can they go to far

Hi people . Got a prob . My 3 afghans have been 9 weeks into flowering . And they r not ready .. the triochomes r still not amber . And the hairs r still milky about 20 % r redish. .what will I do keep it going .. can I over flower it or the longer rue better . Don't no what to do . Help plz

Fire One Up

Active Member
seems like a crazy long flower for an afghan, I bet something in their condition is slowing it. Too low a temperature during the lights off cycle maybe?
If they're forming and the plants still doing good then no worries tho, they'll finish up ;)


Well-Known Member
Eight to ten weeks is the average time for most strains, but each plant is a little bit different. Some may finish at six or seven weeks, others might finish at eleven weeks. Unless it's a clone, you'll never really know when it's ready unless your looking at the leaves under a microscope. Trust what your seeing and not what the website you bought it from says. Also make sure your checking multiple spots. Your looking for an average of 50% milky and 50% amber.