African Sativas Vs. Asian Sativas


Well-Known Member
Right on, guys. Thanks for all the attention and recs. Hope others are learning a lot, too.

I'm down with the hybrid thing, but I just really want around half of its parentage to be landrace sativa; and however many crosses were done to create the other parent I'd like to be pure sativa. That being said, I feel really good about Green Haze X Thai from Ace, especially after your description of the Thai high, redfrogs. I've read nothing but good news of Ace, they seem like cool people, and the description sounds on the money for my desires. Very psyched to try Malawi with so many psychedelic promises. I'm a little leery of Hash Plant or the one its crossed with at Soma because it sounds a little too sleep/letahargy-inducing from what I read. But please let me know what you think NG after you smoke it. I'm certainly open.


Well-Known Member
Right on, guys. Thanks for all the attention and recs. Hope others are learning a lot, too.

I'm down with the hybrid thing, but I just really want around half of its parentage to be landrace sativa; and however many crosses were done to create the other parent I'd like to be pure sativa. That being said, I feel really good about Green Haze X Thai from Ace, especially after your description of the Thai high, redfrogs. I've read nothing but good news of Ace, they seem like cool people, and the description sounds on the money for my desires. Very psyched to try Malawi with so many psychedelic promises. I'm a little leery of Hash Plant or the one its crossed with at Soma because it sounds a little too sleep/letahargy-inducing from what I read. But please let me know what you think NG after you smoke it. I'm certainly open.

I picked up Caribe by CannaBiogen that is Jamaican 95 X Jamaican 95/NL5/Haze that looked pretty damned interesting to me, during the birthday promo. I would check out CannaBiogen for a mostly landrace hybrids.


Well-Known Member
I hope you have a chance to do a smoke report on that, althor.
I wish there was anybody close to a Rasta man here!
Hello toro, I am not discriminating enough to remember the medicating effect and difference in stone. I do keep accurate grow journals though...I remember the Malawi (my most recent experience) being overwhelmingly psycho-active mentally stimulating then stupefying...Physically I was borderline incapacitated for about 3hrs (?)...You might want to "Google" A web site that outlines medicating effect of some 500 different strains...I apologize if what I wrote was interpreted as condescending...Not at all my intention...I indoor, soil (90% organic) grow to other people's specific requests...Some folks want an exhilarating cerebral experience others a more somatic medicating experience. I try to keep a predominantly indica and predominantly sativa strain in propagation, vegetation and flower all the time. The sativas require a method of topping to produce four size equal, manegable colas and then almost daily bondage adjustment through flowering cycle..I have two different harvest times for each strain. Timing is based on observation of trichome "withering" (changing color from clearish white to orangish red) a qualitative determination on my part. Check your reference material here...My first harvest marker is at about 50% clear/white to orange/red and the again about 75-80% ratio. The earlier collection is generally (qualitatively) more cerebral; the later more somatic...Hope this helps...I am much better with quantitative discussion than I am qualitative...FWIW...The effects are different strain to strain and sometimes plant to plant...The clones sometimes express differently from the mother. That may be stress dependent...Take this only as a statistical sample of one...And, tongue in cheek, the advice here is only worth what you pay for it...All the best...The only way to know is to grow...Trust yourself...
hey man i signed up to say i agree 100% and it is good to see someone not spewing all the industry buzz rhetoric. ppl who grow and have grown both genetics and landrace, even brick bagseed knows that the seed industry is full of twisted truths. the fact is if you grow enough you will find, as you said, diversity from plant to plant, even as clones. ppl spending all this money on genetics or making decisions based of one companies terpene profile don't understand they will likely not end with anything close to those specific results. i have grown seeds from the same source, and i mean genetic source, atm i have plants i experimented with using a kratky method for fun and they were super short with huge leves and as bushy as i ever saw, almost deformed they were so bushy, yet short. the soil ones from same source, under the same lights were all delicate, long, slender sativa looking plants. what was more interesting is the more indica they looked in either medium the more likely they were to be male. this was across many plants(only 10 were kratky experiment, but all results were consistent regarding "indica look" v male) so my experience, as you also said, is stress and grow environment has way more to do with it than seed co's will ever let you know. think of it this way, they wouldn't be selling you canna cup winners as seeds if it was that simple, and the fact they won't sell the males supports exactly the same conclusion because if they sold them as regular seeds then anyone could also use volume to select for a winner like they can, but these companies thrive off ppl thinking they are growing the same thing sensi, greenhouse or dna enter into the cup simply by using their femanized seeds,
fyi, before someones tries to say that i am saying brick bagseeds are as good as bought genetics let me just say you misunderstood what i wrote and i won't be replying to someone who cannot read :)
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Well-Known Member
I am growing 2 Versions of Malawi Gold, African Buzz from Seedsman and Malawi from Ace (Plus South African Kwazulu and Early Durban). Then I am going to mix them with Banana Crack and White Strawberry Skunk and Blue Mystic and Gril Scout Cookies and other color and flavor and smell buds. Then I am going to cross those with Hazes (Hopefully Cantelope Haze) and Kushes and Green Crack and Traincrack and White Widow Strains (I have White Rhino), etc.

Here is the thread:

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Toronja, you'll have no problem growing a pure sativa from anywhere in the world, and they can all be trippy, complex and long lasting when grown and harvested well. Jamaican lamb's bread was mentioned early on, which I guess originally came from the Santa Marta region of Colombia, as did nearly all the pot in the Carib in the 60s & 70s. By late 70s/80s really great bud was also being grown in Puerto Rico, the USVI and down the line to Venezuela. Curacao. Barbados. Everywhere. You didn't say where you are, but you shouldn't have much problem finding a Carib born strain that will thrive, and deliver the high you're after.

As I'm sure you know the north sides of any Antilles island are typically more lush than the south. This will affect grow rate, yield, flavor, and maybe potency. The stickiest, trippiest, all around best pot I ever smoked came off a tiny plant grown on the dry side of St Thomas. It was all gnarled and twisted and golden it looked like a weird miniature cactus. No casual passersby would have identified it as cannabis.

Maybe you know all this and you're bored with Colombian based strains and want something new, haha. Joke's on me then.

Those who say sativas grow poorly indoors are correct, but I love 'em anyway! I had an indoor that looked like what they call 'train wreck', but I don't know how I came by the seed. Insane looking plant. It flowered for 10 months but only delivered two zs. Pretty tasty and trippy though
Best wishes growing, GG!


Well-Known Member
I am growing 2 Versions of Malawi Gold, African Buzz from Seedsman and Malawi from Ace (Plus South African Kwazulu and Early Durban). Then I am going to mix them with Banana Crack and White Strawberry Skunk and Blue Mystic and Gril Scout Cookies and other color and flavor and smell buds. Then I am going to cross those with Hazes (Hopefully Cantelope Haze) and Kushes and Green Crack and Traincrack and White Widow Strains (I have White Rhino), etc.

Here is the thread:
i m not judjing u but why ruining beautiful landraces with man made strains "banana crack", white strawberry skunk" etc just for the sake of smell taste look thc content? or flowering time, i smoke weed from 8 years and the weed i used to get was white widdoow, jack herrer, haze, skunk, amnesia, still better than the stuff that is around nowadays, This summer i grow kali china outdoor ace seeds .Unfortunately i live in a temperate climate Romania so i can t grow long flowering sativa landraces but i would give anything to grow them