Allergic to the High


Well-Known Member
so im blessed with aan awesome man who cant smoke himself but is totally down with me living the herbal lifestyle, but the thing is he doesnt smoke because every time he does he gets severly sick! Throwing up, disorientation, the whole bit, i mean its like hes been gassed or something the last time it happened i had to go get him from work where hed puked 3 times and then passed out in a car lmao, off 1 hit of orange crush (he was the boss, so didnt get in trouble) i took him home and wraped him in a blanket on the couch and after hed slept for a few hours he was totally fine...both of his brothers are the same way too

so anyone ever heard of being allergic to the smoke but not the plant? he putters around in our garden as much as i do and doesnt develop rashes or skin reactions at all but let him take 1 hit and its over...

im not all that upset about having the best honorary stoner of all time as my man, plus i dont like to share that much hehe must be the only child syndrome =D but im just curious, ive read about reacting to the plants but not really from smoking them, weird...


Well-Known Member get to smoke twice as much in the name of awesome.

But that is weird, because I can smoke all day, but if I touch my skin I Break out like

I have chicken pox.


Well-Known Member
how about when he eats it.... same thing? he could try that, or vaporizing...... try out some other methods, it sounds like he would enjoy being stoned (if he didn't get sick)


Well-Known Member
No hes never eaten it, i had to put big warning sign on me 420 brownies so he wouldnt go into a coma or anything lol

i asked him if hed like to try it but he said no, i think hes scared it will have the same effect and ingesting it lasts so much longer than smoking...

i was just wondering if his family is mutated or what lol


Well-Known Member
man sorry to here that. i have heard of people feeling woozy and such from smoking alot... but never off one hit. How does he react with cigarettes (sorry for making him sound like a test subject >.>) similar / same / different?...
best of luck
i smoke this next blunt for you.


Well-Known Member
thats a bummer, what about making him some really weak brownies? cut whatever you use right now by 4, so your only using 1/4 of what you normally would. and see how that works for him. I know you said he's afraid because it lasts so much longer, but if he enjoys the ganga, he should be open to trying the weakened brownies.


Well-Known Member
he was a cig smoker for years and smoked like a freight train but with nothing like the effect of mary on him he has said since he quit the cigs though he has a lot more energy and feels better....

hes not really wanting to get high he just loves the accessories lol so much so that he opened a head shop and started blowing glass, unfortunately the shop is long gone due to selling it to a secret crackhead =( but were working on getting him up and running blowing glass again...

once he gets some pieces done ill post some pics he does some good work =D


Well-Known Member
^ you could probably sell them online, like advertise them here. I'd definately buy a few. I can never have too many pipes. Wait are you in the U.S.?


Well-Known Member
i have a few pieces he made me a while back ill see about getting them up tomorrow since im OFF! yay me!