30 days flowering and leaves are burning

hey guys ok im 30 days in now and my leaves are starting to burn and curl in the heat is fine 70 . i use gh flora mix 2 tsp (10ml) micro, 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) grow, 2 tsp bloom i havent checked the ph i need to buy a kit
i was thinking it might be because im growing in pails that are to big ( the water never drains out of the holes ) maybe buildup in the bottem from the ferts ?
any idea's on what it is and how to stop it ive looked for similer problems but havent found any that look like this



Well-Known Member
could be mother natures normal process, or it could be worth chopping the entire plant down.. :p

look into the stage at which you are at more.. 30 days into flower, this seems normal...