55% chance of Trump beating Clinton according to 538

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I don't think blaming "evil" is productive. It goes no where but an abstract and subjective definition of "evil", most likely rooted in Manichean tradition. It's an outdated term. Why does Hillary Clinton do what she does? "She's pure evil". See that doesn't go anywhere.

I think Hillary does what she does because she's "compromised". Now, rather than making a cross with my fingers, I'm digging into her donor history and cross-referencing political appointments to Clinton Foundation trustees. See, that went somewhere concrete. "Evil" is just a word.
Evil's synonyms:

Take your pick.

It doesn't stop people from investigating the "why" and "how" because they have applied an negative adjective. Unless that person has no interest in learning the truth.

I personally check several sources and mentally put stories into boxes based on the evidence I have seen:

Box 1: Not true
Box 2: Not likely true
Box 3: Unsure, look into it further.
Box 4: Likely true
Box 5: True

I also make sure to check sources within news releases. If I don't see sources or full context video clips: I look for sources and full context clips. Then I place in the appropriate box based on the strength of the evidence.

Calling Hillary evil just expresses what I think of her and I think the synonyms of Evil are all applicable for her.


Well-Known Member
She's not the only candidate who can beat if she can't fucking beat him. Here's a question though, if a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump according to Democrats, and a vote for Clinton according to Republicans, who do I vote for if I want Jill Stein to win?

The fact is, Hillary Clinton fucking sucks and many of us would never dream of voting for her out of fear that she might win. You shillbots shouldn't blame us sensible greens for the fact that your party ran such a terrible candidate and cheated the guy so many progressives liked. Take responsibility ok?

Apparently voting for Jill Stein counts 3 times.
I don't like Hillary either. However I also am a realist. But I'm also financially well off, have my guns, and white. I frankly don't give a shit who's in office, because personally it won't affect me either way. I am concerned for others whom it will affect.


Well-Known Member
Trump is seeking approval of 79 visas for foreign workers for his Mar-a-lago resort in palm beach Florida.....I guess this is trumps idea of "bringing jobs back to American".....he never said there would be americans working in them...:roll:
I guess that blows the whole 'Racist' thing right out of the water now doesnt it?? :P


Well-Known Member
Trump never really cared about US jobs. Until he thought it was in his interest to say so. Tomorrow maybe he'll change his mind. Another day another Trump.
Trump has actually created jobs unlike Hillary. Maybe she will keep talking about it ineffectually.


Well-Known Member
no different than the catholic church, but you don't seem to have a problem allying yourself with them to vote for trump.
To be fair it's not limited to Catholicism. Mormons, Baptists and Evangelists have all engaged in cover ups for church leaders who can't keep their hands off little boys. Maybe @420God was a boy scout. They had their problems with cover ups, especially Mormon scout leaders.