5 White widow girlies

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Made my last large purchase today. got a 6in ruck fan and carbon filter so hopefully that will sort out my ventilation and odour. Moving the 4 in ruck fan to bring fresh air in and blow through the cool tube too.

Been on 12/12 for about 5 days but was wondering what is the usual time before they start to show their first pistils. Also when they say that they need about 10 weeks or so flowering does that mean from the time they go to 12/12 or from when they show their first pistils? Confused myself in the veg stage when I though vegin was from the time they broke the soil.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't get caught up in time tables. Flowering time can vary dramatically strain to strain and even plant to plant in the same strain. To get the best result, you want to base your harvest time on the trichome development rather than a preset schedule. But that's a ways off still. What you're looking for right now are called preflowers instead of pistils. They'll start as little lumps right between the base of the growing tip and the leaf at each node. Look at the second and third nodes from the top. That's where they usually show first. Should be any time now. It's stressful I know. And you should look into Cal-mag or something similar to supplement the Monkey Juice. I had been using it sparingly (1/4 label strength) at first but have recently upped it to 3/4 strength because my bud growth had slowed. Fantastic results. Bud growth is noticeably faster after the increase.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

My first grow I thought I had dones something wrong, while I was wating to flower. But no, it was fine. you should see the start of flowering by the end of week two.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Well have made final adjustments to the tent. the carbon filter has been fitted. The 6 in ruck fan was actually too powerful for the tent and was sucking the sides of the tent in. With the 4 in ruck fan pumping in fresh air the room was too cool. About 21 degrees. Got a fan speed controller and that seems to have sorted the situation a little bit. If the thermometer was about 30 cm from the cool tube and was only reading 29degrees is that safe?

Topping went really well and loads of new growth. We now have one more widow back in the flowering tent. She was supposed to be a mother for clones but we have already taken five clones and space is becoing a little bit of an issue so we're deciding to flower her. She will be one week behind. We plan to just veg the clones and we can take clones from them so continuing the white widows. I say we are running out of space as my new seeds arrived. 5 feminised brainstorm and 5 feminised twilight both by dutch passion. Am seeing good results from my white widows so i feel its a good seed bank. Ive germed 3 of each so hopefully will get at least two strong females of each strain for my tent.

Whats the max amount of plants people reckon i can fit in the 1m x 1m tent under a 400 w hps. I think i will have 9. there seems to be enough space but just looking for other opinions.

Sorry for the long update. Kinda stoned from my lowryder 2 that finished curing last week. Only got about 7g from it (fucked about wit it alot) but its nice smoke. Kinda fruity but funky taste too.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Waited for the lights to come on today and took a few pics. In two of the first pics there is two leaves that look un well. I think i got nute burn a while ago and i was wondering is that just the growth from that time. The two leaves are on the same plant and at the same internodes. All the new growth shows no nute burn.

Upped the bloom nutrients. 1.5ml/l of fresh distilled water. Anyway on with the pictures. The third picture is of my two strongest plants. So strange because the one on the right is a week younger and in a smaller pot. Is that just different genes?


mr west

Well-Known Member
looking nice man, I wouldnt worrie too much about those leaves, i think they jus old leaves. They will get loads worse as the grow starts finishing. Good one.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking really good. I lose 2 or 3 leaves a week at the very bottom of the plant to nitrogen deficiency. They get progressively yellow until they are completely white and fall off. Nothing to worry about. Oh, look at what another very useful RIU member posted for me. Advanced Nutrients - Nutrient Calculator Make sure to select Monkey Juice on the "nutrient base" scrolldown. Then choose the units you are using for your dosing and it gives the suggested dosage for each week. I am following it almost exactly but adding a little Calmag. Of course, I don't have every one of those things listed, just the Monkey Juice A & B and the Overdrive. Keep up the good work!
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Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Looking really good. I lose 2 or 3 leaves a week at the very bottom of the plant to nitrogen deficiency. They get progressively yellow until they are completely white and fall off. Nothing to worry about. Oh, look at what another very useful RIU member posted for me. Advanced Nutrients - Nutrient Calculator Make sure to select Monkey Juice on the "nutrient base" scrolldown. Then choose the units you are using for your dosing and it gives the suggested dosage for each week. I am following it almost exactly but adding a little Calmag. Of course, I don't have every one of those things listed, just the Monkey Juice A & B and the Overdrive. Keep up the good work!

Man thanks for that link. Brilliant. Makes it really simple. I still understand that the monkey juice is made for coco coir so im still giving them slightly smaller amounts. Think in the past week though ive been a little eager and thought i spotted some what looks like nute burn tonight. When the say Monkey juice bloom A+B does that mean there is two bottles of nutes because i only have one.

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Start my third week of 12/12 tommoro and slowly but surely my babies are starting to flower. Thought there would have slightly more pistil growth by this stage but pistils are showing on all five. Thanks to the kind post of Mared Juwan I did a bit of a study and tried to put together a recipe for my plants. I picked up some Bud blood, Big bud, Overdrive and final phase. The guy in my hydro store is sound and is sorting me out. Also picked up some sweet tea too. Similar to molasses Im adding some once a week to my water to boost sweetness of the buds. All of the nutrients are by advanced nutrients. Last night they were fed with a small amount of bud blood, big bud and molasses. They seem to have responded well and are perked up. It says to only unse bud blood in first week of flowering but i added and small amount as they only showed white hairs in the last few days.

Now for a question
Because im running a cool tube with my hps i can get my plants to within a foot and there is no burning. there is also a occilating fan running just above the tops. There was a slight bit of leaf curl on the tops but i lifted the light further away and seams okay. my temps are running at about 29 degrees c with 45 % humidity. however my temp can go up to 31. will the slightly high temperature cause many problems

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Nice pick ups with those nutes. I wish I had all those. Apparently my plants are fast bloomers but it still seems agonizingly slow looking at the buds day to day. I'm used to Fahrenheit so let's see, your range of 29-31 degrees C is the same as 84-88 degrees F. I would think that is too warm but I keep my plants on the cool side. 65-68 deg F (18-20 deg C) with lights off, 72-77 deg F (22-25 deg C) with lights on. Maybe you should try adding some CO2 with those higher temps. 45% humidity is very nice, though. Oh, and your question from a couple days ago. My Monkey Juice Part A & B are two separate bottles so I have four total. Two for Grow, two for Bloom. Can you post a pic of your bottle?

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Getting into the wholething of Co2 seems a little bit far. i never felt i9 would get as advanced as i have so not really sure its an option. Maybe to have to leave more windows open in the room. Ive been trying to keep them as constant with their temps but can be a bit tough. Usually 21-23 with lights off and 27-31 with lights on. Happy at how close to the lamp they can go without burning though.

Oh, and your question from a couple days ago. My Monkey Juice Part A & B are two separate bottles so I have four total. Two for Grow, two for Bloom. Can you post a pic of your bottle?
See i only have two bottles. one for grow and one for bloom. The hydrostore only stores those two for monkey juice. will post pictures of the bottles tommoro and a few of the girlies


Well-Known Member
Have been reading doing some study on using lst or supercropping plants. Plan to fim the plants too in order to produce more budding areas. Does anyone have experience of using these techniques on White widow and do they respond well to them. If i was to fim them when should that be done first. I know it should only be done in the veg stage.

Just booked my flights to visit my mate in rotterdam next week. Twice in 2 months. Starting to get a taste for that city. Might have a few days in eindhoven too. Cant wait :joint::hump:

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by masterkushner. One of my best mates is on erasmus over there. Dont get me wrong amsterdam is great but is a little too touristy. Its nice to see for a few hours but if you want some chilled out smoking then rotterdam is the spot. Was well warm the last time i was there and after after an hour or two in a coffee shop it was class chilling in a nice green park. Eindhoven is also a nice city. If your lucky enough to be there when there is PSV game on the city has a class atmosphere.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Getting into the wholething of Co2 seems a little bit far. i never felt i9 would get as advanced as i have so not really sure its an option. Maybe to have to leave more windows open in the room. Ive been trying to keep them as constant with their temps but can be a bit tough. Usually 21-23 with lights off and 27-31 with lights on. Happy at how close to the lamp they can go without burning though.

See i only have two bottles. one for grow and one for bloom. The hydrostore only stores those two for monkey juice. will post pictures of the bottles tommoro and a few of the girlies
Yeah, just rearranging my fans can change the temps in the room by 20 degrees. Try different fan positions. 1 foot is a nice distance for the light. My plants finally stopped stretching and I haven't had to move the light in some time. I'll get some pics of my Monkey Juice bottles next time I take pics. That's weird. I used the letters M + J together for Monkey Juice and this website automatically changes it to MJ when you hit reply. wow. try it.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by masterkushner. One of my best mates is on erasmus over there. Dont get me wrong amsterdam is great but is a little too touristy. Its nice to see for a few hours but if you want some chilled out smoking then rotterdam is the spot. Was well warm the last time i was there and after after an hour or two in a coffee shop it was class chilling in a nice green park. Eindhoven is also a nice city. If your lucky enough to be there when there is PSV game on the city has a class atmosphere.
FC Utrecht is my club. Been to a few matches. Been wanting to see some top division football in Holland for a long time. I'm always there early April and seem to be soo busy (or just too high) that I forget about Ruud Van Nistelroy and Ruud Gullit. haha. One of these days mate. Anyways, I'll be watching the grow journal. :peace::joint::peace:

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
My Monkey Juice Part A & B are two separate bottles so I have four total. Two for Grow, two for Bloom. Can you post a pic of your bottle?
Hey Well here the picture of my monkey juice bottles. Threw in an extra picture or two of my nutes that im using. Gave the plants some bud blood, big bud and sweet leaf the other day and they seem to love it. Really made some progress. Will up the nutes to a slightly more aggressive feeding plan fo next feed. Plenty of bud sights and the pistels are starting to cover the tops. Have temps more or less sorted. about 28c when lights are on and 22 or 23 with lights off. Anyway on with the pictures

First is a group shot.

Budding sites


Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
All of these tops are on one plant. If i have a plant with just one top that is big, and i have oe plant with loads of tops with they be as big as the plant with one cola? Sort of smaller buds but more if that makes sense


Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Yes i am stoned and yes i did get carried away with the pictures of the plants and completely forget what i was doing. heres the pictures of the nutes


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Let me first say your plants look beautiful. Big fat buds are in your future for sure. I will also say I am astonished you have done it so far with only half the nutes. Those are the exact bottles I have but there's supposed to be a Part A for Grow and a Part B for Grow + Part A for Bloom and Part B for Bloom. You mix them into the feed water separately. The ones you're missing have ratios of 2-2-3 for the Grow Part B and 4-0-2 for Bloom Part A. I really don't know what to say. I thought it would make a big difference to not have half the formula but your plants look sweet. Can't argue with that. I'll try to get some peeps from my journal to check this out. They've taken interest in the Monkey Juice and might know more about the importance of the two Parts.