1st Grow DWC 400watt growbox LST


Well-Known Member
I will update later today, i see some improvement in the roots but not all gone yet. i will change the res today. and every 2 or 3 days for a week, ill be switching to flowering sometime this week hopefully. if i dont see improvement by next weekend i will trash these clones and start again.


Well-Known Member
Here is a pic before i change my res and clean EVERYTHING. still fighting with the hygrozyme and the T. the bogglegum got bad and started showing alot of yellowing and dying leaves, will these plants make it? keep fighting? i dont wanna wwaste time and nutes, if anything im going to get 2 new clones and start flowering right away. what you think?

what should i do? continue my efforts? start over? how long should i wait?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Dude they're not looking too good. That brown on the roots is not a good sign and it looks like you have some buildup in the res too. You should clean everything and refill the res with water, H2O2, whatever dose of nutes that you've been using, and some cal-mag or some kind of micro because they look Mg deficient to me. You should use the H2O2 pretty liberally because your problem is almost past the point of recovery. I would recommend 2 tablespoons per gallon until the root rot goes away. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, i decided that the dark brown was because the Vermi T, its an organic thing that gives fast new vigorous root growth the replace what the rot killed. I know im still doing bad though. but all that buildup around the res was from the vermi t and the rot being killed both.

I just took the res out. washed, scrubbed, cleaned, bleached EVERYTHINGGG! the res all hoses pumps. Then washed it all and the net pots and hydroton with water and H2O2. THEN i filled the res with 2 gallons of water and 4 tablespoons of H2O2 and gave the roots a bath for 20mins. lots of fizzing.

After that recleaned everything. washed it all down. filled the res with 11 gallons of new clean water
25ml of H2O2 per gallon.
10ml Per Gallon of Hygrozyme

and 1/4 strength nutes
5ml per gallon of Cal-Mag Plus, showing Mg Def.

I hope all this helps and works. after washing everything and putting back in the res, i see noticeably less brown and i think it may be working. I will Continue to change the Res every 3 days at most. I also raised the light a little to help keep the res stay a bit cooler

Questions, comments, ideas?

If i see no improvement in a few days im getting new clones and will be flowering them right away, just so im not completely left with nothing by christmas. haha
Pictures lemme know what u think, U can see the difference from last pics.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Yeah roots definitely look less brown so I guess that was from the Vermi T. I would recommend changing the res just once a week at most. You need to let beneficial bacteria build up a little at least so they can help fight off disease. This is the exact reason why Roseman's plants do so well is because he never completely drains his reservoirs and therefore some beneficial bacteria remain that will repopulate the new water. Also, Dystopia goes into this a lot in his thread. He says it is called "aging" the water and the same principles apply to fish aquariums. So basically, I say just change res once a week unless there is a serious problem, and don't drain it all unless there is yucky stuff in the water. Judging by what you've done to fix the problems, you should see much improvement within a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Cool, i hope to see improvement. Well i hear changing it offten while fighting the rot helps, i am not putting the Vermi T in right away because the H2O2 kills both good AND bad bacteria. So res changes will come based on the serverity of my problem. Cool, as long as i dont have crap in my res then i will start leaving a little in there. Man i really hope this picks up and starts doing good, i was supposed to switch to flowering today but am waiting a little bit but i need to be able to harvest by the 23rd of dec. which is why this couldnt of come at a worse time. haha. oh well. gotta learn somehow right?


Well-Known Member
Improvement? So this morning the water in my res was really cloudy and kind of had an aqua color? maybe cuz the res it self. but really cloudy. not dark though. alot of the brown has come off the roots?
but whats with the cloudyness nothing i put in my res was cloudy it was clear last night. signs of working? anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Bump on the cloudy question. anyone experience this while fighting the rot? i feel like its maybe the hygrozyme? if anyone knows what might be going on? good sign? bad sign? Merely raising my light a few inches has kept my water temp under 70 :) so i bet that is helping too.


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of the cloudy water and roots. looking better? what should i keep doing? and how long wait before adding beneficial bacteria? (Vermi T) in order to take over the bad bacteria that is in the roots from the rot.

but whats with the cloudy water all of a sudden? The water was clear when filling the res yesterday. only H2O2 and hygrozyme and non dark nutes in there right now.

Theres still some brown but def not as bad, let it keep sitting? add more H2O2? idk how much and how long the H2O2 stays in the res.

theres lots of new little white ones up inside this pot but not out yet.

anything i should be doing? just waiting? water temp has been below 70.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
They are looking better. You can keep using peroxide throughout the entire grow, in fact many growers do, but I would say don't use it unless you have a problem. I'm not exactly sure what the cloudiness is from so I would say change your res again either today or tomorrow and refill with the same solution as last time. Are the actual plants showing any improvement?


Well-Known Member
hey josh b, just same as the most recent update.

and ok i will be changing my res continuing the same thing. im putting in vermi T before i do it because that stuff expires and makes the res dirty as well so i hear its good to use like the day before a res change or even a few hours before.
the plants have no signs of worsening, not much improvement, but i think they dont look worse either. and the roots are even MORE clean now.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I don't know if I like that Vermi T stuff. It's really dirty and stains the roots. How do you use it? Do you just put it straight in the res?


Well-Known Member
yeah i put it straight in the res, and i dont like how it changes the color and stains them, but none the less, it does show improvement in root growth, its meant to replace all the bad stuff with good stuff. the roots look better and better but not much signs in the plants, my water level is about an inch from the bottom of the net pots, should i raise it into the net pots or anything? especially on the bogglegum, cuz i dont know which roots are still good and which aren't. alot if not ALL the slime has came off of them.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Aren't you supposed to use some kind of extractor with the Vermi-T? 1" below the net pots is a good spot unless the roots that are in the water are dead but you would know if they were.


Well-Known Member
its already been extracted. i purchased it extracted in a bag ready to go, and kept cold while im not using it. how would i know if they were dead? they dont look great, but they look better than before, i hope i start seeing lots of new ones now too

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Nvm. I was looking at the Veri-T FAQ and it said to only use RO water but it was talking about the extractor so it should be fine to use tap water if it's already extracted.


Well-Known Member
oh aright then, well thats good. i hope it all starts picking up or something. i NEED to switch to flowering asap, and i feel it may not be a good idea to switch while having these problems, at least not till i see a little improvement, but if i have to i will get new clones in a few days and switch to flowering on sunday at the latest.