400w Critical Jack waterfarm scrog


Well-Known Member
yes I've done that also, just skip one "day" period, e.g. stay dark for 24 then you're good for 2am-2pm "day" time......having said that next time you do a flip during hot weather I think 6pm-6am is coolest 12 hours while still having reasonable access to your plants.....who wants to be working on thier garden at like 2 in the morning....


Active Member
ahh good stuff. well i changed her to 8pm-8am on so hopefully we will see some improvements. She is at day 24 of 12/12 and i think its just a waiting game to see how long more she lasts. i came back after 3 days to find very little water in the res and a load of dead leaves. Checked throughout the canopy and removed quite a lot of leaves. on the plus side she is still growing so thats good. Dont know how well the h2o2 is working but we shall wait and see.

Ive included some pics of leaves that were sick



Active Member
looking good mane, i'd thin it out a good bit let the light penetrate further down. just my 2 cents.
Dont think that would be necessary as most of the fan leaves will, i think, turn sick like those in picture 3 above. removed about 4 more really bad ones today.

so i was thinking about my poor roots and thinking of a way to sterilize my res. so i devised a way of lifting the top chamber up with string and tying it to the top of the tent. It was really tough to do and the whole screen came down with the top chamber. luckily nothing broke and everything is as now. cleaned the bottom res with bleach and added nutes today after a week about 500ppm to start off with along with 20ml of h2o2.

After all the cleaning and fiddling about i fucking forgot to take pics of the roots! now they weren't white but they looked a very very light brown. If it is root rot its early stages. im also thinking it could be GHE micro which could have stained it. but im sure its root rot as my leaves are getting the same symptoms as the last grow.

So sorry i forgot to take the pics folks! Il try it again somehow to take some for ye lovely folks :D

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
good work mate! sound like your roots are stained from the nutrient. General Hydro flora nova products will stain the fuck outta them, My flora nova bloom leaves a slight tint of brown, its fine. The deeper the color of your nutrient the more likey it will stain the roots and GH flora nova products are so dark. If your talking about adding GH micro nute ,(the stuff that comes with the farm for free) its really aweful stuff. I would stray far from it.


Active Member
You know Amber it very well could be the Micro nutes. I bought all 3 GHE Flora series products and then found out about Lucas method so Im just going by the lucas method and incorporating it. It does have the nitrogen but i read about in flowering plants need a lot more phosphorous and potassium so do you reckon i should stop with the Micro nutes?

Anyways Hope everyone is good and well! A few comments from last weeks update. She is growing and coming along swimmingly. And ohhh my days folks the smell when i push my nose right into the buds is heavenly! I havent smelt bud this sweet ever. Its hard to explain for me as im not used to the different smells of weed but i would say it is very fruity. She has packed on loads of crystals since last week and hope she starts to fatten up. Now this leads me to the whole root rot issue. Maybe it was just me being paranoid or maybe it has reduced totally but like i said she is growing and there are a few leaves which are sick (pics included). I have been adding liquid oxygen(h2o2) almost daily for the past 2 weeks id say and im almost running out. May pop out and buy another bottle of it. Also the pooling of the water has seemed to stopped ever since last week i left her for a few days. All is working perfect imo but i dont want to jinx it!

Now as many of you will see from the pics the canopy is not very even. It was even one day and then a few branches just said fuck it but im not complaining. Its like a staircase! You will see the size of the buds now compared to my Blue Lab Truncheon. For those who have seen it will know its not very fat and although the buds in the pics look fat they are thinner than the meter. Hopefully they fill up big time in the coming weeks. Id say theres prob another month to go for her. Also is it normal for plants to have a mix of sativa and indica leaves? some parts the leaves are fat and some parts the leaves are pure sativa. is that normal to have?

Finally Im hoping it isnt this but i found "balls" on the stalks. Now they have hair coming out of them as you can see. Looking around the net for hermie vs calyxes its tough. I honestly dont know wether its turning hermie on me or they are just calyxes. Hope somebody can shed some light.

And without further adieu here she is :D




Well-Known Member
looks tasty as fuck mate, those balls with hairs are female parts for sure man. Seen em before on mine. Whats the smell on it like.. strong..?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
stretch looks over and your buds are filling in lovely, you're going to have a whole bunch of foot long buds man ;) and errrybody loves them!!!

doesn't look like a hermie to me, you'd see loads more balls


Active Member
looks tasty as fuck mate, those balls with hairs are female parts for sure man. Seen em before on mine. Whats the smell on it like.. strong..?
Ahh thank god! Thought for sure i had a hermie. Well i dont know what a strong growing smell is like as the NL was very low odour. But when i opened the tent today to change out the res it was STRONG! i had to close my windows so the smell didnt seep outside. First time ive gotten worried about the smell. Dont want the other housemates smelling it so sprayed a good bit of bodyspray and some hugo boss around the room. Can barely breath right now! Ive got an ona block which im going to chop up tomorrow and spread around the room.

stretch looks over and your buds are filling in lovely, you're going to have a whole bunch of foot long buds man ;) and errrybody loves them!!!

doesn't look like a hermie to me, you'd see loads more balls
Thanks Don! i had a look at other grows that are sativa hybrid and mine looks smaller in bud terms. Now i think i know why. Ive read that you start flowering count from day of pistils so essentially this is about 25 days into flower. but im gona stick with 31 as it sounds better :) So i measured the buds and the average stalk sizes are 14 inches. the biggest one there is 17'. Going to get some twine and tie them up pretty soon i think. The stalks feel strong when i try to move them out of the way but just in case dont want them falling over :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
best bit of advice i've kinda come to learn is reading your plant and knowing when its done. timing it to 9 weeks to the day n shit just doesn't work in most cases lol.


Active Member
Haha ya thats what im going to go by. Plenty of nice folks here that can point out if its done. Plus i bought a pocket microscope so checking out the trichomes will be on the books :)

On another note anybody care to shed some light on the sick leaves?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sick leaves? where?

you got nice new green growth spurting the older fans are like an energy tank for the new, nothin to fret about man.


Active Member
Hmm it very well could be that. But i have a feeling they are like the leaves on my Northern Lights when she was going through root rot. Ive no pics of her leaves from back then so tough to estimate. Il post it up on MJ plant problems and see if someone can confirm Rust fungus. It couldnt be high feeding as for the last 2 weeks ppm's have been about 500ppm and today i bumped up to 600ppm


Well-Known Member
got an ona block rockin myself at the moment. The gel is way better ,it's more expensive but goes into the air better and is stronger.


Active Member
I had a full tub of gel but didnt know exactly how to use it so for the last month or two i just took bits of the gel out and left them in a glass in my room. Now i have hardly any gel left so ive just taken off the lid and left beside my tent. No smell from it really so i may go and buy both the gel and another block.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
way to rebound mate! tis that good luck of the Irish no doubt! looks like your right back on track! I wouldn't worry bout nothing at this point. start feeding her some nutes again I would crank it up to 1000 ppms with no need to go over 1200 ppms, ever., keep 5 ml of h202 per gallon in the mix and try to keep your rez as cool as possible by blowing cold air into the tent at the bottom .


Active Member
way to rebound mate! tis that good luck of the Irish no doubt! looks like your right back on track! I wouldn't worry bout nothing at this point. start feeding her some nutes again I would crank it up to 1000 ppms with no need to go over 1200 ppms, ever., keep 5 ml of h202 per gallon in the mix and try to keep your rez as cool as possible by blowing cold air into the tent at the bottom .
Ohh the lord bless us! Jaysus Amber such a shock i got when i scrolled down to read your post. That pic is distracting! I dont think im rebounding. There are quite a lot of sick leaves on her which sucks :( Im keeping them on her for now. Took this one off to show you guys. Hopefully its not because of root rot but i think it is as there are quite a few like this one. PPM's at feeding time were about 600 and today half the water was gone and PPM's were still about 600. Im going to go slow with the nutes just in case nute lock sets in. i have heard more isnt always better :D

I add water and h2o2 every day and dont have enough to buy another fan right now. I have one large one that blows in one direction (sitting outside of the tent) which blows on the hps and a clip on one as seen in the pics. I may move the clip on fan to the bottom and see if it helps much