Almost gone


Well-Known Member
Okay ive only got like .5 grams left, ill go grab tommorrow so its all good. But to get the most out of this tonight what do you guys suggest I do. Gravity bong, pipe, or roll a tiny ass joint? I broke my bong last week so thats not an option.


Well-Known Member
some people call it hot plates, you take two butter knives and heat them up on the stove till theyre red hot and then put a nug between them. its actually a lot of work now that i think of it but you have to have the top of a soda bottle to channel the smoke...if you're up for it it's a sure fire way to get blitzed


Well-Known Member
waterfall bongs are cool too. you can find out how to make those on youtube, super easy and fun to watch


Well-Known Member
oh well when i said gravity i was thinking of a waterfall arent they really the same thing?!??!?!


Well-Known Member
Yea basically the same thing.
Lately I've been preferring joints and bowls because I like to feel the rising high and have it be steady and nice rather than all of a sudden boom super stoned gravity bong intensity. So I would say roll a little joint and have a chill night!


Well-Known Member
See yeah I kinda want to roll a little joint, but then again I want to be as high as I can get. I have a nice gravity bong too. Its made out of a glass sobe bottle that I drilled a hole in for the water to pour out and then have a rubber plug to close it up. The bowl is some metal bowl that i had from some crap pipe and its just taped to the top of the metal cap from the bottle.