100% Newbie Need Help With Set Up Closet!!!!


Active Member
Hey m8tes!!!
This is my very first experience with trying to set a up a grow closet. I have read all the FAQs in a bunch of sites and found the info here the best!!!
I do have an available closet space that is:

6ft length,
7ft width,
8 ft tall!!!!

I am not going to use the enitre space but I was wondering how much of that space I will need to grow about 4 to 6 plants??

Also I am thinking of using a 600W HPS/MH all in one lamp with a ballast and a 4 sided reflector. Now what is the advice you guys can give me, should I build a good size box out of plywood and make a box inside the closet to block light leakeage or build my space around the closet structure??? Also I am wondering with what strains I should go with, lowryder, NL, Big Bud?!?!
I will deeply appreciate any help that anyone can give me with my first attempt to grow any!!!
Thanks a lot!!!


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, if you have the ability to ventilate it and keep light leaks out, I would keep the area as it is. As for a floor space for 6 plants, depending on the plants, I'd say 3x4 ft or 4x4 ft of floor space would be expected. The 600w will cover this area sufficiently, and with some white reflective plastic would light the room fine. Although a 5x5x8 box would probably provide more reflective light.
Lowryder is a strain I've never grown. Flowers very fast but, with your 8ft ceilings I just wouldn't waste the head space! I've grown N.L#5 twice now, and it's a great strain. Not so sure about the Big Bud as I've got no experience with it. There are many choices, and first you must figure out what your looking for, both in the plants physical traits (to best match your room), and in the final product. Then it will be easier to determine the best strain or strains for your room. best of luck to ya


Active Member
thanx a lot ma8!!

yea i was thinking a 4x4 would be ideal for what I am looking to do right now!!! Yea I have read a lot of good things about NL#5 im just worried about these sketchy sites, do you have any recommendations to a good site u've used be4?!?! So yea I will be using a 4x4 should I box that out like a 4x4 by 7 with a bathroom exhaust on top and a good fan blowing air in?!? That might be a better idea if smell becomes an issue since i can put a carbon filter on top of the exhaust?!?! Im just going from what im reading in all posts and that awesome book by jorge cervantes!!! alright thanks a lot for the response anybody that would like to give me some advice ur more than welcome!!!

Later Ma8s!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've used a few different sites but lately I've been using Seed Boutique or Attitude seeds. Greenhouse seeds is another fav. As for ventilation I would pull more air than push it. If you make the ceiling 7 ft and put the fan in the ceiling you wont be able to run a carbon filter right to your exhaust fan, it will have to be a duct at a 90 degree angle, greatly reducing airflow. Maybe instead of in the ceiling you could put it in the wall at the top.


Active Member
thanks a lot for the help!!!

so you think instead of making a box and an actual closed off ceiling I should just keep the structure of the closet and close it off with plywood with a hole for a fan up top & in the front and make a lil door to make access to the plants possible???
That way I would have no ceiling or height restrictions and can use the full 8ft of height. If I do that what is the best way to get air pushed out of there??? Cut a whole in the plywood and stick the fan pushing air out?!? And what do you recommend as in a fan that blows air in just a lil PC fan will do well until flowering stages?!? Alright hopefully I will get my set up going within the next 2 weeks and I cannot wait to keep reading the Indoor Bible and getting help here from my fellow stoner ma8s!!!


Well-Known Member
Its hard to say which way to go regarding the structure without seeing it. To me I would do whichever option is easier, as long as it does what its supposed to. As long as the light leaks and most of the air leaks are taken care of you will be fine. The extra height usually ends up being a heaven send so if you decide to make yourself a box I would still try to make it 8ft. I usually cut a hole and mount an in-line on the outside of the room with the lip of the incoming end of the fan through the hole and sealed off. The I stick my filter directly on the exit end of fan, so there is no ducting. With a 600w in that space you will probably have heat issues, so cooling the hood with pc fans or exhausting the room up and out of your hoods. Probably will need something a lillte bigger than a pc fan for option 2.


Active Member
yes ur 100% right Im going to have to go with whichever option is easier, less costly and 100% efficient with no light or air leaks. I have been doing some research with some grow tents, 4x4x6 is running at $120 with free shipping on ebay. I might consider going that route but I have heard some bad things about the PVC gases killing the plants!!! Neways I will hopefully be getting all my supplies together this week and I will post a couple pictures of the space I have and try to figure out which way would be easiest and most efficient. Once again foolsgold I appreciate all the help and hopefully this week we'll have some pics and equipment to get this ball rolling...catch up with you then....take it easy ma8!!!!