1000 watt multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my first actual indoor grow.
Strains- grape stomper, headband, strawberry cough and kings kush.
Soil- pro mix
Nutrients- advanced nutrient line up
Light- 1000 watt air cooled hood
Flower room is about 7x5 feet

As of right now the plants are reaching 1 foot tall.. They were slightly stunted from being root bound in the 1 gallon containers, moved them into they're 5 gallon buckets. Will probably be flowering them in the next week or two...
Also, started some LSTing.
Pictures tomorrow... They're sleeping.


Well-Known Member
Eh... It's not letting me upload pictures from the iPad... They are about a foot tall... Will be getting pictures from my camera soon.


Well-Known Member
First day of flower starts tomorrow. I put four ladies in the flowering room tonight. The temps in the flowering room drop to 60 when the lights off... os that too low?

Took clones from all the plants yesterday.. its been 5 days since the last watering... cant wait to start the fflowering nutes.
I left the chocolope and kings kush in theveg room


Well-Known Member
I just started feeding my plants following the advanced nutrients feeding schedule. When its says how much of each to use per week, do I cut the amount in half and feed every time? Or do I water with the full amount of nutrients and water with just water the 2nd time I feed that week?