1,000 plant bust in my area


Well-Known Member
no actually I have friends and family that grow small amounts. to my knowledge Ive never bought any weed from a mass grower and i think its rather ridiculous to put yourself in a position like this guy has just to make a little cash. theres no reason he would need 1000 plants at a time. thats excessive if you consider the cycle of continual growing.

I could give a fuck less if people mass grow because its their life their putting at risk... Im just saying why feel sorry for someone who chose their own fate. he started his operation... he knew the consequences of his actions and he paid for them with Im sure a nice phat jail sentence.

Im not against marijuana growing, but if youre growing with intent to sell then you dont get any sympathy from me because the government doesnt tax that money. and they look down upon dealers. dealing is much worse than personal use. get a real job!
Wow is this thread loaded with bullshit! Oh no, the gov't doesn't tax that money, fuck the gov't, what the fuck, are u a cop? Do u think u would pay less in taxes if their were no peopl;e dealing out there, the gov't will tax your ass no matter what, and once they get you to pay an amount, that amount will never go down, it only goes up. I would hope your not against growing, this is a marijuana growing site, and I didn't see anything in the terms of use saying u could only grow for personnal use.
I do agree with one thing u say tho, I don't feel sorry for anyone who get's popped off, like u said they choose their own fate, and if they decide to.


Well-Known Member
I couldnt beleive it, it was just on the news for southern WI, in a nice 'friendly' neighbor hood. and they were pulling out 5-6 foot plants out of the house, with not a bud site to on them. These guys were going HUGE. I feel for these dudes, thats a kick to the nuts...times a 1,000:joint::joint:to them
Fuck yeah, about thirty miles away from me. These guys were stupid as hell!!! This house was caked in mold and mildew, CAKED ON THE WALLS, the drywall was just falling off, it was soaking wet!, the microwave was covered so bad u couldn't even see what it was. They got popped off becuz they were seen bringing in grow equipment, and a skunk smell from the house. The wall in the basement had about 100 ballasts on it. They were definately in way over their heads. MyFox Milwaukee | POT BUST: Police Recover 2000 Marijuana Plants


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, about thirty miles away from me. These guys were stupid as hell!!! This house was caked in mold and mildew, CAKED ON THE WALLS, the drywall was just falling off, it was soaking wet!, the microwave was covered so bad u couldn't even see what it was. They got popped off becuz they were seen bringing in grow equipment, and a skunk smell from the house. The wall in the basement had about 100 ballasts on it. They were definately in way over their heads. MyFox Milwaukee | POT BUST: Police Recover 2000 Marijuana Plants

thats ridic , know ur limit ppl as soon as the walls had mold on it he should of gave it up


Well-Known Member
no actually I have friends and family that grow small amounts. to my knowledge Ive never bought any weed from a mass grower and i think its rather ridiculous to put yourself in a position like this guy has just to make a little cash. theres no reason he would need 1000 plants at a time. thats excessive if you consider the cycle of continual growing.

I could give a fuck less if people mass grow because its their life their putting at risk... Im just saying why feel sorry for someone who chose their own fate. he started his operation... he knew the consequences of his actions and he paid for them with Im sure a nice phat jail sentence.

Im not against marijuana growing, but if youre growing with intent to sell then you dont get any sympathy from me because the government doesnt tax that money. and they look down upon dealers. dealing is much worse than personal use. get a real job!
that highlighted area is the key "TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE"..... which means that you more likely than not HAVE bought weed that came from a mass grower...... it's sad when any grower gets caught... your right in that he didn't need 1000 plants, but thats what he had. you should feel sorry for him cause he is doing a justice that YOU, and many many others (including me, so don't think I'm just talking about you) are too chicken shit to to do in order to get weed to people who won't or can't grow their own....it makes no difference if the government taxes the money or not..... do you know how many people in this country get paid under the table from real legitimate jobs?????? thousands. dealing is no different than people selling their tomatoes on the side of the road.........I can't fucking believe that you have such a bad taste in your mouth about people who supply weed to others, when you yourself had to get it from someone before you grew your own, are you telling me every time you smoked weed before growing your own it was given to you for free? i don't fucking think so.


Well-Known Member
that highlighted area is the key "TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE"..... which means that you more likely than not HAVE bought weed that came from a mass grower...... it's sad when any grower gets caught... your right in that he didn't need 1000 plants, but thats what he had. you should feel sorry for him cause he is doing a justice that YOU, and many many others (including me, so don't think I'm just talking about you) are too chicken shit to to do in order to get weed to people who won't or can't grow their own....it makes no difference if the government taxes the money or not..... do you know how many people in this country get paid under the table from real legitimate jobs?????? thousands. dealing is no different than people selling their tomatoes on the side of the road.........I can't fucking believe that you have such a bad taste in your mouth about people who supply weed to others, when you yourself had to get it from someone before you grew your own, are you telling me every time you smoked weed before growing your own it was given to you for free? i don't fucking think so.
it has nothing to do with me being too chicken shit. it has to do with me valuing the fact that i have a clean record and not wanting to put myself in a position for the sake of other people. I dont have a bad taste in my mouth about growing. I SAID I DONT FUCKING FEEL SORRY FOR THE DUDE!! he knew what the crime was. and 1000 plants isnt exactly discreet! I think you're taking everything i said out of fucking context and spinning off into the fact that Im some weed hating bitch that wants people to not have weed. OBVIOUSLY THATS NOT WHAT I SAID!! I SAID... you DO the crime YOU pay the time!! I CANT FEEL SORRY FOR THAT!! Yeah its shitty that its a crime... but the number one reason that it IS a crime is because the government cant tax the money. do i think they should just leagalize it and make some sort of dealers license and allow the sale of marijuana thats taxable. sure.... why not. But they wont. and when you're out buying fancy cars with your weed money that looks pretty fucking obvious especially if you arent working another job.

but honestly I'd like someone to point out where Im a marijuana hater. I SAID GROW IT FOR YOURSELF FOR PERSONAL USE!! yeah some people cant grow it for themselves you're right. so they have to buy thats fine. but I'm still not going to feel sorry for someone who grows thousands of plants and gets caught. not because Im a marijuana hater but because according to the law its illegal and Im highly positive they KNEW the risks involved in growing LONG before they decided to start mass growing. therefore why feel sorry??

its absolutely ridiculous that you guys are trying to say that i hate marijuana just because i dont feel sorry for some pot dealer getting busted. chances are he fucked himself over by telling too many people. fucking moron!


Well-Known Member
Wow is this thread loaded with bullshit! Oh no, the gov't doesn't tax that money, fuck the gov't, what the fuck, are u a cop? Do u think u would pay less in taxes if their were no peopl;e dealing out there, the gov't will tax your ass no matter what, and once they get you to pay an amount, that amount will never go down, it only goes up. I would hope your not against growing, this is a marijuana growing site, and I didn't see anything in the terms of use saying u could only grow for personnal use.
I do agree with one thing u say tho, I don't feel sorry for anyone who get's popped off, like u said they choose their own fate, and if they decide to.
I'm NOT SAYING IM ANTI MARIJUANA AND I'D LIKE TO SEE WHERE IN ANY POST I'VE EVER MADE ON RIU THAT I SAID THAT. I stated the facts as to WHY law enforcement looks down on MASS growing. NOT THAT I FUCKING AGREE WITH IT. i said since its illegal they cant tax the dealers and they dont like that. cause taxes go to fix our roads and buildings and other shit. I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT NOT LIKING IT!!

and wtf. you're a fucking idiot!! Im sorry, but obiously if you read any of my other posts I AM FUCKING GROWING. so how the fuck can i be against pot if i'm growing. that doesnt make any fucking sense. and Im not sure what terms of use has to do with anything I SAID. did i say NO MASS GROWERS SHOULD POST ON THIS SITE? DID I SAY NO MASS DEALERS SHOULD USE THIS SITE?? no i didnt. I aslo didnt say i hated them and i didnt say that they are bad people.

For every action there is an equal and oppisite reaction. They knew what the crime is (whether or not i believe marijuana should be legal) in the state and governments eyes "intent to distribute" is a serious crime. so why do i need to feel sorry if they got caught. changes are they were being careless and telling people and showing off their crop and not controlling smell well enough. I cant feel sorry for that.

ALL I SAID WAS I DONT FEEL SORRY FOR THEM!! and then IM ANTI MARIJUANA??? people like you piss me the fuck off. dont twist my fucking words!! if you cant read plain fucking english then Im sorry but dont put words in my mouth!! and dont assume things you dont know about me.

look at any of my other activity on RIU and you would see that Im definitely NOT anti marijuana and not a cop! :roll::roll::roll:


Well-Known Member
why the fuck would you feel bad for him??
I mean seriously... you never should grow to distribute. its not fucking rocket science. grow some plants for personal use, but 1000 plants. thats excessive and quite obviously he was saying "hey look at me... Im fucking selling weed!"

cops typically dont care about a few plants (especially if you live in a state where its legal. get your fucking license) but when youre growing with intent to sell thats a whole other ball park!! seee.... government doesnt like the whole selling of weed thing because you dont pay taxes on the profit from sale. they dont like that one bit.

if you really want to sell weed and make a profit open a fucking dispensary get your licenses and go into business. then all you have to worry about is the DEA, but they dont come around too often. (except maybe in california because cali has so many!)


Well-Known Member
But yeah that is definatly asking for it, i give him an A for Huge balls though. I wonder how long he did get away with it for... Cause damn figure he got 2 ounces a plant (which he was definatly getting way more, 5 foot plants still veggin), thats 2 thousand ounces X 400, thats 800 thousand dollars. My god, two grows and this dude would be pretty much set for life.
he should have just done it in smaller amounts cause Im willing to bet that he had a tough time controlling the smell and he was probably telling people about his operation. thats usually what happens. you tell your friends because youre so proud of your success and you just want to show off your children (trust me i know i want to from time to time) but the unfortunate reality of it all is that you cant trust people. people get jealous or greedy and they want the reward for a tip off that gets a dealer or distributor off the streets. so they begin to think about it and all of a sudden they arent such a good friend anymore.

If he was quiet about it and grew like 100 5ft plants and then had a continual cycle of harvesting and having another 50 or 100 ready to flower he probably would have been a little more under the radar. and Im sure the smell control would have been a bit easier. I cant imagine that he controlled it very well. 1000 plants is a lot of odor.


Well-Known Member
it has nothing to do with me being too chicken shit. it has to do with me valuing the fact that i have a clean record and not wanting to put myself in a position for the sake of other people. I dont have a bad taste in my mouth about growing. I SAID I DONT FUCKING FEEL SORRY FOR THE DUDE!! he knew what the crime was. and 1000 plants isnt exactly discreet! I think you're taking everything i said out of fucking context and spinning off into the fact that Im some weed hating bitch that wants people to not have weed. OBVIOUSLY THATS NOT WHAT I SAID!! I SAID... you DO the crime YOU pay the time!! I CANT FEEL SORRY FOR THAT!! Yeah its shitty that its a crime... but the number one reason that it IS a crime is because the government cant tax the money. do i think they should just leagalize it and make some sort of dealers license and allow the sale of marijuana thats taxable. sure.... why not. But they wont. and when you're out buying fancy cars with your weed money that looks pretty fucking obvious especially if you arent working another job.

but honestly I'd like someone to point out where Im a marijuana hater. I SAID GROW IT FOR YOURSELF FOR PERSONAL USE!! yeah some people cant grow it for themselves you're right. so they have to buy thats fine. but I'm still not going to feel sorry for someone who grows thousands of plants and gets caught. not because Im a marijuana hater but because according to the law its illegal and Im highly positive they KNEW the risks involved in growing LONG before they decided to start mass growing. therefore why feel sorry??

its absolutely ridiculous that you guys are trying to say that i hate marijuana just because i dont feel sorry for some pot dealer getting busted. chances are he fucked himself over by telling too many people. fucking moron!
I never once said you hate marijuana or that you have a bad taste in your mouth about growing...... only that people like that dude supply many people, even knowing the risk. and that should be commended, not looked down upon. and your completely right, the guy fucked himself over by buying expensive shit.....

if you really valued your "clean record", you wouldn't be growing to begin with, cause in some states, there is no difference between 1 plant and 1000 plants. it has everything to do with you (again, and me) being too chicken shit, your afraid of the laws and reprocutions of what COULD happen, not what WILL happen if you got caught, which is exactly what LEO wants.

I'm not talking anything out of context, I'm using your exact words..... how is that out of context? I feel sorry for anyone who is arrested in the war on drugs, regardless of how stupid they are about what they are doing, because we are NOT criminals; the law, and people with your mentality (since you seem to think that dealers are soooo bad) that continue to put us at risk. we need to fight as one, we cannot have people badmouthing each other and saying the aren't sorry for someone who was wrongfully labeled a criminal and think that some day we have a chance..... every time you say that weed wont be legal, it lays one more stone down for LEO, allowing them to continue with their fuckin bullshit.

I'm guessing you've never had to deal with LEO harassing the shit out of you because you "look" like a stoner, because if you had, you would not be talking the way you do.....
I am harassed and searched EVERY SINGLE time I get pulled over, without question. they don't even say anything to me really, just pull me out of the car and say it smells like pot so they are searching it, yet there has been zero pot in my car in the last 4 years, and I've been pulled over plenty of times...... when you get harassed like that, you feel sorry for anyone who has to go through that, dumb fuck or not.


Well-Known Member
I never once said you hate marijuana or that you have a bad taste in your mouth about growing...... only that people like that dude supply many people, even knowing the risk. and that should be commended, not looked down upon. and your completely right, the guy fucked himself over by buying expensive shit.....

if you really valued your "clean record", you wouldn't be growing to begin with, cause in some states, there is no difference between 1 plant and 1000 plants. it has everything to do with you (again, and me) being too chicken shit, your afraid of the laws and reprocutions of what COULD happen, not what WILL happen if you got caught, which is exactly what LEO wants.

I'm not talking anything out of context, I'm using your exact words..... how is that out of context? I feel sorry for anyone who is arrested in the war on drugs, regardless of how stupid they are about what they are doing, because we are NOT criminals; the law, and people with your mentality (since you seem to think that dealers are soooo bad) that continue to put us at risk. we need to fight as one, we cannot have people badmouthing each other and saying the aren't sorry for someone who was wrongfully labeled a criminal and think that some day we have a chance..... every time you say that weed wont be legal, it lays one more stone down for LEO, allowing them to continue with their fuckin bullshit.

I'm guessing you've never had to deal with LEO harassing the shit out of you because you "look" like a stoner, because if you had, you would not be talking the way you do.....
I am harassed and searched EVERY SINGLE time I get pulled over, without question. they don't even say anything to me really, just pull me out of the car and say it smells like pot so they are searching it, yet there has been zero pot in my car in the last 4 years, and I've been pulled over plenty of times...... when you get harassed like that, you feel sorry for anyone who has to go through that, dumb fuck or not.
haha same here , they always fucking pull me over and ask me if im hi and , there like just admit it u smoke its alright we dont care ,
then when i go through the border dam they rip my car apart there like wheres the drugs, i would never drive through the border with weed or anything , or maybe they rip my car apart cus im arab but either way cops are just bitches the more ppl they catch the bigger there raise is the end of the year


Well-Known Member
I never once said you hate marijuana or that you have a bad taste in your mouth about growing...... only that people like that dude supply many people, even knowing the risk. and that should be commended, not looked down upon. and your completely right, the guy fucked himself over by buying expensive shit.....

if you really valued your "clean record", you wouldn't be growing to begin with, cause in some states, there is no difference between 1 plant and 1000 plants. it has everything to do with you (again, and me) being too chicken shit, your afraid of the laws and reprocutions of what COULD happen, not what WILL happen if you got caught, which is exactly what LEO wants.

I'm not talking anything out of context, I'm using your exact words..... how is that out of context? I feel sorry for anyone who is arrested in the war on drugs, regardless of how stupid they are about what they are doing, because we are NOT criminals; the law, and people with your mentality (since you seem to think that dealers are soooo bad) that continue to put us at risk. we need to fight as one, we cannot have people badmouthing each other and saying the aren't sorry for someone who was wrongfully labeled a criminal and think that some day we have a chance..... every time you say that weed wont be legal, it lays one more stone down for LEO, allowing them to continue with their fuckin bullshit.

I'm guessing you've never had to deal with LEO harassing the shit out of you because you "look" like a stoner, because if you had, you would not be talking the way you do.....
I am harassed and searched EVERY SINGLE time I get pulled over, without question. they don't even say anything to me really, just pull me out of the car and say it smells like pot so they are searching it, yet there has been zero pot in my car in the last 4 years, and I've been pulled over plenty of times...... when you get harassed like that, you feel sorry for anyone who has to go through that, dumb fuck or not.
I got you mixed up with the guy above you who called me a marijuana hater. lol i retract that statement. :hump:

Im growing because i have a license to grow. does that mean that Im safe? no. I understand that the DEA can come around anytime and take my 9 plants if they really want. but i highly doubt they want to waste their time with a small timer like me.

I get what you're saying about how we should feel sorry for them but Im only being honest in that i cant find any spot inside the core of my being that can feel sorry for someone who is careless about it. yeah... theres a war on drugs and i do disagree with it, but until/if/when pot becomes legal unfortunately the actions have consequences. and until they dont people just need to be a lot more careful about who they tell and paying attention to their odor control and things like that. if they dont have the common sense to do that then in my eyes they shouldn't even be attempting a mass grow operation. and in that case, they deserve whats coming to them because even though I think they should just legalize it for recreational use. not just medical and then make it a taxable item just like cigarettes or alcohol... until that happens there are repercussions for careless actions.

I dont get harassed because a) I dont look like a stoner and b) I dont get pulled over! so you're right i dont get harassed by LEO. its unfortunate that people get harassed like that and yes i do feel sorry for someone who gets harassed on the side of the road without probable cause. and i think thats wrong. but thats a lot different than a grow operation situation!


Well-Known Member
haha same here , they always fucking pull me over and ask me if im hi and , there like just admit it u smoke its alright we dont care ,
then when i go through the border dam they rip my car apart there like wheres the drugs, i would never drive through the border with weed or anything , or maybe they rip my car apart cus im arab but either way cops are just bitches the more ppl they catch the bigger there raise is the end of the year
yeah that whole random car ripping apart thing at the border really urks me. once i was traveling with my parents and my GRANDPARENTS to canada and they decided they would randomly search our MINIVAN... they tore the entire car apart, didnt put anything back and of course there was nothing in the fucking car.... shit i was like 10 and with old people. wtf is that.

oh and they brought a dog in. we were like...0_o


Well-Known Member
yeah that whole random car ripping apart thing at the border really urks me. once i was traveling with my parents and my GRANDPARENTS to canada and they decided they would randomly search our MINIVAN... they tore the entire car apart, didnt put anything back and of course there was nothing in the fucking car.... shit i was like 10 and with old people. wtf is that.

oh and they brought a dog in. we were like...0_o
yea use to go to america all the time to shop and just site cing
but everytime like i said, i got pulled over ,by both sides the canadian border and the american border they rip the car apart and the thing is when they put it back together all the pieces in the car off ie, dashboard , they should pay for the damage , so know when im on the highway the dahsboard just rattles like nuts its annoying , fucking leos


Well-Known Member
I got you mixed up with the guy above you who called me a marijuana hater. lol i retract that statement. :hump:

Im growing because i have a license to grow. does that mean that Im safe? no. I understand that the DEA can come around anytime and take my 9 plants if they really want. but i highly doubt they want to waste their time with a small timer like me.

I get what you're saying about how we should feel sorry for them but Im only being honest in that i cant find any spot inside the core of my being that can feel sorry for someone who is careless about it. yeah... theres a war on drugs and i do disagree with it, but until/if/when pot becomes legal unfortunately the actions have consequences. and until they dont people just need to be a lot more careful about who they tell and paying attention to their odor control and things like that. if they dont have the common sense to do that then in my eyes they shouldn't even be attempting a mass grow operation. and in that case, they deserve whats coming to them because even though I think they should just legalize it for recreational use. not just medical and then make it a taxable item just like cigarettes or alcohol... until that happens there are repercussions for careless actions.

I dont get harassed because a) I dont look like a stoner and b) I dont get pulled over! so you're right i dont get harassed by LEO. its unfortunate that people get harassed like that and yes i do feel sorry for someone who gets harassed on the side of the road without probable cause. and i think thats wrong. but thats a lot different than a grow operation situation!
your lucky you have the option of being legal in your state, you are FAR safer than me, the only people that would go after you would be the DEA, who, like you said, could give 2 shits about you..... the rest of us are contending with every single LEO around, highly increasing our risk. i bet that if you had a grow close to that big (the 1000 plant dude), you'd be able to get away with it, simply because your protected by your state. this guy wasn't, and neither am I, so no matter how fucking retarded this guy was, I feel bad for him. it's a complete injustice what happened to him....... in my mind there is no difference between a person growing and a person sitting on the side of the road while a cop ripes HIS car apart, thats right, i said his, cause i have not once ever heard of a female getting the treatment that many many men get when pulled over.

and thank you for distinguishing me from someone else..... i do not put words in people's mouth, and will only use their exact words against them.

EDIT: I hope there are no hard feelings, i know it was a bit of a heated debate.......stay safe :)


Well-Known Member
your lucky you have the option of being legal in your state, you are FAR safer than me, the only people that would go after you would be the DEA, who, like you said, could give 2 shits about you..... the rest of us are contending with every single LEO around, highly increasing our risk. i bet that if you had a grow close to that big (the 1000 plant dude), you'd be able to get away with it, simply because your protected by your state. this guy wasn't, and neither am I, so no matter how fucking retarded this guy was, I feel bad for him. it's a complete injustice what happened to him....... in my mind there is no difference between a person growing and a person sitting on the side of the road while a cop ripes HIS car apart, thats right, i said his, cause i have not once ever heard of a female getting the treatment that many many men get when pulled over.

and thank you for distinguishing me from someone else..... i do not put words in people's mouth, and will only use their exact words against them.

EDIT: I hope there are no hard feelings, i know it was a bit of a heated debate.......stay safe :)
couldnt of said it better myself atleast im not the only person who feels this way , if it werent for the guys growing and risking there ass alot of ppl wouldnt be able to smoke , thanky u guys for risking ur ass so i can smoke a joint


Well-Known Member
Ya tell that bitch whats uppp!!! haha jk, but good points man, if you bought weed from someone even one time in your life, chances are like what u siad, it was a mass grower. Damn ignorance. Think guys, seriously.

This guy is looking at 15 years. :spew:Poor, poor fella.

I never once said you hate marijuana or that you have a bad taste in your mouth about growing...... only that people like that dude supply many people, even knowing the risk. and that should be commended, not looked down upon. and your completely right, the guy fucked himself over by buying expensive shit.....

if you really valued your "clean record", you wouldn't be growing to begin with, cause in some states, there is no difference between 1 plant and 1000 plants. it has everything to do with you (again, and me) being too chicken shit, your afraid of the laws and reprocutions of what COULD happen, not what WILL happen if you got caught, which is exactly what LEO wants.

I'm not talking anything out of context, I'm using your exact words..... how is that out of context? I feel sorry for anyone who is arrested in the war on drugs, regardless of how stupid they are about what they are doing, because we are NOT criminals; the law, and people with your mentality (since you seem to think that dealers are soooo bad) that continue to put us at risk. we need to fight as one, we cannot have people badmouthing each other and saying the aren't sorry for someone who was wrongfully labeled a criminal and think that some day we have a chance..... every time you say that weed wont be legal, it lays one more stone down for LEO, allowing them to continue with their fuckin bullshit.

I'm guessing you've never had to deal with LEO harassing the shit out of you because you "look" like a stoner, because if you had, you would not be talking the way you do.....
I am harassed and searched EVERY SINGLE time I get pulled over, without question. they don't even say anything to me really, just pull me out of the car and say it smells like pot so they are searching it, yet there has been zero pot in my car in the last 4 years, and I've been pulled over plenty of times...... when you get harassed like that, you feel sorry for anyone who has to go through that, dumb fuck or not.