864w of t5 tubes or 1000w hps hotter?


Well-Known Member
idk man but i dont know anyone who uses 16 t5 bulbs......that seems a little excessive if you can just get a 1000W hps and only have to worry about 1 light and maybe a light mover


Well-Known Member
I think the 1000w hps gives off alot more heat than 16 T-5's at least mine does. Are you looking for heat or heat reduction?


Active Member
I would say the 1000 hps i run 2 400 hps and the heat they put out is amazing i can't see cfl's doin that.And not even close when it comes to light penetration...How tall do you plan on gettin your plants


Well-Known Member
well with a 4x4 area and a vertical grow with 16 t5s that would actually be pretty sweet to see......deff something to think about if you got a plan stick with it homie sounds like you are headed toward a cool thing.....my only worry would be how much light penetration could you actually get with a t5 i know its not as important with vert but it might not be worth it for all the t5s


Well-Known Member
I was at a shop today with a vertical grow going of lettuce and they had a vertical light 8' long with 8 thin tubes that rotated. Looked like a sweet set up but didn't ask about prices as I already have way too much equipment . Cuz if I see something new I gotta have it, but now I've learned to JUST SAY NO. Good luck with your grow.


Active Member
yes but make note they are not t5s they are t5ho's this setup gives 80,000 lumens with an equal mix(8 - 3000k and 8- 6400k)


Well-Known Member
80,000 lumens from 16 tubes vs 1 1000w hps which has 140,000 lumens . Keep us updated on your grow.


Well-Known Member
Using the t5-ho's would be something you would always always regret.

This arrangement is completely gimmicky and really could never hold a candle to even a 600w hps. (yea even with t5-ho)

The way the tubes are arranged makes no sense at all in a vertical setup. The whole point of vertical is to use 360 degrees of a light which you don't get with this. Never are you getting more than 4 tubes worth at a time to one area and to have the thing spin
is about as useful as... Well it just isn't useful at all.

(not dissing the op, just the product)

As for heat a fair comparison would also be a 600w hps. The hps being way way cooler. A 1000 hps may even be cooler because the flouro's have so many ballasts and those losses aren't even in the 800plus watt total. Actual total has to be well over 1kw.


Active Member
yeah i keep coming back to the hps myself, i'm just trying to give the t5ho a chance, the one benefit i theorize is the fact that the area is only 3ft by 3ft which would give the t5ho's an upper hand on the heat side but i dont know, what do you all think?


Active Member
i beg to differ, atleast i think to differ...haha
i will try this using a 400w hps with heavy ventilation and tell you the temps, give me a day or 2 i have some new seedlings in the room and i dont want to be fumbling around, with my luck id drop something on them


Well-Known Member
the 400w should work it's good for a 3X3 area. Ventilation is key to a small space......... good luck