Adding Molasses while Flushing


Well-Known Member
Ok, we have been curing the molasses flushed harvest for over a month now. The flush was done with a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon of water for the last two weeks.

We tested the results against jars from our last two harvests. It seems adding molasses to a DWC flush won't make much difference. No one could taste the difference.

Adding molasses to your flush might be something to do when growing in soil, but it won't help your DWC grow. It was worth a try and did not add a negative aspect to my harvest.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Ok, we have been curing the molasses flushed harvest for over a month now. The flush was done with a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses per gallon of water for the last two weeks.

We tested the results against jars from our last two harvests. It seems adding molasses to a DWC flush won't make much difference. No one could taste the difference.

Adding molasses to your flush might be something to do when growing in soil, but it won't help your DWC grow. It was worth a try and did not add a negative aspect to my harvest.
see post #5, told ya so


Well-Known Member
Thank you for telling me that flushing is for toilets (very insightful and I hope everyone flushes the toilet after using it).


Well-Known Member
prob is you will need to molas out or you will be smoking that ! and there is sugar in it, and it will male you choke !, 2 week flush , first week flush with molas heavy, I use , 1/4 cup a day per 5 gallons for 7 days. then use straight water for 7 days, super clean passed , the test from iron labs, taste clean. what the molasses does is makes more sugar looking buds, its good to use every other day of flowering 1tsp per gallon every day or 2. hope this helps.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Thank you for telling me that flushing is for toilets (very insightful and I hope everyone flushes the toilet after using it).
sorry if your reading comprehension sucks, but the first part said that molasses was for feeding microbes in soil. Maybe read and pay attention instead of trying to be a smartass!!


Well-Known Member
prob is you will need to molas out or you will be smoking that ! and there is sugar in it, and it will male you choke !, 2 week flush , first week flush with molas heavy, I use , 1/4 cup a day per 5 gallons for 7 days. then use straight water for 7 days, super clean passed , the test from iron labs, taste clean. what the molasses does is makes more sugar looking buds, its good to use every other day of flowering 1tsp per gallon every day or 2. hope this helps.
A compelling argument...... To stay in school.

Just kidding :)


Well-Known Member
sorry if your reading comprehension sucks, but the first part said that molasses was for feeding microbes in soil. Maybe read and pay attention instead of trying to be a smartass!!
My reading may not be that good, so can you find the part of post #5 that says anything about soil or feeding microbes in soil? Funny, I can't seem to find that in post number 5.

molasses is for feeding microbes, that's it
flushing is for toilets,that's it
I can be a smart ass at times. I can tell without a doubt, you are the opposite of a smart ass *wink*
Peace, R.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
My reading may not be that good, so can you find the part of post #5 that says anything about soil or feeding microbes in soil? Funny, I can't seem to find that in post number 5.

I can be a smart ass at times. I can tell without a doubt, you are the opposite of a smart ass *wink*
Peace, R.
o.k dude whatever, you can call it how you like, but I told you flushing with molasses was pointless, you tried it and I was right, sorry if you can't admit it there smart guy. maybe you should have read post 17 also


Well-Known Member
You are correct, I did in fact find out that flushing with molasses was pointless. It is important that I find out the truth for myself, rather than trusting every opinion you find on the internet. So don't flush your DWC with molasses, but if you do, it won't do anything but set you back $4.


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
You are correct, I did in fact find out that flushing with molasses was pointless. It is important that I find out the truth for myself, rather than trusting every opinion you find on the internet. So don't flush your DWC with molasses, but if you do, it won't do anything but set you back $4.

I do have to agree with that.


Well-Known Member
@Rumple your grow looks amazing I'm looking for the same kinda turn out in 12 wks! Why not feed them fresh water for 3-4 days prior like week 6.5-7 (ridding chemicals and send signals to the plant to use up whatever nutrients their is left in the plant)and flush/feed with a vegan sweetener compost made for hydroponics until harvest; if its organic will it really matter......? I mean at least you will get the swelling and sweet aromas to come out!!! Just an Hypothesis though!!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
We normally flush for ten days before harvest (first sentence of the first post here). We tried a few flushing additives (FloraKleen, Clearex, Sledge hammer), they made zero difference in taste or yield. We also tried reducing the nutrients in half, not flushing, and slow reduction. Not flushing or reducing effected the taste in a bad way and gave no more yield.

We are going to stay with pure water for now.


Well-Known Member
We normally flush for ten days before harvest (first sentence of the first post here). We tried a few flushing additives (FloraKleen, Clearex, Sledge hammer), they made zero difference in taste or yield. We also tried reducing the nutrients in half, not flushing, and slow reduction. Not flushing or reducing effected the taste in a bad way and gave no more yield.

We are going to stay with pure water for now.
Very interesting. I flush 7 days prior to cutting. I cant say if it helps at all since I have always flushed 7 days prior to cutting. I can say, I have never had bad burning, crackling, or harsh smoke. I am happy with how things are, so I will continue.


Well-Known Member
What's up Rumple?

You have your supposed harvest and cure pics linked, I've seen you and your name and your pics and you giving advice on many grow sites and you are asking random members here how much molasses you should use and what kind? Are those your pics linked or someone else's? If that is your own grown bud in all those pics you are obviously experienced and would not need to ask such questions. I'm not saying experienced growers do not need to ask questions sometimes, but a simple one like what kind of molasses to buy?

So I ask again, what's up Rumple?

If you are legit please post some new harvest pics, I've seen these floating around online for years.

To answer your question you should never exceed 1 TBSP per gallon, but I'm not sure why anyone would want to flush or end a harvest with watering with molasses. I begin molasses in early flower and end it 10-14 days before harvest as it doesn't do much good beyond that point. I do give a stronger dose of humic acid during my initial flush(fulvic if I used hydro) but only straight water after until cut.
This is one hell of a silly post. Just because someone has been growing for 20 years doesnt make them an expert on using molasses....

You should check out his LED comparison journals. He is respected enough that a LED manufacturer went to his grow site and put together a grow room using LED to test.