$420.00 presetup p/c grow box


Active Member
Hey guys, I have been researching these p/c stealth grow boxes for about 6 months now and have tried many different setups. It is finally after the 4th revision I have found the ideal setup.
I will be posting pictures hopefully by monday of my complete built p/c grow boxes. My grow boxes will have a two fan setup with a 150watt hps light. This is the real deal and is proffesionally assembled and has a nice stealthy look. My p/c boxes have sound deadening material so even with both fans on, its quiter than a quite desktop. I am just now going to the bank and getting all the funding I need to start this operation. I want to ask the people that matter most (you guys) with any suggestions on things you would like to see in a grow box. I to once wanted a p/c sized grow box, but just wasnt willing to spend over $600.00 when they didnt even come with hps lights. What do you guys want to see? thanks so much, Spencer
EDIT:::!!!!::: sorry guys, I don't know what I was thinking with the pricing, I am asking $375.00 shipped per system. Thanks
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Active Member
come on guys, no comments or suggestions. I need feedback,lol. Thanks for looking, Spence:
p.s: the websight will be up soon. Thanks


Active Member
you dont really tell what comes with the system or how many you can grow in it... need a lot more details before you can give comments


Active Member
ya, Im trying to get them up by later tonight, but most of my efforts right now are going into the web page. Thanks


Active Member
With a little bit of reseach and a creativity. You would be able to build your own.
It could be possibly cheaper? Better size, and everything would be to your own prefrence..

I don't know. I'm just not a fan of Pre-setups as you are always going to be overpaying for them.

I'm going to be making my own this month out of a wardrobe. So it will also be very stealthy..

I'm a noob anyways, So taking advice from me isn't exactly.. Reccomended? :P
Either way. I hope it all works out for you man.


Active Member
hey any feedback is good feedback. After all is said and done im making about $45.00 per growbox, so I'm really just doing this as a hobby. As I said, once the site is up, I'm thinking that alot of questions will be answered. Thanks.


Active Member
I have done 2 grows from the new style box, each grow produced about 60grams per box, so for me that was more than enough. It was exactly 2.5 months from start to harvest and the total electricity bill was a little under $15.00 for two months. so for me it was deffinatly worth it. I found a metal file cabinet which im gonna start doing grows from as well, hollow it out and it will be about 15" by 24" by 48" tall, so im thinking a 250w hps should do the trick and im hoping that I will see a bit over 3 ounces from a grow that size, not sure once again, as I have only done smaller grows so we will see. I am having alot of troubles getting the site up, so Im gonna have to borrow my neighbor who is a fellow stoner/friend/computer guy, so once i do that hopefully it will be down hill from there. Oh, and just to get my name out, I figured for the first month I should make the boxes only $275.00 just so I can start advertising from word of mouth. Thanks alot, Spencer


Active Member
do you want some help making a website? lol i can do it for ya...
so your saying that this one PC case can grow 60grams(2.1oz) per box, every 2.5 months?
shit id need 5 boxes just to supply myself...

also... wheres the dam pictures?


Active Member
I have done 2 grows from the new style box, each grow produced about 60grams per box, so for me that was more than enough. It was exactly 2.5 months from start to harvest and the total electricity bill was a little under $15.00 for two months. so for me it was deffinatly worth it. I found a metal file cabinet which im gonna start doing grows from as well, hollow it out and it will be about 15" by 24" by 48" tall, so im thinking a 250w hps should do the trick and im hoping that I will see a bit over 3 ounces from a grow that size, not sure once again, as I have only done smaller grows so we will see. I am having alot of troubles getting the site up, so Im gonna have to borrow my neighbor who is a fellow stoner/friend/computer guy, so once i do that hopefully it will be down hill from there. Oh, and just to get my name out, I figured for the first month I should make the boxes only $275.00 just so I can start advertising from word of mouth. Thanks alot, Spencer

there is no way your getting 2 oz per pc box


Well-Known Member
dude this thread started on the 16th, he aint got no pictures

there's no way you are going to get a 150w. HPS into a ATX computer case.


New Member
dude this thread started on the 16th, he aint got no pictures

there's no way you are going to get a 150w. HPS into a ATX computer case.

I totally agree on the first part, but it seems to me thst you could put a 150 hps i almost anything if you vent it right, With a pyrex bake-a-round and some 4" ducting i could put a 150 i my cars glove compartment if i tried hard enough.
