400w HPS Blueberry grow

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no need for a mh bulb really.You can grow fine with just hps, but I too, like to use the mh for veg only, and save the hps for just flowering.

But you don't need just mh for veg.
Yeah, i was thinking as im going to flip to 12/12 in a week or 2 theres no point of buying a MH for 1 week then going back to hps. My focus right now is building a bug proof light tight intake, installing the latches(gonna be a pain due to weatherstipping) and quieting the fan or getting a new silent fan.

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Today i took 4 mango clones, 2 of #2 and 2 of #3, i will put them in 1 gallons and under the 400 when they are rooted and i have flipped the light to 12/12, to determine the males and get a small harvest of a few mango clones, i will take 2 clones off of mango #1 once it is big enough, and asap i will take 4 "greencrack" clones. Since the nebula is feminized and both seeds i bought started i am going to throw a nebula into flower also, and keep the best plant for a mother. My Strains will be Blueberry, mango, nebula, and "greencrack"
If more then one mango is female, im going to put one outside. I have a bag seed that i found in very good indoor, and after it cracked i put it into a 1 gallon pot in pro mix, going flower that from seed.

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Took 3 clones of mango #1 tonight, and hopefully going to take 4 clones of the outdoor "greencrack" plant tommorow, will update with pics tommorow night, bb clones thriving, starting to smell, time to set up the filter and buy a timer, lightproof, etc pretty quick here then 12/12 :-P
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Cloned the mango as much as possible today-in the tray Plant#1-4, Plant #2-6, Plant #3-5, and 2 BB clones. Put the 3 mango moms outside to give the 2 nebula space.
-also have a heat mat under a upside down tray and they tray of clones ontop of that( dont have a heat mat thermostat yet and they can get very hot(too hot)
Am going to buy another 2ft T5, and 3 more reflectors, mount all 4 to a peice of plywood with light hangers, keep the nicer nebula mom and a mango clone under it.

Tallest BB clone is almost 2ft, A bit strechy but i am sure it will fill in.
Decided on nutes, Advanced- micro grow bloom- big bud, overdrive, ,and molasses. Final phase for a week then a week of straight water( determined on a clean smoke)

Oh and btw this has been a 250w hps grow so far... (dimmable ballast) will bump up to 400 when i flip to 12/12, and superlumens(440) for the last 4 weeks of flower.

I am also not worrying about the deficiency yet, as ive only been using maxi grow and b-plus occasionally, if the full AN line doesnt fix it i will try epsom salts.
Any input?

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Gave the ladies a trim lastnight, should help get more light through the canopy, and took off the bottom growth on 4/5 to focus energy on top buds. Sold my 3 mango moms to a freind-Dont have a need/space for them as i have more then enough clones to keep the strain. Should have the light flipped to 12/12 before the end of july. Fed them the rest of my B-plus today(i dont see any diffrence using maxi-grow and not using, so im holding off and going to feed with molasses untell i pick up new nutes.
-Next round i am going to fit 49 nebula clones in 6x6x7 pots(1 gallon) veg for a few weeks and flip, i will probably buy a 600 watt ballast before then, as i know it will pay for itself.
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Went shopping yesterday!! picked up a full line of nutes, ph up and down, duct flange and insulted ducting, poly, saucers so the room wont f^$%ing flood when i water.

hooked up ducting and flange lastnight, running a little quieter, plus heat is being directed out of shop now, Poly'd the floor and behind the doors so light wont leak, gonna get some magnets to keep the poly shut, a grounded timer, oakton ph meter on wensday. Also still need to light proof and bug proof intake

So about the nutrients- i was originally planning to go with Advanced i went with Innovating plant products, a Canadian company, both local stores recommend it.
mirco-grow-bloom base
Black Storm
Jet fuel-1-5-4
Bud Fusion-0-15-40
and im going to pick up GH rapid start root enhancer

-Going to flip the lights and feed a 1/2 dose when i get timer and ph meter, Going to Feed with molasses today
- Have been busy latly and noticed last night mag def has gotten worse on most of the plants, hoping the nute line will fix that if not ill try epsom salts.

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Picked up a oakton ph1 meter today-calibration stuff 7, a grounded timer, and red sun to add to my nute line up(promotes more budsites and triggers flowering quicker)
Lights turn off at 7am tommorow, Fed with a 1/2 dose today, ph'd water next, then full strength, and will add epsom salts if mag deficiency doesnt improve in a week
ready, set, go!
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.... IS anyone even watching? noone has posted for weeks... i have a spider mite infestation... got some avid from a freind and just sprayed them, this is deffantly slowing them down, but from what i have heard about avid i should be ok, aslong as i wear my respirator lol.
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today is day 15 of 12/12, buds are forming, plants look great, added a blue mataro clone to the flowering room, it was about a foot tall when placed in so it is end of week 1 for it, spider mites are almost none existent, ran out of avid and switched to something a freind gave me, and the little bit of avid that was in bottom of bottle, seems to have solved the problem. plants have finished streching i think, the blueberry anyway. in the veg box, 2 mango clones (from a female mother i grew and sold to a freind) took root a week or 2 ago and have new growth looking great, my one blueberry clone that rooted also has new growth looking healthy, the 2 nebula's are bushy as hell and the healthiest plants ive ever grown, under T5's, i love this strain!
soo...this is my first time flowering indoors- how am i doing-any tips?
-and yes i took pics with hps on-sorry but i have no way to keep my grow box lit if i turn off hps.



Active Member
Though id stop by and show some love... Looking great... Lovin the setup.. Reminds me someone i know very well :fire:

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Active Member
Though id stop by and show some love... Looking great... Lovin the setup.. Reminds me someone i know very well :fire:
Thanks! im pretty damn proud of myself, Cant wait to get this grow under my belt and get a Nebula/Mataro blue SOG going :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yea im wondering about the mites aswell just stumbled upon this and saw that you had that problem as i had problems with bugs growing salvia im wondering if i should get something to prevent it encase i need it in the future.

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Active Member
hows the mits?Fuckers can kill a harvest quick
Im not sure if i still have mites, or just have some spiders chillin makin some little webs, there is very little to no sign of them, and i have been spraying every 2nd day with a 1/2 solution lightly just to be sure, i just dont want to have them come back full force when im 2 weeks from harvest and dont want to spray them anymore, i was thinking i would keep adding water to my remanianing spray and keep spraying lightly untell week 4, then foliar feed with water occasionally to try and rinse some of the insecticide off.

and drudigger - i had a serious mite infection,like webbs fucking everywhere, and within 5 days avid brought it down to very few mites, now im using a more organic product from a buddy- it doesnt seem to be doing the job as well, but it is working.

Avid is nasty stuff though, i wear a diffrent longsleeve, rubber gloves, and a respirator when spraying, glasses of some sort would save your eyes but ive just been carfull..
-its only sold in the states unless you know the right people ;) and isnt cheap apparently, but if you can get ahold of some, i would keep it on hand incase of bugs, and ofcourse as you will be consuming it you would want to atleast leave a few weeks between last spray and harvest.

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hey, so i know its been a while since my last update, ive been busy- with multiple outdoor guirrila spots and no rain, bucket bombing has been a huge pain in the ass. i picked up persimilis (spider mite predator) and since i released a few i have seen no signs of spider mites.

All 5 blueberrys and the mataro look healthy and happy, although 1 of the blueberry( the one with fattest nug) some leaves are clawing( i figured i overfeed it so i went down to a half dose for that 1 plant) a few hairs are turning orange, is this normel 5 weeks in?
My shops starting to stink a bit :weed:, which im ok with-for now. - not sure if this is smell leaking, or my veg plants starting to smell, seems like smell leaking.

Hence the cooltube, even with the light on we are at 60-70 degrees, 50-60 with lights off, i am going to get a cheap raider reflector to keep the box warm at lights on and a little heater for night after this crop. Also at 60-ish % humidity- no space for dehumifier, will i be fine? i have good airflow and there is no precipitation anywhere.

-Since the box is full im not planning to change anything untell AFTER this crop-But after i am going to work towards creating a 100% sealed box

Week 6 starts wensday-3 weeks left.

Its hard to move these in and out of the box, plus it reeks outside when i do, so the pics are taken with hps on.

-last pic is mataro blue.
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Well-Known Member
Looks almost exactly like my blueberry cut. Hopefully you don't have the same cut as me, mine turned hermie from higher temps. Very temperamental...

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Active Member
Looks almost exactly like my blueberry cut. Hopefully you don't have the same cut as me, mine turned hermie from higher temps. Very temperamental...
i hope not! i got my cut from a freind whos uncle has been growing the strain for years.

i have had some temps in the 90s when it was really hot outside, and growth was stunted forsure, but it seems to be a fairly hardy strain, i was told blueberry is a nute picky bitch also, but ive had no troubles, when i went to full strength-scedual says its 1310 ppm, i had a little burning, but ive backed off a little and 4/5 are very healthy, one still has curled leaves, only feeding it 1/2 doses and water, yet it is the fattest nug and is steadily packing on weight.


Well-Known Member
Does it feel airy or look airy. The strain I got has been supposedly bread by dj shorts. I also got blue dream from him and master Kush. The bd is a cross between a unknown haze and the blueberry. My strain is nute picky as well. I didn't peak over 1300. In veg did you have primarily 3 and 5 finger leaves? An towards the top in flower you should only have random single finger leaves. That's if it's the same cut as mine. The quality of it is fairly good, just very temperamental. I can see why they re-bread the strain into bluedream, the bd cut can take even more fluxuations in nutes and temps and keep a high yield. Off my 10 blueberry I pulled alittle over 1.6 p's close to 1.75 p's Id say. Hopefully off your 4 you hit close to 3/4's to a p :)

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Active Member
Does it feel airy or look airy. The strain I got has been supposedly bread by dj shorts. I also got blue dream from him and master Kush. The bd is a cross between a unknown haze and the blueberry. My strain is nute picky as well. I didn't peak over 1300. In veg did you have primarily 3 and 5 finger leaves? An towards the top in flower you should only have random single finger leaves. That's if it's the same cut as mine. The quality of it is fairly good, just very temperamental. I can see why they re-bread the strain into bluedream, the bd cut can take even more fluxuations in nutes and temps and keep a high yield. Off my 10 blueberry I pulled alittle over 1.6 p's close to 1.75 p's Id say. Hopefully off your 4 you hit close to 3/4's to a p :)
They feel very dense, i try to keep my hands off them but when they smell so good its hard not to :D and you think i could pull a P or even 3/4s of a P ?? i was aiming for 1/4 P. if i got 1/2 i would be pretty fucking happy. im not so sure if it is dj shorts blueberry, as this strain has been around here for 6 years, it smells like blueberry muffins when done and does very well outdoors, next time i talk to my buddy im gonna see if i can find out where it came from though.

EDIT: my buddy also belives it is the original blueberry from dj shorts- and i took a look at my clone of BB in veg, only 3 -5 finger leaves as you said. So it must be it, it does very very well outdoors for anyone intrested!