400w Critical Jack waterfarm scrog


Active Member
Absolute disaster folks :( Got an email from the landlord saying he is selling the house within the next few months and that from next week himself and the auctioneer will be calling down to inspect the house. Ive pushed that visit until the week after but im going to have to chop her down at some stage next week! she is 35 days of 12/12 today and needed at least 3 more weeks. My fucking pocket microscope hasnt arrived yet either and im just all flustered on what to do! I need it to be dry and jarred and all the equipment packed away into bin bags when they show up to avoid suspicion. I really think this growing game has not agreed with me at all :( Depression mode activated


Active Member
I may have found a loophole folks. I took out my lease agreement and this is a quote from it under "USE OF PREMISES" :

"The LANDLORD will make sure that:

The landlord can here after (day of signing lease), only enter the premises with the permission of the tenant"

this could be a potential loop hole guys. at least until i can finish her off. Now my landlord would enter the house on his own accord but he always announces himself when coming up the stairs. He doesnt come into the room, he knock and waits for me to come out. hes never entered my room before and ive told him i like my privacy so i keep my door locked at all times. He says thats perfectly understandable. now ive pushed back himself and the auctioneer coming but he may very well pop in anytime he wants. How should i play this guys if i wanted him not to enter my room for at least another two or three weeks?? He has stated that the auctioneer will be looking to bring in people at the end of august/ start of sept to view the house but ideally the auctioneer would want to have a look at the place before hand. I intended to chop her down the weekend of the 24th so at the end of august would be a perfect time for them to visit. id really appreciate any advice or help guys :grin:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
ah shit man, do have any friends that can stash it for you, or take it away, finish the grow and then give you a wee cut? lol
I had a similar situation happen at the beginning of the year. The neighbor below my apt was complaining of noise and convinced the managers to enter my apt and check the subflooring!!! I had to tear down 2 tents with 14 plants.. 2 being my monster waterfarms. There was NO WAY I could leave them up. I had 2 days to get them out. Luckily I had a friend that helped me and took all my plants away. I even got small samples of them when he finished them.
What are the laws in the books for getting caught with what you have growing? How uncool is your landlord? You are in a tricky situation but it dosent mean you cant get out of it.
Another situation I had... I was trying to sell my house and still had a huge waterfarm girl finishing in my tent.. so I placed lots and lots of boxes all around her to camaflouge the tent. It worked. no one saw the tent. Pull the ducting out.. seal it up, cut the power and put lots and lots of boxes around it..... if you don't have family or friends you can stash or stall away to. keep your head up and don't let the bastards run you down. In dire need chop it like you said and make hash out of her.. its better then going to jail and your yur hash will be real good.
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Active Member
Thats the thing amber nobody knows about this grow apart from a cousin of mine. Ive already contacted him and if he gets a chance to come around before my landlord comes i can store it in his van for a few hours. but the smell would be intense! You got really lucky with yours. good to know you have a friend that is able to help :) None of my mates smoke or they might have a few puffs if i were to bring a joint but they would be shitting it if i told them i was growing. Not the type you can ask help from if you know what i mean. Regarding law its very illegal here. Ive read articles in newspapers and a few cases a grow was discovered worth about 3000euro for personal use and the guy got community service. I have scales here in my room so if it were to be found i could be charged with intent to supply. Id be fucked then!

The boxes looks awesome. cant notice anything! the dr90 is a pretty big tent and sticks out big time in my room so no way i could put boxes around it :D the two options i have now are:

Harvest at day 42 of 12/12 and hope to get some decent smoke
Keep pushing my landlord and the auctioneer visit back until its done. If i can get it to day 56 i would be pretty content at chopping her down.

My landlord has been in the house since this 12 this afternoon (about 7 hours so far) cleaning and working away on anything that needs to be fixed. Ive stayed in my bedroom all day with headphones in so no noise. If he sees me pottering about he may ask to enter my room to check for damages etc. I could make the excuse that "id rather not let you in right now. I want it cleaned and tidy for you". guess il just have to wait for this time next week and decide over the week what im going to do

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fucksake man, what a nightmare, hope this works out for you man, getting so far and ripping would be heartbreaking, but ( and after nearly having to rip a full tent down recently myself it's better than the alternative.) you ever think about sounding the guy out, he may just let you get on with it if you offer him a zip when it's done?

hope it works out man.


Well-Known Member
You've got to bite the bullet and fold your tent... Where you are the alternative is to harsh to take a chance on a run in with the law... You'll do better next time... It'll take you another three months.. Better that than a record that will follow you around forever..
You're already dodging the landlord... Assume the worst, then decide...


Active Member
fucksake man, what a nightmare, hope this works out for you man, getting so far and ripping would be heartbreaking, but ( and after nearly having to rip a full tent down recently myself it's better than the alternative.) you ever think about sounding the guy out, he may just let you get on with it if you offer him a zip when it's done?

hope it works out man.
Thanks Don! Ya hope all goes well. Just trying to get it chopped as late as i can. No word from landlord yet and i dont expect to hear from him till the weekend so we shall wait and see. Haha my landlord is one of those old school irish types. Wouldnt even mention whats happening in the news regarding cannabis.

You've got to bite the bullet and fold your tent... Where you are the alternative is to harsh to take a chance on a run in with the law... You'll do better next time... It'll take you another three months.. Better that than a record that will follow you around forever..
You're already dodging the landlord... Assume the worst, then decide...
Well im hoping i can see her out as long as i can but i dont think thats going to be an option as you will see from this weeks pics. worse comes to worse i can always chop early, dry and jar her up by the time they call down to inspect the house. But fingers crossed man.

So she is at 38 days 12/12 today and it doesnt look like she could last another few weeks. I think the root disease is kicking in full gear now. Plenty of yellow leaves on her which i removed. I suspect it has to do with the whole ph situation. Like i said my ph meter ran out of juice so using an indicator for the past while. Heading out tomorrow to get some new batteries for it. Hopefully she can pull through another week or two. Il be content if she reaches day 50. My microscope should be here tomorrow so can check up on the trichomes and see how far along they are.

Now ive read a lot of discussions regarding flushing or not flushing and i believe no pre harvest flush is the best way to go. some very good points made for it and im definitely not going to flush her. I may drop the ppm's to maybe 300/400ppm but thats about it. Like i said she is growing and will put on most of her weight in the coming weeks (i hope). SO she will need every bit of nutrients she can take. Anyways here are the pics for this week folks :)



Active Member
Ya id say it needs at least 3/4 weeks. Id be lucky if i could get it to another 2 weeks. will keep you guys updated on how things develop. If i can push back my landlords visit and if he does come around all he can do is knock and get no answer. Im sure hes not going to break down the door :D Now im kinda paranoid about a master key. Since there was no key when i moved in i told him beforehand that i was changing the lock on the door. He said thats perfectly fine. I wonder if landlords would have a master key or something like that that would open doors in the house??


Like some people have said think of the big picture. Would you rather chop her now and have a lifetime of future grows or would you rather go to jail. In my opinion some bomb ass hash is better than jail or huge fines


Active Member
Exactly as you stated nouchebag. I am looking at the bigger picture right now. I have bought bubble bags yesterday from ebay. I guess its just a matter of waiting. Im only going to push back my landlord like a week and hes a pretty down to earth guy anyway. Il just tell him theres been an emergency or something so i wont be at the house to let him in. But i have read up on tenants laws etc and it does state that a landlord needs permission to enter and that a tenant has the right to privacy. Im just taking it day by day now so we shall wait and see. I rang the landlord yesterday and he said that the auctioneer is away on holidays this week so they wont be able to make it this week. And i told him im away next week so it very well could get to 50 days into 12/12. If so il be happy chopping her down even if its a week/2 weeks early


Ya the tenant has all the power man. That's the shitty part about renting property out.....you have very little power. At least this is what I was told by someone who rents. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but if you told you landlord politely to "piss off" for a couple weeks than he would have no choice but to respect your wishes. Tell him the place is a mess. You want two weeks to clean up so the house is presentable. Shit maybe he smokes and you just don't know. Ha ha how funny would that be


Active Member
Ahh i dont think my landlord smokes! hes one of those old school irish types :) But i had a chat with him on sunday and he says he needs to do a few repairs in the house so i think the auctioneer will call by monday or tuesday next week. This is perfect as i intend to chop her thursday/friday. So it will be about 3 days drying and i will jar them up and when they leave if the buds are still moist il stick em in a cardboard box and dry them out further. Anyways here are the pics of her today. She is at day 46. A load of yellowing leaves on her and i remove a good few every day to help a bit out during trimming.

Now i had the tent open when i was changing the res and my cousin popped by. First thing he noticed coming up the stairs was the smell. So im trying to figure out a way to hide the smell whilst im trimming. Cant exactly sit in the tent for hours trimming away. All i have at the moment is opening the ona block tub and spray a load of aftershave around the room. Anybody else have any suggestions? :)20130814_005851.jpg20130814_005839.jpg20130814_005859.jpg20130814_005901.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I've sat in my tent trimming before it's not fun. but if you put a normal light in there and leave the extraction on it's ok;) glad you made it to finish man, would have been a crime to rip them so close.

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
You should make sure that when you tear everything down that you get everything put away so no one will have any suspicion that you ever grew. It would be a shame to forget something and get caught.


Active Member
I've sat in my tent trimming before it's not fun. but if you put a normal light in there and leave the extraction on it's ok;) glad you made it to finish man, would have been a crime to rip them so close.
Kinda awkward sitting in the tent with the scrog screen and the waterfarm. I think im just going to cover the bottom of the door and have an ona block right beside me while doing it. Im pretty content with how long she got. But ideally she would need at least 1.5/2weeks more imo. But im not going to risk it and at day 48/49 she should be an ok smoke.

You should make sure that when you tear everything down that you get everything put away so no one will have any suspicion that you ever grew. It would be a shame to forget something and get caught.
Haha ya im definitely going to have to be careful when it comes to this! I have some black bin bags that im going to throw everything into and i might shove a few clothes in them aswell so no corners of the boxes are seen :)

Next update will be harvest time folks. Im just reading up on the darkness before harvest and i dont know what to think really. Good arguments for and against but i dont think im going to be doing it. I want the plant to plum up as much as she can the last day or two so i reckon she would need the light. My lights are 8pm-8am on so come thursday il start chopping the smaller buds so the bigger ones will probably get 15/16 hours of darkness for their last day :)


Active Member
Well harvest is done folks! Took her down at 7 weeks into flower. Could have gone an extra 2 weeks but had a look at the roots and they looked pretty bad with root rot. Took me about 11 hours to chop and trim her down. Id say il prob end up with 3oz. There are a few average sized buds and about an oz of popcorn bud. I have a trim box aswell which im going to try to turn into bubble hash :D

Thanks to everybody for tuning in and contributing. Has been a good ride :)
