seedlings drooping help needed

Hi.guys big. Problem . Lowrider 2 . 2 weeks old leaves the two big leaves turning yellowish but small leaves green but starting to droop as well got under 400w hps 20/4 light s the pots r about 4 inch across . Ph is fine temps 82/88 don't want them to get to bad and die . Growing in closet they r about 2 1/2 inches. One a little smaller . Can get pic no lap top just phone and can't upload don't no how . Plz help . Oh ph of soil is 6.7/6.3 .


Active Member
Hard to say without pics, but the most common problem with seedlings is over watering.

How often do you water?
What soil?


Well-Known Member
I had similar issues on my diesel ryder. The problem, we found out, was too much heat. Check how close your girls are to the light, and make sure the temperature of your room doesnt get too much higher than 80 degrees fahrenheit at any time.