1st Grow DWC 400watt growbox LST


Well-Known Member
Skunkman : The bogglegum ive had since sept 22nd but had problems in the begining but growing like crazy now. LST'd it a bit. the Hindu Skunk I've had since the 28th, taking a bit to catch up, kinda struggling at the moment. they are clones but pretty new.

Oh cool set up to keep it cool, i just run my light at nights my box doesnt go over 85 ever. it gets pretty cold here at night. haha ive almost burnt my hair i think, i have my arm. How did you end up keeping your res. cool since uve had the problems? cuz i just saw that mines been getting up to like 75, a bit worried. trying to keep everything under control though.


Well-Known Member
both. how cold u been keeping it? i mean wasn't your temp kind of high when you had those problems in with the roots in one of your res.


Well-Known Member
Can someone tell me how long my system can go without the airpumps being on? I just had a power outage due to storms.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
it depends on how much space is between the bottom of the pots and your water. I had about a 3 inch gap and accidentally left my air pump off for three days. They did look a little overwatered but were fine.


Well-Known Member
it depends on how much space is between the bottom of the pots and your water. I had about a 3 inch gap and accidentally left my air pump off for three days. They did look a little overwatered but were fine.

Well right now not much space but I was planning on changing out the water today or I can lower the level.

Man this storm sucks.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you will be ok. If you're worried you could always take the lid off your tote to let the roots get some air every once in a while.


Well-Known Member
the power just came back on YAY! :) . now i get to change my water in a while once the lights come on. lowering the level a bit. lowering my nute dosage. no liquid karma. keeping the res cool, theres a slight bad smell but again i think the liquid karma gave me some problems, some im fighting back now, just in case. I may go get something from the hydo store, Aquasheild? clearex? idk some of those things. they recommended me some stuff to fight root rot n such but i dont remember the names. Not even sure i have a real problem, but id rather be safe than sorry, cant afford to lose these plants!


Well-Known Member
Alright, so the problems i experienced with the roots, i think is/was root rot, but i think i am catching it early before it destroys everything. I completely cleaned out my res. new water. new nutes. NO liquid karma. washed everything, all tubes, all pumps. filled with clean water and H2O2 then rinsed and did it again. I rinsed off the roots, some fell off, some i took off. minor damage. Lots of white/offwhite roots now. I know Ive got to work hard to prevent the root rot from happening, can't afford to lose this crop. I Added 2 teaspoons per gallon of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) to my mix this time, Kind of low dosage? I'm not sure exactly how much I should be putting, ive heard many things, so comments? I am looking into getting hydroguard or hygrozyme to use in the res to fight this still minor problem. I think I handled the situation well, just hopping things pick up even more. especially for the younger hindu skunk, its stil sluggin along. getting quite a few new roots. I took out the feeder tubes from the Bogglegum, but still have them in the hindu, just till a few more roots are down then the pump is coming out. Because the hindu skunk is still young and ive been seeing minor signs of nute burn i now went with 1/4 strength recommended dose to start. Will bump it up little by little if able to/need.

3.75ml per Gallon Pure Blend Pro Grow
1.5ml per Gallon Cal Mag PLUS
2teaspoons(10ml) per Gallon 3% H2O2

Room Temp:
Lights ON 80-90F (depends on weather here, luckily mostly cold)
Lights OFF 68-75F

Res. Temp:

Any questions, comments, advice? Thanks for your time bongsmilie

Look a lil better?

Hindu Skunk (still a few problems with this one, working on it though)


random shots:

Thanks guys

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I definitely see some improvements. 2 teaspoons per gallon of H2O2 is perfect. I don't use it, but I would not recommend going any higher unless your problem worsens. Congrats on solving your problem and hopefully you will be rewarded in the end. Best of luck!


Active Member
I use about 1 tablespoon during root problem time and it worked well. Your roots also looked stained due to the LK, it does that. Some of my plants still have stained roots near the top where the LK stuck to them.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys. haha working hard to fight the root problems, good to know that i can go up to 1 tablespoon if i continue to have problems, yah i know the LK stained lots of the tops of my roots, hopefully it picks up even more now. I decided i dont think im going to lst the hindu skunk anymore maybe just top it or just let it grow, its the runt but i NEED to switch to flowering on sunday so i guess we'll just see what happens.


Well-Known Member
The yellowing in the hindu skunks leaves continues, mainly in the older ones, why is this? i thought it was nute burn im only at 1/4 strength nutes and still seeing it, the bogglegum is now showing yellowing in its bigger older and lower leaves, not alot. i figure this is an N def? could it be thought the same of both plants? whats my problem here?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Yeah I would say it's an N deficiency. They are definitely old enough to hand at least 1/2 strength. Try that and bump it up to full strength in a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Purchased hygrozyme and Vermi T. Hopefully this helps take care of the problems im experiencing with roots.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: slime on my roots, conditions worsened because of a weather change, got kind of hot all of a sudden, there for the rot got bad! way bad! just added hygrozyme to fight it. the Vermi T is supposed to work with the hygrozyme by replacing all the bad bacteria with new good stuff. i heard this combo is the best thing to do. along with H2O2 put in a few days before as well. and changing res offten and cleaning everything.. so i really hope this works.

anyone with experience with these products?
tryin to get an idea of exactly what i should be doing with this. so far just put it in as the directions say.

also, am i still able to switch to flowering while having this problem?


Active Member
IMO, I wouldn't switch to flowering until my plant was mostly healthy. From how I understand it, plants don't recover as easily during flowering. As far as the products, I've only ever used h2o2 for root rot, but i've never had it too bad.... good luck.