Anne Coulter vs a Room full of Libertarians, Refuses to answer any questions


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show that the Republicans don't give a shit about liberty. Supposedly, the only reason she is against marijuana is because she thinks she will have to pay for their healthcare and whatnot. They just don't want to pay for anyone elses shit, at whatever cost.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Ann is in the business of making money. The more outrageous she is, the more airtime she gets. The more airtime she gets, the more books she sells. Her bank account is her main motivation. She has no loyalties except for the almighty dollar.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
anne coulter in an auditorium filled with left leaning and centre-left college kids and john stossel all demanding to know "when did you stop beating your wife?", and "how much did it hurt when they did your sex change?".

yeah, i would have told em to eat a sack of cocks.

ann coulter is a commenter not a contestant on jeopardy. answering random questions unrelated to the book she is plugging is not in her skillset. her publicist fucked up, like sneding mitt romney to speak to the NAACP or letting BHO address a voter without a teleprompter feeding him lines. it's just a bad booking.

while you may get a schadenfreude boner from this, it still has no more meaning that lady gaga's latest twatter post on... whatever that other she-male twats about.

i would still do anne coulter.

she's good lookin and very convincing. sometimes i cant even see her adam's apple.


Well-Known Member
Ann Coulter is confronted by a room full of libertarians, Dodges questions on War, Same sex marriage, and the drug war.
You know, Anne made a point about destruction of the family unit and the transference of loyalty to the government. She left out the conservatives, but she made a decent enough point on that and everyone laughed. SSI, welfare, medicaid, all these are transference of power which weakens the family units and society as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Give this pro-war crazy cunt a rifle and send her off to war. Matter of fact since most the gun nuts are also chicken hawks have them go fight the wars they want so bad with their 'well regulated militia'.

They turned me down for medical reasons after my physical even when I had medical documentation to the contrary over a scar. This was when the Iraq had just started.


Well-Known Member
For the last time, these morons are not libertarians. A libertarian is an anti-state socialist, or other anti-state leftist. Second, Ann Coulter is a disgusting hypocritical crazy cunt who's in it for the money.
The definition of liberty is anti-socialist. In socialism, the government stops you from doing what you want with your labor. You can't have freedom of actions when the government is telling you what to do. Libertarian Socialism or non state forced Socialism can only come about by pure Libertarianism. People WANTING to take care of each other. Libertarianism then should be your first goal, and Socialism should be the second. What you and whats his face seem to be not understanding is that Socialism without Statism cannot exist using laws that force people to give up and not own the means of production. For the last time, stop being stupid.


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show that the Republicans don't give a shit about liberty. Supposedly, the only reason she is against marijuana is because she thinks she will have to pay for their healthcare and whatnot. They just don't want to pay for anyone elses shit, at whatever cost.
Whats wrong with not wanting to pay for anyone else's shit?


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with not wanting to pay for anyone else's shit?
The issue I have is being forced to pay for other's shit. I don't mind helping the helpless, it's the clueless that's taking my money that I have issues with. I honestly don't mind helping the clueless if it's the help I want to give. I'm a firm believer in teach a man to fish... instead, my money is used to give the clueless a fish instead of giving them a line and hook.


Well-Known Member
The issue I have is being forced to pay for other's shit. I don't mind helping the helpless, it's the clueless that's taking my money that I have issues with. I honestly don't mind helping the clueless if it's the help I want to give. I'm a firm believer in teach a man to fish... instead, my money is used to give the clueless a fish instead of giving them a line and hook.
My question was what was wrong with not watching to pay for someone else. Life acted like that is a crime or something evil. You believe in charity, Life believes in charity with your money. Ain't life grand?


New Member
You know, Anne made a point about destruction of the family unit and the transference of loyalty to the government. She left out the conservatives, but she made a decent enough point on that and everyone laughed. SSI, welfare, medicaid, all these are transference of power which weakens the family units and society as a whole.
that is a good point that you made, and it is true, If she said it like that it would be different, but she said something like 'the liberals have a psyop conspiracy to destroy the family'


Well-Known Member
that is a good point that you made, and it is true, If she said it like that it would be different, but she said something like 'the liberals have a psyop conspiracy to destroy the family'
I don't think she meant it like I said it. However, she did say they were destroying the family. That part is true enough, even if they don't know they are doing it or how.