After all the mistakes... My New Setup


Active Member
I need opinions.... These plants have been outside for about a month and I have transfered it to indoor today.

P.D. Are these the proper lights? Can 2 do for now? I got another two but i didn't have money for the socket thingy. Any advice? Should I change anything? ANYTHING, from distance of lights, positioning, etc...


Well-Known Member
hi im not sure but i think that daylight colour bulbs u have are more 4 the flowering.u need a cool blue cfl 4 veg. just 1 150 watt cool blue grow light .and 1 250 whatt redgrow bulb .they r pretty cheap and have a life span of 10,000 hours


New Member
hi im not sure but i think that daylight colour bulbs u have are more 4 the flowering.u need a cool blue cfl 4 veg. just 1 150 watt cool blue grow light .and 1 250 whatt redgrow bulb .they r pretty cheap and have a life span of 10,000 hours
na thats wrong..the daylights are for veg.. soft white/warm white for flower.I hope dude didnt waste money on that advice lol.


Well-Known Member
get mylar or I even heard emeragancy blankets then I heard they said that those dont work but Ive seen so many ppl use them and say they are great. thats what im going to try or just paint my dresser white.


Well-Known Member
Have no idea. search for it over the net. I dont have any places around me that have Mylar so I am just stuck with other options. as far as light. I dont know. Im on my first time to check out my grow general. I have 4 26 6500k daylights and 1 42watt CFL for about 2-3 plants.


Active Member
Have no idea. search for it over the net. I dont have any places around me that have Mylar so I am just stuck with other options. as far as light. I dont know. Im on my first time to check out my grow general. I have 4 26 6500k daylights and 1 42watt CFL for about 2-3 plants.
I have 4: 27 W, and 5600K.


Well-Known Member
how many plants are you growing again and how tall are you wanting them to get? b/c your looking like u might not have enuff space. for my space I ordered auto ak 47 seeds from attitude seedbank they said something like 30" or so


Well-Known Member
i dont know all that info. Im a beginner like you are. but i went with auto flowering so its done in like 2 and a half months time.


Well-Known Member
Dude you should check out the grow FAQ there's a bunch of info in there. But for you I would just spray paint the inside of whatever you plan on growing in with FLAT white paint and then you don't have to mess around with any mylar or blankets. Flowering depends on the strain but usually takes around 2 months or so...