400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal


Well-Known Member
Yes it makes sence. And im not trying to conclude anything just kinda trial and error still. But they r both from the same mother plant. In the same soil as well. From what ive read there is nothing bad abput using molasses so its like y not. I would assume tho if the grow was not toally organic the miceobes would not be present therefor the molasses wouldnt do shit. Am I on the right track?

Side note im totally stoked my buddy had ordered some feminised white widow and said he would give me a seed. They were not cheap like 120 for 10 seeds or some shit. But anyway he got them today in the mail. Woot

Sry for all the spelling errors. My phone keyboard is tiny and its hard to fix them all.

yes and no, the microbes are always going to be in the soil regardless of organic or synthetic, itd dirt and dirt has life in it. its just how many of them is the question.


Well-Known Member
He got his from sensible seeds.

Side note on that mollasses. I did read that it is acidic so too much could possibly throw ph outa whack?
good chance, i use it with every watering so maybe i should start adding a drop or 2 of alkaline buffer to help since i think im having PH issues in late flowering.

i always thought that the soil stayed the same PH and that it would buffer the water but someone made a comment on here that i read that makes alot of sense. he said...

"if the soil is dry then it dosent have time to buffer the water/food mixture before the plants try and take it up, thus they are actually sitting in the PH of the solution for a little bit before the soil hase a chance to buffer it" (or something along them lines)

and someone else said that watering without a PHed solution will eventually change the PH of the soil. i never thought it would but i guess after 3-4 months it definatly seems like it makes sense.

its hard PHing my water right now as i have a drop style kit and after i add my ferts to the water its almost black in color. PHing the water before i add the firsts is kinda pointless since the ferts are going to ultimatly chance the PH of the soution.


Well-Known Member
uncle ben has a thread about ph. give it a read it might put you at ease. i would link it but i dont know how :(


Well-Known Member
uncle ben has a thread about ph. give it a read it might put you at ease. i would link it but i dont know how :(
just go to the thread and copy (highlight then press ctrl + C) the adress in the adress bar. then come to this thread and paste it ( ctrl + V) into a new forum post.


Well-Known Member
I got a rant so bear with me. Its about Lst and scrog. And im postin off my phone so excuse typos. And I posted this same question in the scroggers unite thread.

Ive got my girl trained over. At first I was going to try and slowly grow her around the 5g bucket. Now I am thinking to continue to grow her in one direction instead. I will attach some pics they are a few days old. Anyway, I have not seen any scrogs done like this and it sems the easiest. The scrogs I see are somewhat symetrical, to where mine would be more of a bucket off to the side and the "scrog" off-set a little. Its had to of been done. I plan on vegging for at least another month but the time to decide whether or not to wrap the bucket is soon. Any advice is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I have seen a pic on here, just tried to find it but could. Where the guy tied the main stalk down to the 5 gallon bucket and let it grow fully around the bucket and it came out crazy.

i personally did a ScROG and went 1/2 way around a 10 gal tote in the same maner and it came out pretty dam good, alot of tying and training though to keep a nice even canopy and it is a longer vegatative period.


Well-Known Member
ultimatly its up to you, the goal in any ScROG is to fill as much of the screen as possible while keeping a even canopy above the screen. this way you can lower your light and get as much light intensity on all your buds and not have to worry about lower nodes not getting decent light.


Well-Known Member
Sup yall id like to take this time to talk about cancer. Just a few sentences. My good friend was diagnosed with testicle cancer a few weeks back and they removed a nut but he starts chemo in 2 weeks. Hes the same age as me, 25. It all started with a lump in the sack. Scary shit. Some of my next harvests will be goin to him and I couldnt be happier about it. Just thought I'd share. And also they said that checkin ur balls is just as important as a mammogram....stay up rollers.


Well-Known Member
Sup yall id like to take this time to talk about cancer. Just a few sentences. My good friend was diagnosed with testicle cancer a few weeks back and they removed a nut but he starts chemo in 2 weeks. Hes the same age as me, 25. It all started with a lump in the sack. Scary shit. Some of my next harvests will be goin to him and I couldnt be happier about it. Just thought I'd share. And also they said that checkin ur balls is just as important as a mammogram....stay up rollers.

I have an ex that was initially diagnosed with skin cancer, and just passed away on the 27th of Dec of lung cancer.....


Well-Known Member
I have an ex that was initially diagnosed with skin cancer, and just passed away on the 27th of Dec of lung cancer.....
hey im sorry to hear that. its a terrible thing. i lost an aunt a little over a year ago from it. scary shit. terrible.


Well-Known Member
so it is time for a progress update. ill cover where im at in flower and veg. first up is the veg room. these are all clones.
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pic #1 is my 3 girls, the one plant in the middle is that bagseed strain ive cloned.
pic #2 was a clone of my good strain and now she is going to be a mother plant.
pic #3 is the bagseed clone. this may be the last time this strain makes it to flower...under my will anyway
pic #4 is my LST/future scrog project. im gonna try and go half way around the bucket befor going to flower.
pic #5 is a close up of how i am starting the turn. in the wise words of towlee "i have no idea what im doin" lol

the soil is fox farm ocean forest with added coco stuff. my good strain dont have as much coco in them as its new to me, but that bagseed plant is in half soil half coco and is doing just great. it is actually bigger and all these plants were cloned at the same time. im pretty sure i covered it somewhere earlier in this thread. next post flower room. thanks



Well-Known Member
ok heres an update on the flower room. ive got 3 girls in there right now. 2 of them will be done in 2-3 weeks and the other will be done towards the end of February. i do have exact dates n shit and im sure i will post them in the future updates.
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so BAM
pic #1 the room. i added those cfl's because why not?
pic #2 she'll be rdy in a few weeks. one of my first tries at LST
pic #3 side profile of the girl in pic 2
pic #4 the other girl that will be rdy in a few weeks.
pic #5 side profile of the girl in pic 4. notice that stalk?
pic #6, 7, and 8 my big girl that wont be ready until late february. i supercropped her back on 11/11 and then topped her 11/24. really, i dont know how to top or supercrop the correct way. i cant say what i did worked, but i cant say it failed either.

all these girls are the same strain. any input or advice is greatly appreciated. thanks.



Well-Known Member
Sup yall id like to take this time to talk about cancer. Just a few sentences. My good friend was diagnosed with testicle cancer a few weeks back and they removed a nut but he starts chemo in 2 weeks. Hes the same age as me, 25. It all started with a lump in the sack. Scary shit. Some of my next harvests will be goin to him and I couldnt be happier about it. Just thought I'd share. And also they said that checkin ur balls is just as important as a mammogram....stay up rollers.
yeah my mother just got done dealing with cancer in her neck. Same thing, started out as a small lump and continued to grow. before she knew it they had done 5 surgeries, removed 1/4 of the muscles in her neck and she was undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment. she was stuck to eating through a feeding tube they put in her stomach for 6 months after the treatment and still has not fully recovered mentally from it. she is now a couple months away from being cancer free for 3 years. 2 more years and they consider her to be a sucessfull cure. she lucked out where many others do not. its a scary situation. thankfully treatments are getting better and better by the day, new research is showing promising results and hopefully in the near future cancer is a disease of the past.

my prayers go out to your friend and his family, may he have a quick, painless and speedy recovery.


Well-Known Member
plants are looking great man..keep up the good work :)

might want to start doing some research (if you havent already) on pain relief and appetite strains for your friend as different strains have different medical properties. I know for my mother her appetite went and she was in alot of pain. she did have to have the chemo on her neck which burned her taste buds off so that may have been part of her appetite problem. If your going to be donating your stuff to your friend to help ease his treatment then it would be better if you were growing something specifically for his ailments.

my 2¢


Well-Known Member
plants are looking great man..keep up the good work :)

might want to start doing some research (if you havent already) on pain relief and appetite strains for your friend as different strains have different medical properties. I know for my mother her appetite went and she was in alot of pain. she did have to have the chemo on her neck which burned her taste buds off so that may have been part of her appetite problem. If your going to be donating your stuff to your friend to help ease his treatment then it would be better if you were growing something specifically for his ailments.

my 2¢
I ya that would be nice. I dont live in a medical state so all these years of smoking we never knew what it was as far as strain. Hes the one that said "iys the best in the world" so I kno he digs it. Im gonna do whay I can wirh what I got ya kno.

On anorher kind of bad and good and bad side note. I had another very close friend overdose on heroin last week. He was maybe an hour from death when someone found him. Anyway hes been in an induced coma the whole time. But they woke him up today and he sent me a messege on fb. Hell yea! Go science! Thanks for the second chance with my friend! I kno most people kno of someone losing their life to heroin I personally knew 5 people that have died from it. R.I.P. to those.


Well-Known Member
Gettin back on growing topic

I have finally figured out how to top. No scissors or pinching. Simple as pushing over the tip until it snaps off. I tried it a few weeks ago after seein a vid on utube. Ill take pics and post later. So easy. Ive been over thinking it like a mofo for too long.

Edit. If u look close enough you mihjt be able to see it on the recent pic of the bagseed clone. Ill take up close shots later.