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  1. J

    seedlings drooping help needed

    Hi.guys big. Problem . Lowrider 2 . 2 weeks old leaves the two big leaves turning yellowish but small leaves green but starting to droop as well got under 400w hps 20/4 light s the pots r about 4 inch across . Ph is fine temps 82/88 don't want them to get to bad and die . Growing in closet they...
  2. J

    lowrider 2 problems

    Hi all . Quick question got 3 lowriders about 2 old . About 2 and a bit inch tall the big two leaves have started going yellowish in the middle of the leave but in total about 8/10 small leaves all green. But all the plants r dropping . And can't remmeber if that mean over or under watering ...
  3. J

    olowrider 2 when to put them in bigger pots

    MY lowriders2 .poped though the soil 2nd of Oct they r about 1 an half inch tall when should i put them I'm bigger pots thinking about 12 inch pots. they r got 2 big leave s . and normal looking . about 5 leaves in each plant . s when. best time and any other tips when transplant ING . Amy...
  4. J

    lowrider 2 lighting help

    Thanks people . Good advice . Will post when there started
  5. J

    lowrider 2 lighting help

    Hi guys . This is my 2 grow . First one was not to good . But I have got 3 plants just planted them today . It's lowrider 2 . And I don't know about thw light . I heard that 24 /0 . Is the best but don't really no ? . I have read about it and there r a few diffrent cycles they can grow . What is...
  6. J

    how can u tell

    Ye they r fat and very frosty. Where on the plant do u look to c the trios ?
  7. J

    how can u tell

    Can't post no pics only got phone cam and can't up load . And quick tips I got a mag glass
  8. J

    how can u tell

    What's the best way to tell if the weed is ready if u cant see the triocrmes . Plz help ?
  9. J

    can they go to far

    Hi people . Got a prob . My 3 afghans have been 9 weeks into flowering . And they r not ready .. the triochomes r still not amber . And the hairs r still milky about 20 % r redish. .what will I do keep it going .. can I over flower it or the longer rue better . Don't no what to do . Help plz
  10. J

    When are they Ready?

    Thanks very much for that post . I will defo wait I was just worried if I over push them thank dude
  11. J

    When are they Ready?

    Hi guys need help . Can't get no pics . Soz . But my 3 afgans have been 8 weeks . And they r still not ready the hairs r still milky only a few r red / brown . Got a mag glass but not strong enough . To c the tricromes . Will it hurt the plant if it take a bud off it . And try it . Any help...
  12. J

    help needed . leaves fell off

    Ye the leaves on the bud have got a good bit crystal on them . And no this has been getting worst . So I thought I would flush . And try. And build . The nuties bk up . So do u think . Just try and start getting . It bk up to full strength. Bloom and leave the veg. What's the worst case . ? Cut...
  13. J

    help needed . leaves fell off

    No pics sorry can't upload them form my phone . Soz
  14. J

    help needed . leaves fell off

    Hi . Help plz . My 3 afgahn r in to the 5th week of flowering . And the plants look in a bad way . There r a few good buds but all the leaves have fell off the plants its just the buds and branch . I have just flushed them today . Want to no wot to next ? . I was thinking a 1/4 strength veg...
  15. J

    4 weeks into flowering, Question?

    I had this same prob . Not so long ago . And the way I fixed it was add 1/4 strength veg nuties as well as ur bloom . Till the leaves start growing more and the yellowing stops . Then just finsh off with the bloom . My girls pick up in about a week . Good luck
  16. J

    Epsom Salt / Nuties

    Thanks ever one
  17. J

    4th week flowering leaves falling off

    Thanks so much guys . I defo think ur right lack of n. Should have thought of that . I will add sum beg nuties to the bloom straight away thanks I will keep posted
  18. J

    Epsom Salt / Nuties

    I grow in soil . I think I got a mag deficiencies . And 4 week into flowering . So want it fix so as possabile . So how much do u think for a 3 liter bottle . Is 1/4 to much ?
  19. J

    Epsom Salt / Nuties

    I was wondering . If I could put the salts into the same bottle as my big bloom . And how much . Salts is ok for a 3 liters bottle . ?
  20. J

    4th week flowering leaves falling off

    How would I fix a sodium build up problem ?