1st real cfl grow. Hopefully I can make it into a journal.


Well-Known Member
O yea that last pic is of the lights set-up I added some hanging lights today that aren't in the pic because I pulled them out to safely remove the plants.

O and my apartment building made me remove my vent. (I was venting out of my window) They said it made the apartment look ugly and when they would show the apartments people would notice. So now I'm venting into my room which is killing my temps.


Well-Known Member
No yellowing, just a little glare from the camera I can get better pics tomorrow and I actually mean tomorrow this time.


Well-Known Member
Okay read around some say its because the plant is a indica or a indica hybrid. Others say its lacking phosphate. Since its so young I doubt it needs phosphate to early to be adding nutes even though I added superthrive last water but I read that was safe. I'm guessing its natural and I should just listen to you and not worry about it.

You know I'm a noob I get nervous over everything.
I figured out where I can run my exhaust since my apartment building are being a holes. I'll just have to connect to my heater venting.

mr west

Well-Known Member
purple stems could be the strain, my bublelicious has pink stems and many plants have purple stems. Or the plant could be cold, get ur temps up to bout 78f 23c


Well-Known Member
The temps usually stay around 78-84 but since I had to vent heat back into my own room they've been running hotter like around 84-88 so I'm actually going to the hardware store now to get some more duct so I can attach to the heating in my apt.
I hate how my apt has central heat but no A/C :(


Well-Known Member
O yea they're always moving I got a oscillating fan in the box just blowing them and shaking them around, and I rotate them every watering (so every 48-72hrs) from farthest to closest to the fan.


Well-Known Member
I have a temp gauge resting about 2 in above the plants its either there or in the pot. I realized last night when I was working on the box that one of my intake fans liked to take "breaks" I guess it overheated. I changed that out but haven't checked the temps yet today because the plants have 3 more hours of sleep time.

I also started venting outside of my room so that helps a little because my room is also staying cooler. Luckily it doesn't get hotter than 80 for the next 10 days I only really have problems when its hot outside.


Well-Known Member
Okay I checked after replacing the fan with one that didn't take breaks every few hours. I saved the other one because its always good to have a back up even if it isn't up to par with the rest.

The pics aren't that great but I'm trying to pinpoint that spot on the leaf. Its been there since it popped up, I thought it would grow out of it by now. Do you think its from the shell being on to long?

mr west

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worrie about that spot dude its prolly some casing thats left over it wont hurt the plant