A Quick Leaf Problem Type Question

This is my second ever grow of Master Kush Outdoors and I need your opinions on this leaf problem I have. It's about 2 weeks 2 days into flowering and I have removed tons and tons and tons of loose yellowing leaves. Now understand.... I only lightly tug on the yellow leaves and remove those which come off at ease. Is this normal? Should all these leaves be turning yellow and loose enough to pull off? Is there something wrong with my plant (below are some pictures, please help.)Leaf.jpgCloseup.jpgFar Back.jpg


Well-Known Member
Some yellowing of leaves is normal during flowering. You may want to give it a dose of Nitrogen, but expect more leaves to yellow and fall off.


Well-Known Member
Yea your plant looks about mine only topped. I've had the same problem with it even before it started flowering, or showed signs of sex. Your basic plant food usually kept it going, and held back the yellow leaves for longer, but I could never figure out what it was. Calc, mag, phos something along those, and maybe one more not sure. They do however lose more leaves in flowering showing defeciencys more in flowering as well.