2nd Attempt - CFL PC Grow - Going good


Well-Known Member
Day 25 - 03MAR09 - Stalky
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

So, the gal seems to be recovering a bit from the heat stress. Probably due to not having a towel + computer sitting next to the enclosure.

She's getting some height! Man there was some crazy vertical growth over the last 48 hours. I believe it has to do with this being the plants first couple of days with proper exposure to the new lights (as over the weekend I had her on the window sill during 18 so she could cool down).

Should I top / LST / Scrog? Whats your thoughts for a PC case?

Also, I am no longer smoking weed. Back story - 12 months ago i joined the Australian Army Reserves. Every Tuesday night we do training for a couple of hours to stay up to scratch. Last night there was a random piss test. 70% of our guys got tested. I got lucky. I can't take the risk anymore. So when this grow is complete, I will be giving the harvest away to friends. As for my next grow.

Sorry to hear you are forced to quit smoking. However i hope your career works out for the best! I would definatll top that guy, then i would start lst'ing the new growth. Also if later you think you may run out of room you could add a screen. I'd start with just the first two though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lampshade, you've been super helpful :)

Regarding the top, people say usually top top at the third or fourth node? Correct? Should I let her get a bit more size first before chopping?


Active Member
looking good bro im jus about to post my closet setup if u check it out ull see ur plant is growing much faster then mine. What strain is it?

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
no becasue your plant would be the height of the pot once to top it the tie it towards the pot


Well-Known Member
Day 26 - 04MAR09 - Long sexy legs...
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

Well, she's (optimism again) getting some height! I really think she's enjoying those 32w 6700k's. Seems to be growing at a booming pace. The thought of topping / SCROG is still rolling around my head!

Nothing else to add to this entry other than she seems to be booming! Heat stress seems to be better too.



Well-Known Member
Jasaus, considering the current size, what height are you expecting with the current setup and the 18/6 cycle?

When did you start the cycle? And why are you not using bulbs with less K? Like 2700K?

Czeck tokin

Active Member
thats nice it looks like you have a indica plant cant tell sex yet but i kno u have a indica plant (short and bushy)


Active Member
no , once it sees the same amount of darkness as light it will go into flower mode, and i wouldn't give it 12/12 until I was positive its a female . wont be able to tell till week 6-8.


Well-Known Member
I will be forcing sex due to enclosure size!

18/6 encourages a bit more root growth from memory. Some people go 24/0, some 18/6. This is my first grow so i'm experimenting.


Well-Known Member
Day 27 - 05MAR09 - Holiday!
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

Today there will be no pictures! And there won't be for the next 5 days. I'm going overseas for my sisters wedding! Will have a nice update when I return. GF is going to be watering for me.



Well-Known Member
Day 27 - 05MAR09 - Holiday!
Lights: 3x 32w 6700k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6

Today there will be no pictures! And there won't be for the next 5 days. I'm going overseas for my sisters wedding! Will have a nice update when I return. GF is going to be watering for me.

lol.. have a good time :) where isit your going too:?:

past times

Well-Known Member
looking good bud. you are going to be so happy when you get back. That thing is probably going to be 3 inches taller. You can top to any height you want, or more importantly back to whatever node you want. get as many shoots running horizontal as you can, without being overcrowded. The strongest branches might triple in size in flowering so you need to gauge wen you switch to 12/12 based on these branches. slow their growth by tieing them down and the slower shoots will catch up. I generally top at the 4th node, and snip off the 2 weakest shoots(one form each side), and send 3 shoots each way down the length of the box (plant stalk is centered in the box).