Family Dr. Retired... Need Help!!!


Okay so my family doctor has finally retired after a very long & successful career, and I have all the respect in the world for him. He's known my family since he was a young doctor, he was first my Aunt's doctor 30years ago and then the rest of my family was lucky enough to get him as well including me. ANYWAY... Now I have a new doctor who has taken on all of the old patients although I don't think he's evil or anything and do actually believe he's trying to help me I just got an uncomfortable vibe due to the meds I take.

So I sat down and he went through my record and went right to asking if I did any "funny stuff" and I said I smoke pot sometimes with friends or family... Then he re-asked and I shouldn't have said it but i forgot he wasnt the doctor who delivered me and I said I've tried ecstasy and cocaine in college (pretty sure I told my old doctor I tried it)...Anyway my meds are: acetazolamide and percocet. I take two acetazolamide a day for the intracranial hypertension I have and the percocet for the pain that comes with it and the headaches I've experienced daily for 2years that once made it impossible to get out of bed, work, go to school, etc... I'm only 20years and am in constant pain all day, all the time 24/7. It's quite depressing actually... Everyone moving on but me from highschool. The doctors say it's intracranial hypertension causing most of the mess, which is too much fluid between ur skull and brain that holds ur brain in place so it puts pressure on my brain, face and eyes because my body doesnt drain it properly or creates to much(But I've also had a doctor say its something else recently... Ugh). Now I can barely get out of bed and once lived a very athletic lifestyle... rep hockey, hockey camps, highschool hockey, girlfriends, parties etc... (blatant Canadian)

But lately things have been better, however the doctor wants to take me off of the meds and essentially believes I'm faking it I assume, considering how much ive been in and out in the past year for my really bad headaches where ive called multiple ambulances because I wake up in excrutiating pain and am certain I'm dying. The edge of the pain has been cut in half with the new combination of meds. 2 acetazolamide each day, 2percocet 3 times a day (as soon as I wake up or Im too sore to move, lunch and before bed... I know 6percocet for a 20yo is a lot... but this is the closest ive gotten to having a "normal quality" life in over a year and I don't want it too end so soon. but I was in and out of the hospital on a morphine drip and taking rediculous doses of dilaudid because the neurologist used too big of a needle during the lumbar puncture so I had to get a blood patch done where they extract blood from one of your arms into a syringe and inject it into other places around where the puncture could be to help clot and block it. So this is clearly real... but I'm afraid to what will happen.. because hes been hinting at not taking them and I'm afraid because I know what will happen, ill feel like death again and be in a ton of pain and lose my life again... I know a lot of people abuse meds... but I've gotten off percs multiple times b4 from breaking my femur and knee injuries and stuff. Also got off Effexor 150mg by myself. Just wish living comfortbly wasnt such a struggle. Basically just need tips on how to talk to my doctor... I can't vocalize my thoughts well sometimes to explain how I am genuinely in pain without looking like a pillhead


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
How's your weight? You need to take off any excess weight you might have.

Pain control for IIH should be handled by your neurologist, usually in conjunction with a pain control specialist. Percocet is not an optimal solution especially in the amount you are taking. Straight codeine or morphine is a cleaner alternative.

At 20 years of age this could be quite a struggle. I'd ask for a referral to a neurosurgeon and look into shunting/stenting. In the interest of full disclosure my bias is surgery. I would still look into it and know the surgeon I wanted etc... whether or not you choose to do anything you may suddenly require surgical intervention at some time in the future so it is better to pick him out now while there is no rush.

Good luck with this and stay away from all forms of speed and any other illicit substance. Cannabis use should depend on your neurologist's, or neurosurgeon's, advice.


Staff member
Be firm.
He cant take you off medications you need, and if he tries to, be firm.
Speak up sally.

I made the mistake of being meek with a doctor once, now my hand is permanently fucked up
now that im pregnant my doctor suggested something i did not want and i basically told her i respect your intelligence but NO.

if he tries to take you off your meds. tell him you have patient rights and you WILL take the complaint to the college of whatever province you are in in canada.
Look it up previously so you dont look like an idiot

untill then if you dont like this doctor, stay with him however, depending on what province they should have a telehealth connect kinda dealio that allows you to sign up for new doctors.
dont just willy nilly leave your doctor were short staffed in canada.
find a group health center and see if you can go there instead, its mostly just a nurse practitioner but they can prescribe your meds.

and everything the poster above me said. expect your neurosurgeon to be a long fucking waiting within the 10 year range


Well-Known Member
Sit in the parking lot, wait to see what car he drives. Get two of your biggest buddies... Nevermind lol