Ahhhh HELP!


Well-Known Member
the browning of your leaves. If it was anything else we would have told you.

Look at the experience here leaving you messages about what to do.

If you cannot get the gel things out then just make sure you only use water.

flush once depending on whether the problem gets worse.

Keep using just water. If i were you i would water with approx 1 1/2 times the size of your pot each time for the next few weeks and allow the soil to dry out quite a bit before watering each time. If the problem gets worse you could try flushing again.

Unsure about these gel balls????? I havent used MG and i dont ever plan on using it.



Well-Known Member
1. How often do I flush it, just once?
2. Will the gel capsels fuck me over and are they the only nutes in the soil? Because if they are there is no reason to flush cause those things are unaffected by water.
3. How do you know it is because of over fertilization?

flush just once

they will not go away, they need to be used up why we're saying just use plain water

we have seen it before

time released nutes are bad if you don't know how to deal with em, to much water and they burn your plants, why everyone says don't use em


Active Member
So if I flush I will be putting in a ton of water, so won't that cause over fertilization and is there a chance my plant could die?


Well-Known Member
the idea is to wash out what is there now, will more get released ,,,yes, but should not be too much,,it is a catch 22 for sure other option would be to transplant into better soil


Well-Known Member
ur going to do more damage sifting threw it. just relax and water it when it drys out and dont feed it.