7 day dry and cure itinerary

north strong & free

Active Member
hey i read the post about the proper cure times and that will be great for my next grow. because i'm leaving for the holidays, and i'm harvesting before then, i only have a 7 day time line. How should i do it responsibly, and then store it while i go away. i definitely do NOT want any mold to ruin these beautiful buds! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey man, I'm almost in the same boat as you, except I'm lucky enough to have 2 weeks to work with. My plan is to hang dry for a week and then put in a jar for the next week (airing out a couple times a day checking for moisture buildup and whatnot).. after a week if there is no more moisture buildup i'll keep them in the jar where they will cure while i'm gone.

for 1 week, I'd say hang dry them and if they are dry enough put them in a glass jar. if they arent dry enough put them in a paper bag. that might be your best bet.