4x 100% Indica Master Kush Clones + 1x Purp Strain Bagseed - 1st Informed Grow


Well-Known Member
I'm in the videos are dope
Also, aside from the last posts on the last page, i'll update you real quick.
The beginning of this grow started with 4 100% Pure Indica Master Kush clones, and 1x Purp #1 Seed fem. The seed was more of a whim, and the clones were the original plan. Those are the original 5, C1, C2, C3, C4, and S1. C for Clone, S for Seed.
They're now in Week 3 of Flowering, and Day 61 as of 5/10/11. They're also under a 400W HPS 2300°K.
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On 4/08/11 I took 4 clones, C3-1, C4-1, C4-2, CS1-1. (Cloned from seed). After 2 weeks they rooted, (peat, takes forever sometimes) They spent a week @ 12/12 since I was unsure as to what I would do with them. Then, when I was sure I would be keeping them, I put them into veg in my roaming veg room. Meaning I veg them wherever the light and temps are right. @ 6am, they're under 6 26W 6500°K CFLs with reflectors, when the sun is right in the proper window around 12pm, they sit under the sun until about 7pm, then they sit under a 400W HPS for an hour, then, back under the CFL's for another 7 hours, as they are currently under a 20/4 light cycle.
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It has a heating pad underneath that was on a timer so it would come on 15 minutes on high every hour or so, kept it about 85 in there with 70-80% RH. Then rooted great in about 14 days, and a week or 2 later they were transplanted.

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As you can see, I topped 3 of them, and here are the tops
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(It sucks you can't see the stem or how small it is, that's mostly what the experiment is about for me, if a stem that small can root, but i'm more or less just curious, thats all.)
And finally, as an experiment, I topped my clones, C4-1, C4-2, and CS1-1. And for the fun of it, I took the tops I'd cut off (which had stems no more then 1//2 to 1/3 of an inch remaining) and without sterilization, I cut a diagonal cut on the stem, dipped in rooting powder, and simply stuck them in some very poor miracle grow soil (bad, even as miracle grow goes...), and covered the top with saran wrap. I watered beforehand, and have been misting since with Superthrive, and pHed R/O water. And there's a hole (covered in a second layer of clear wrap) that I occationally breath into to add a little C02 for them and give them fresh air, after several days, they still look great. We'll see if they ever root and begin to grow. They each have 1 node and a tiiiny bit of stem. We'll see if they make it.
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And finally...When the vegging plants get a bit older, I have more CFL's to put them under. I currently have 17x 26-23W CFL's (the 23 watters aren't any different or less bright then the 26 watters) 13x 6500ºK CFL's, and 4x 5000ºK CFL's. My HPS is also switchable, but by the time flower is over for this batch, the next batch will be ready to flower. So, we'll have to see.

Anyway, I know MANY people get offended when you ask for an update instead of reading the 100+ pages of their thread (really?! 100 pages?! I don't have TIME for all that). If your interested in learning, then read back and check out my 20 or so pages, if not, and you wanna see some good bud porn, then stay tuned!
Everyone wants to be THE TEACHER so much, that they just don't understand why you won't wanna ready 10 pages of updates, and 90+ pages inbetween of "GREAT GROW DUDE, PLANTS LOOK AWESOME, YOUR A GOOD GROWER!"
And, as a grower, I enjoy those comments just as anyone would, but readings 90 pages of them is a bit much.... To each their own though. Feel free to ask for any info your interested in whenever guys! All I ask is you read a little to get the idea of what i'm doing I'm still on the same grow as the start of the thread, the pics are the VERY beginning (first day planted) of the plants that are on my video posted on the last page.
And smaller ones clones of the originals, are my next grow essentially, but I should always have plants in veg and in flower.

And finally finally, my LATEST video update from 5/09/11

/rant about my own grow :-P ;-)

Enjoy ladies and gents! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Nice brotha, just a quick question. Whats in the little jar hanging in the begining of the vid? The girls are looking great.


Well-Known Member
OH, you mean the little green thing? Thats Propylene Glycol, which is attached to a digital thermometer. It reads changes in ambient temps within 10 seconds. It can read temps between 160+ to 160-, and used to be used at a medical testing facility my pops used to work @.


Well-Known Member
Wow....I had no idea my grow journal had reached 23 pages already...
Prob 18 pages of it just me talking to myself. ;-)

Truth B Known

Active Member
word up bro..

yo here's some mk i just picked up from a dispensary $45/8th yummy, has a nice taste to it, not as strong as some phenos of mk i've had, but nice :leaf:



Bird Gymnastics

New Member
word up bro..

yo here's some mk i just picked up from a dispensary $45/8th yummy, has a nice taste to it, not as strong as some phenos of mk i've had, but nice :leaf:

Looks bomb but as you said I've seen better. Definitely worth 45 though. I just got some P-91 from San diego last week and it was some super bomb. I would recommend that for sure

Truth B Known

Active Member
ya looks and smokes and tastes pretty bomb, but the high is not exactly superb.. i can actually taste a little funny chem in there, can't really put my finger on it.. but ya.. dajosh's mk will be better

8) :weed:


Well-Known Member
hahaha, thanks man! It looks pretty good, i'd def smoke it.
Anyway, gimme a min to upload the pics, UPDATE TIME.

Just some some great trichrome development, they're comin along great. Just finished week 3 and they're already lookin frosty. Can't wait to see how they come out!
Also, my clones are lookin great too, the tops have all taken and i've got 2 cola's growing on 3 outta 4 of my clones.
I might trade my untopped one for another strain, we'll have to see. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Finally got my exhaust setup. Gonna let it run for 24 hours and give some results.

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And finally, some pics of the NEWLY formed Trics that i'm lovin already, cause if they're THIS frosty now, imagine how frosty they'll be in another 5 weeks when they hit the 2 month in flower mark!!
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Video update to come as soon as I copy it from my camera to youtube.

Enjoy RIUsers.


Well-Known Member
Mini Update
K, i'm getting great tric production all over, and were just starting week 4.
The vegging clones are doing well, the tops took on all 3 that were topped, and the clippings i'm experiment rooting are looking pretty grizzly...not sure how much longer they'll make it. The vegging clones look great, and they're REALLY loving the sunlight they get each day. I'm really noticing a difference in how healthy they look, despite being planted in horridly bad soil.
Either today or tomorrow, i'll get some pics and a video for an update for you guys.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I forgot, another lil bit of good news! There's a new hydro shop right up the street from me! It's HUUUUUGE too. Never seen a hydro shop so big. Size of a warehouse with every kind of light ballast, nute, accessory, ducting, filters, bulbs, soils ect, ect, ect, ect!!! Which is great, cause it means as soon as I have a little cash flowing, I can finally get my hands on some more FFOF and get my new veggers planted in something worthwhile!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I didn't label them as before, this is a smattering of all the pics I took yesterday. And a video from the same day.

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Here she is, just getting bigger and bigger...not a bad amount of trics either. I should got a closeup with my camera (edit in camera, since I hate editing on the computer). Next time I shall.
Lookin at another Month or so Maybe 35 days. From there we'll just have to see. ^_^

And before anyone points out that venting through the window is dangerous. The plants smell, but it's still manageable, and doesn't bleed outside. But i've already got designs and plans to install a carbon system in my ducting and turn up the power to the fan. Currently, I've only had to run my fan at it's lowest setting, so it's not drawing too much power.
Works well.
And the next 5 days are all nice days outside, in the mid to low 70's Which is GREAT for me, since the heat is usually horrible. It actually got down to 71 in the grow room last night. And it's been hovering around 77-80 all day.



Well-Known Member
S1 is actually "The Purp"

Strain Name: The Purp
Grade: A
Type: Indica
Looks: Popcorn looking nugs. Green with purple leaves running throughout.
Smell: A bit fruity. Nothing over powering though.
Taste: Same as the smell
Effects: Nice high. It still leaves you operational after a bowl or two.
Potency: A

This is EXACTLY what I pulled the seed from. And exactly the way it is now. The buds don't smell as strong as my Master Kush, but when I lightly squeezed a bud to get the smell from it, and I get a very citric, fruity smell. It was quite nice. I was actually becoming disappointed in it, but after noticing it's bud size and growth, coupled with it's new nice smell..I might actually keep the clone of it around. I just hope she doesn't hermie and fuck up my crop! I like seeds to grow, not to smoke!

EDIT: And my dreams turn to DUST as i find little balls all over her...She's becoming a He. Must've been the excessive heat.
If I can't find another place to flower her, i'll have to pull her.

EDIT EDIT: It's 100% for sure, I should have been paying more attention, hermie for sure, if I hadn't found her now, she would have seeded my whole crop. I don't think I could find all her balls and rip them before she gets herself...but if she pollinates the rest of my crop i'll be pissed....:cuss:


Well-Known Member
S1 is actually "The Purp"
View attachment 1602210
View attachment 1602211

Strain Name: The Purp
Grade: A
Type: Indica
Looks: Popcorn looking nugs. Green with purple leaves running throughout.
Smell: A bit fruity. Nothing over powering though.
Taste: Same as the smell
Effects: Nice high. It still leaves you operational after a bowl or two.
Potency: A

This is EXACTLY what I pulled the seed from. And exactly the way it is now. The buds don't smell as strong as my Master Kush, but when I lightly squeezed a bud to get the smell from it, and I get a very citric, fruity smell. It was quite nice. I was actually becoming disappointed in it, but after noticing it's bud size and growth, coupled with it's new nice smell..I might actually keep the clone of it around. I just hope she doesn't hermie and fuck up my crop! I like seeds to grow, not to smoke!

EDIT: And my dreams turn to DUST as i find little balls all over her...She's becoming a He. Must've been the excessive heat.
If I can't find another place to flower her, i'll have to pull her.

EDIT EDIT: It's 100% for sure, I should have been paying more attention, hermie for sure, if I hadn't found her now, she would have seeded my whole crop. I don't think I could find all her balls and rip them before she gets herself...but if she pollinates the rest of my crop i'll be pissed....:cuss:
Thats too bad man. Hearing shit like this keeps me paranoid about my girls. I'de ditch the plant too.
I haven't looked at the whole journal yet, but THANKS for keeping an active collection of pictures. I've been looking for something like this with a soil grow so I can know what to expect :D


Well-Known Member
Thats too bad man. Hearing shit like this keeps me paranoid about my girls. I'de ditch the plant too.
I've secluded her in a box for 72 hours time. That'll teach her to hermie!!! ;-)

I haven't looked at the whole journal yet, but THANKS for keeping an active collection of pictures. I've been looking for something like this with a soil grow so I can know what to expect :D
Yeah, feel free to go through and watch the vids and look at the pics. Not quite so detailed as when I started, but what can you do...we all get lazy.