air stone aint bubblin'


New Member
i have an air hog airstone in my cloner that simply isnt making these things clog in the pores in the ceramic? can i take off the red caps in the ends and clean behind there?.....confused:shock:


New Member
i mean if i take the tube off and blow through it there's bubbles coming out but the pump all of the sudden wont push em out of that one....the others are fine. wonder what i should clean em with. i hope someone who's familiar with them will read this and let me know about the end caps.


Well-Known Member
It's clogged, you can go buy a new one or try soaking it in vinegar overnight, usually doesn't work though.

If you are using nutes they do clog quicker, if it's only lasted a week or less you might try another brand of stone.

When you take the hose off the airstone is their air coming out of it ? If there isn't any air going into it there ain't going to be none coming out.


New Member
if you can blow air through it with your mouth and it wont work with the pump it might be that the pump is bad
that's not it...i hooked up the other 4 stones i have to it and it made all of em bubble.....all i need to know is can i take off the red end caps without damaging the stone or it's bubbling function. thanks for the reply:-P