1 Common Long Term Side Effect From LSD


Well-Known Member
Lower back pain and a much nastier after effecr of a trip is what alot of people reported after taking acid.that you could taste most likely dirty or.some shit the brain bleeding was something me.and and a dude in a.car felt after blazing one muh later on weather it was tue or not i dont fucken know back pain yes for sure i was told it was the strict 9 in there that we could taste tripped bigger balls on tasteless acid with no back pain
you can find people online if u search that r physically fucked from acid and mentally of course lol its labrat shit some of the myths r true
I can't think of a single myth that is true. No strychnine. I can't say that one can't "taste" acid as there was always some sort of reaction on the tongue when I took it but it could easily have been all mental. Considering that the median lethal dose is between 200 mcg and 1 mg per kg. it is highly unlikely that you would be physically damaged by 500 mics.

Considering that LSD has one of the lowest active dose/lethal dose ratios and one of the lowest dependency potentials of any drug can mean that it is the least physically dangerous.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Please stop posting. Regardless of it being your thread. Please.
Sorry i don't take rollitup.org as seriously as you. i will leave the conversations up to the highly intelligent. im out this thread lol. However one last thing i think lsd is a good thing it changed my life. I don't think anyone is the same from using it, those doors are open 4-ever you don't need to keep on using it. And just like any other drug herion, cocaine, meth there's alot of healing time involved and learning through that healing, after you stop. The Ying and the Yang, all Drug's give you something, but they want somethen in return, and l.s.d gives you a whole lot soo fuck with it enough you will be payen it back for a while. But in the end it's a big learning expirence if you lay off... Don't believe me keep trippen and fuck up your life. Peace Out. imma stay old fashion have good old weed smoken, henny drinken fun time. Off RollituP, have fun with the thread

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Sorry i don't take rollitup.org as seriously as you. i will leave the conversations up to the highly intelligent. im out this thread lol. However one last thing i think lsd is a good thing it changed my life. I don't think anyone is the same from using it, those doors are open 4-ever you don't need to keep on using it. And just like any other drug herion, cocaine, meth there's alot of healing time involved and learning through that healing, after you stop. The Ying and the Yang, all Drug's give you something, but they want somethen in return, and l.s.d gives you a whole lot soo fuck with it enough you will be payen it back for a while. But in the end it's a big learning expirence if you lay off... Don't believe me keep trippen and fuck up your life. Peace Out. imma stay old fashion have good old weed smoken, henny drinken fun time. Off RollituP, have fun with the thread


Well-Known Member
One guy even had bumps on his forehead not zits or anything but like 4 or 6 bumps all in even places. they werent hard they were soft, stress or someshit i dont know, hes probably tripped 1000 x or more im sure. He thinks wayyy to damn much he even huffs glue, breathen it in and out of a plastic bag
Yah between huffing glue and LSD I would blame the LSD for bumps/brain bleeding too
/end sarcasm


Well-Known Member
Seen the movie limitless? The ying and the yang all drugs give you something but if they give you too much you gotta pay it back some other way! "VULNERABILITY" common side effect from acid and from my expirence can last a good 2 years from a good dose or 2 of some strong sh** looking back on my trips with some boys of mine some who got a little fucked up but they came back at least somewhat lol. perfect example, and a few months after trippen, turned to one of my freinds we had a nice Buzz goin on the 4th of july, there was a bunch of us. It was just beer and weed. Anyways turned to my one freinds and said sarcasticly (we were next to a bridge by a lake), Man that water looks soo refreshing (like sewer water) if you jump in i'll do a fucken cannon ball off the bridge lol
He to my shocking surprise jumped in with shoes ciggeretes fon everything. Man oh man i felt bad he believed me. Thats just one example i connected the dots theres a whole lot more. And i know a little weed and alcohol can make u do things but we werent shit faced lol
Another weird one don't know if it's common or not, dont think so but i had a major break out of zits on my forehead for 3 fucken weeks i almost turned antisocial lol

Alcohol is to blame. Or your friend is a dumbass. LSD, nor the long-term effects, didn't make him do that.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Your probably right alcohol was to blame, but if he didnt trip before that he wouldnt have done it. When i would be in the car with him he would drive 60mph in a sub. And 35 on the expressway he did that for a while to lol. Im just saying i knew the guy before hand. He wasnt dumb like that before he tripped. I have done every drug under the sun except meth and ibogaine. This month is my 7th yr with only usen alcohol and weed. I would probably still be doin hard shit ifit wasnt for a mushroom trip 1 week before i made up my mind to quit. Drugs are strong they blind you your tottaly under there spell if i pop one vicodine id be usen herion within 1 month so i dont do nothen but weed and liqour, why do you think lsd takes away headaches for 1 full yr from people who suffer from them becuase its loooong term. Changes you man theres always a side effect with the stronger shit you use period. You cant argue me wrong


Well-Known Member
Your probably right alcohol was to blame, but if he didnt trip before that he wouldnt have done it. When i would be in the car with him he would drive 60mph in a sub. And 35 on the expressway he did that for a while to lol. Im just saying i knew the guy before hand. He wasnt dumb like that before he tripped. I have done every drug under the sun except meth and ibogaine. This month is my 7th yr with only usen alcohol and weed. I would probably still be doin hard shit ifit wasnt for a mushroom trip 1 week before i made up my mind to quit. Drugs are strong they blind you your tottaly under there spell if i pop one vicodine id be usen herion within 1 month so i dont do nothen but weed and liqour, why do you think lsd takes away headaches for 1 full yr from people who suffer from them becuase its loooong term. Changes you man theres always a side effect with the stronger shit you use period. You cant argue me wrong
Congrats on stayin away from everything but Buds and Alcs.. Sounds like it was the correct choice for you..:shock:

As for your comment 'Drugs are strong they blind you your tottaly under there spell'.. Hogwash.. They obliterate the blinders when used correctly ;)


Well-Known Member
All life changing experiences are "long term". A witnessed death, a withnessed birth, a revelation, a near death experience of one's own.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Congrats on stayin away from everything but Buds and Alcs.. Sounds like it was the correct choice for you..:shock:

As for your comment 'Drugs are strong they blind you your tottaly under there spell'.. Hogwash.. They obliterate the blinders when used correctly ;)

A good spell as in opening your eyes to what you have been blind too, But some people have such a wall up in front of them and to help them see through that wall. There will be side effects Srugs reroute your path, the key to seeing that is looking back, basically fix one thing fuck up another thing, and you cant see what they fucked up until the long term side effects, therefore blinding you
My friend, why are you here? Are you trying to save me? Or do you still secretly enjoy the thought or allure of the substances discussed herein? Your purpose on these forums is lost to me.


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Being a former addict, and getting my wisdom teeth pulled recently with no medicine besides motrin, i know i might have to use some hard shit to get off hard again one day, some drugs have barely any bad side effects until u stop using them, i personally believe some people have done so much of a certain drug they have no choice but to keep usen to stay normal i just wanna help people understand the ying and the yang and get some help myself.


Well-Known Member
Detroit, you are very wrong about LSD staying in someones spine, LSD causing "bleeding of the brain" etc.. Its effects are documented and none of that is proven. LSD is broken down in the body and excreted in urine so it can`t stay in the spine. Even so, it just sounds ridiculous that a foreign chemical can stay in someones body for a lifetime.

As before you judge what LSD does to people, most people who take LSD take it becuase they are trying one drug after the other without a solid goal in life (just my opinion). Even if one will argue with what I just said, one can`t argue that people taking ilicit drugs are breaking the law and putting their health at risk (even though i don`t really agree with the health bit).

My point is, people who work their way up to taking LSD are mainly people on different paths in society and its very easy for them to drop out of their path. Also all the demonizing about LSD etc..

You sound like someone who has done a lot of drugs, I haven`t and I don`t agree with your views on LSD, I agree they might be valid generalisations, but that doesn`t mean its the drugs fault but rather the users and settings fault.

I`m glad psychedelics helped you whatsoever and I agree with saying there is not a benefit in taking them excessively. But some people may disagree with that too. Please drop the myths though!

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Being a former addict, and getting my wisdom teeth pulled recently with no medicine besides motrin, i know i might have to use some hard shit to get off hard again one day, some drugs have barely any bad side effects until u stop using them, i personally believe some people have done so much of a certain drug they have no choice but to keep usen to stay normal i just wanna help people understand the ying and the yang and get some help myself.
Ibuprofen is actually quite a powerful analgesic, especially when it comes to inflammatory vasodilation. ;)
That one's easy. As a teen I had all my wisdoms removed, and I saved all my perc's for a day I would enjoy them. :)

I'm sure everyone here understands the various risks associated with the substances they decide to partake.

As for LSD, the only risk is in your mind. If it's weak, it may turn to ash.


Well-Known Member
its all in the mind!

most "proven" research done for this subject have MANY fall backs.

how do you REALLY know how "bad" LSD is for you?
how does ANYONE even know...really.

spinal cords...
holes in your brain...

keep in mind most test subjects that were used to test LSD to "confirm" its neurotoxicity was rats or lab mice.

how big is a human being?
how big is a rat?

look how one drop of liquid can do this to a human....what does it do to a rat?

LSD is TOO HARD to make any confirmations on anything.

of course with any substance....if used with a tolerance and start a "binge"
that cannot be good...


Well-Known Member
its like the effects of MDMA ...
you know what it does.
makes you feel happy.
straight and too the point.

whatr the effects of LSD?
i could go on for DAYS!!!!!

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Detroit, you are very wrong about LSD staying in someones spine, LSD causing "bleeding of the brain" etc.. Its effects are documented and none of that is proven. LSD is broken down in the body and excreted in urine so it can`t stay in the spine. Even so, it just sounds ridiculous that a foreign chemical can stay in someones body for a lifetime.

As before you judge what LSD does to people, most people who take LSD take it becuase they are trying one drug after the other without a solid goal in life (just my opinion). Even if one will argue with what I just said, one can`t argue that people taking ilicit drugs are breaking the law and putting their health at
risk (even though i don`t really agree with the health bit).

My point is, people who work their way up to taking LSD are mainly people on different paths in society and its very easy for them to drop out of their path. Also all the demonizing about LSD etc..

You sound like someone who has done a lot of drugs, I haven`t and I don`t agree with your views on LSD, I agree they might be valid generalisations, but that doesn`t mean its the drugs fault but rather the users and settings fault.

I`m glad psychedelics helped you whatsoever and I agree with saying there is not a benefit in taking them excessively. But some people may disagree with that too. Please drop the myths though!
Brain bleeding was just something i felt when i blazzed one only one time.. that i dont really care about back pain from one perticlar sheet of acid goin around everybody said there back hurt 2 to 3 days whats so hard to believe about that, i will hold my ground on that one. Next day i even had a single flash back too went blind, millions of colord specs all i could see, broke out in a cold sweat too at the same time then in an instant everything went to normal lasted, about 3 min.
And lastly i think you can have a great trip. But still have bad side effects but i wont talk about that, cause no one wants to hear it lol