1,000 plant bust in my area


Well-Known Member
your lucky you have the option of being legal in your state, you are FAR safer than me, the only people that would go after you would be the DEA, who, like you said, could give 2 shits about you..... the rest of us are contending with every single LEO around, highly increasing our risk. i bet that if you had a grow close to that big (the 1000 plant dude), you'd be able to get away with it, simply because your protected by your state. this guy wasn't, and neither am I, so no matter how fucking retarded this guy was, I feel bad for him. it's a complete injustice what happened to him....... in my mind there is no difference between a person growing and a person sitting on the side of the road while a cop ripes HIS car apart, thats right, i said his, cause i have not once ever heard of a female getting the treatment that many many men get when pulled over.

and thank you for distinguishing me from someone else..... i do not put words in people's mouth, and will only use their exact words against them.

EDIT: I hope there are no hard feelings, i know it was a bit of a heated debate.......stay safe :)
debates are always heated. I never harbor any hard feelings. i sometimes come off that way on the internet because i have a foul mouth in real life and i dont necessarily edit myself online either. lol.

anyways, there is NOOOOO way I'd get away with 1000 plants or even 100 plants here. if the cops were to come we'd be busted. our state stipulates you can have 6 plants flowering and 24 starts/clones at any given time (im growing 8 in flowering stage right now. not counting one that has been struggling from the start. doubt it will make it through. lol)

but they also state that any MMJ user can only have a 60 day supply of bud (but they dont give a quantity) and since the doctors dont say like "1 bowl a day for you thats it" theres really no way to say what a 60 day supply could be, but unfortunately thats changing in either june or july... i cant remember. they are going to set an amount then. but honestly..... If you saw where I'd live you wouldnt ever worry either. I live in the middle of the yuppiest neighborhood alive. chances that a cop would be called here are slim. actually..... we only ever called the cops when some creep was stalking kids at the playground here. but its pretty safe to say that unless the house catches fire or something we're definitely under the radar.

i think it wont be long before most states have the mmj laws. it seems to slowly be spreading. gotta get those damn democrats in your governement if you want some mmj!! :D thankfully washington is a really REALLY liberal state.


Well-Known Member
Ya tell that bitch whats uppp!!! haha jk, but good points man, if you bought weed from someone even one time in your life, chances are like what u siad, it was a mass grower. Damn ignorance. Think guys, seriously.

This guy is looking at 15 years.Poor, poor fella.

but he knew what the time would be if he EVER were to get caught. he knew the risks before he took the fall.

you dont jump out of a plane without making sure your parachute works. you dont grow without knowing the risks associated with it.

The Stig

Well-Known Member
sorry but that guy was really asking to be caught... and it was commercial grower (and a very stupid one lol)


Well-Known Member
Read about that yesterday....I agree...he HAD to be a 1st timer or freakin' stupid to do all of that in a house. Down in Fla. all the spanish guys do that and alot get caught. High expectations, but stupid planning. Equals JAIL TIME.


Well-Known Member
Read about that yesterday....I agree...he HAD to be a 1st timer or freakin' stupid to do all of that in a house. Down in Fla. all the spanish guys do that and alot get caught. High expectations, but stupid planning. Equals JAIL TIME.
I couldn't agree more... It was actually a group of people in 3 different houses. The basements were the grow shops and upstairs was a mess, All they did is vent the air into the upper level of the house, and by the time the mold came they were in too deep. Those houses are all getting tore down, they are fucked... It wasn't gonna be long before the moisture and mold was gonna make it outside and start showing on the siding....
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Well-Known Member
the government doesnt tax that money. and they look down upon dealers. dealing is much worse than personal use. get a real job!
Above is the statement I commented on....
I'm NOT SAYING IM ANTI MARIJUANA AND I'D LIKE TO SEE WHERE IN ANY POST I'VE EVER MADE ON RIU THAT I SAID THAT. I stated the facts as to WHY law enforcement looks down on MASS growing. NOT THAT I FUCKING AGREE WITH IT. i said since its illegal they cant tax the dealers and they dont like that. cause taxes go to fix our roads and buildings and other shit. I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT NOT LIKING IT!!

and wtf. you're a fucking idiot!! Im sorry, people like you piss me the fuck off. dont twist my fucking words!! if you cant read plain fucking english then Im sorry but dont put words in my mouth!! and dont assume things you dont know about me. :roll::roll::roll:
By u saying get a real job, that tells me that u agree with it! Don't lash out at me since u either fucked your words up or that is what u truly believe. How am I supposed to know what ur other posts say, I don't have time to read every post by every person, so I just call em like I see em... I'm glad that u clarified that, but u did say "Get a real job" Which in my eyes supports what u said about the gov't not being able to tax that money. So, if u are too ignorant to even understand what u say yourself, how can I understand it?


Well-Known Member
thats a good point Live2 made, cause if you factor the cost of court and penelties that the judge will fuck you with. you def' would be making out a whole lot better growing for personal and never having to drop that 300-400 for an O of dro again.;-) i mean i did the math on what i spent on dro the last 1 month and its waaaay more than what i pay for one of my car payments in 1 month.
I just thought this was hilarious because last night i was debating on how much id have to cut back my dank weed consumption in order to get a new car. Between cigs and weed i spend too much money on smoke a month...