trade minefields around NC for minefields around our national borders any day. Illegals can't hop on an airline and fly in. Good trade.


Well-Known Member
I like it too. I can fly over state borders because it's legal. I'll trade minefields around NC for minefields around our national borders any day. Illegals can't hop on an airline and fly in. Good trade.
half of all illegals came here legally, so your homicidal plan that is too extreme even for the KKK would not even be effective.

much like you in bed with your highly unsatisfied wife.


Well-Known Member
I like it too. I can fly over state borders because it's legal. I'll trade minefields around NC for minefields around our national borders any day. Illegals can't hop on an airline and fly in. Good trade.
Ever heard of the ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico?
We going to eliminate the other visas they use to get here as well?


Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right, we need to blame the entire liberal mentality, their complete fucking naïveté AND the POTUS for subscribing to the same insane justifications they use to excuse illegal immigrants from immediate removal. Is ANYONE surprised that the San Francisco police didn't turn him over for deportation?

Her death is the fault of liberal fuckstains and the ilk that peddle their bullshit.
i'm kinda sorry i 'liked' your previous post..respect points were still calculating..when damn, dude!:wall:



Well-Known Member
Beautiful place IMO...Passed through there on my way to Tijuana or Ensenada. Lots of military personal in San Diego
Why are you in support of the federal executive branch's police force, but not the states executive branch's police force? Oh thats right...