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  1. Stomata

    Doing my plants from seed this year. Already got some Early Girl 'Maters growing.

    The main distributor of commercial plants in my area is Bonnie Plants. The problem is that they don't start delivering vegetable plants till May 15 in my area. Not to mention they're EXPENSIVE. I decided to start my own plants this year. Put some Early Girl tomato seeds in the dirt about 2...
  2. Stomata

    Fucking GREEN DAY

    I started listing to these guys when I read a little blub about them in Thrasher back in the early 90's. The Slapped-Out 1039 album got me hooked. Then they started getting famous. Dookie, Insomniac, and now there's 12 year old's thinking American Idiot is the best album ever. I can almost deal...
  3. Stomata

    No weed for 3 months, out of beer. Can't drink anyway. Need some support y'all.

    Not gonna bother you guys with my life story but... Had a boy 4 months ago. Decided to quit growing. Now I'm back. Set up a small grow box. About 1/8 of what I used to have. Very stealth. Wife don't want me drinking. Understandably (I guess). Have been an asshole in the past. Anyway... Got a...
  4. Stomata

    Digable Planets. Great schmokin music.

    I'm 35 and back in High School me and my boys used to listen to the "Reachin'" album by Digable Planets all the time. Shit just came up in Media Monkey and thought I'd turn some others on to it in case you haven't checked it out. Jazz Hip-Hop fusion with an NYC feel. They did some other albums...
  5. Stomata

    Pollenating autos. What will you get?

    I've got some Pure Power Plant and some AK-48 pollen. I just ordered some more seeds from Attitude and one of the freebies is an auto. What will I get if I pollenate the auto? FWIW, it's a feminized auto. I thought all auto's were feminized??? I don't know shit about auto's. I always saw auto's...
  6. Stomata

    Attitude/Sage Pay not working... Any ideas?

    Been trying since yesterday to put an order in with Attitude. I've ordered several times before without problems, but now my Mastercard get's declined. Sage Pay says authorization failed. Any ideas what's wrong? Anyone else had problems ordering the past few days? I'm going to call them Monday...
  7. Stomata

    I quit growing. This is my last post and my story.

    I'm 35 and have been growing this time for a couple years. Always for myself. Never sold even a gram but did slide my Faher In-Law a doob once in awhile. I also grew back in my early to mid 20's for a couple years, but got tired of smoking and gave it up for a few years. I finally realized that...
  8. Stomata

    AK-48 LST T5 Extravaganza

    Figured I'd put up a couple pics of my AK-48 plants. All three are clones and have been in 12/12 for 12 days. This is the thrid time I've grown out this strain. All three grows have used clones from the same mother plant. Vegged these for right about 45 days after transplanting the rooted...
  9. Stomata

    My cloning experiment. Tell me what you think will happen.

    Due to space restrictions, I had to axe one of my AK-48 plants about a week into 12/12. Usually, I'd just trash the plant at this point, but I decided to try a little experiment. Instead of getting rid of the whole plant, I cut off four of the main branches and replanted them. This plant had...
  10. Stomata

    I Thought UFO's Were Flying Around My House.

    So I just got completely toasted and I'm sitting here at the PC. Behind my monitor there's a window that sits to the left of my peripheral vision. there's mini blinds on the window, but they're only open partially so you can't see out all that well. Anyway, I see all these lights zipping around...
  11. Stomata

    Cloned a Plant. Did I do it Right?

    Had a Nirvana Wonder Woman that was lanky. Been thinking about trying cloning and figured instead of trashing the plant, I'd practice on it. It's hard times in the 'hood, so I couldn't afford any peat pellets. I had to scrape up funds for rooting hormone. Pathetic I know... I put them straight...
  12. Stomata

    Would this Make Good Compost for a Soil Mix?

    I haven't dug in it yet to look at it, but I know where there is a GIANT oak tree. At the bottom of the tree, a fence sits behind it. Over the years (about 15) since the fence was built, fallen leaves have piled up at the base beside the fence. The pile is a good 3 feet deep. I'd say there's...
  13. Stomata

    Need Soil Mix Help

    Long story short, I'm tired of paying 26 bucks a bag for Fox Farm. I don't know if I got hold of a bad batch or what, but last grow all my plants had some sort of deficiency that I could never nail down. Why pay so much for soil if the plants look like shit? I've decided that I'm going to make...
  14. Stomata

    Homeade "Spice"/incense/fake weed.

    I wanna make "spice" or incense or whatever it is they call it. That fake weed shit. I've never even seen it and I think it's illegal here. It gave me an idea though. I have a bunch of clean high quality trim laying around (no stems, giant sun leaves, or dead leaves). Just about all of it's...
  15. Stomata

    2mg Ativan, 2 oz. Evan on the rocks, chronic, bubble hash, hash oil, and scissor hash

    Feelin' alright now huh man? "Kinda grabs you by the boo-boo don't it???"
  16. Stomata

    Spilled bong under computer desk... Reeks in here.

    Took a few benzos last night and enjoyed some bionic chronic alongside it. My favorite. Nothing like it. So it was getting late and I was kickin' it at the PC listening to some of my favorite tunes. Bong was in my lap and I could feel myself nodding off. I remember thinking "I'm just closing...
  17. Stomata

    What exactly is in PH adjusters and tap water conditioners?

    I try to grow as organic as possible. I do however use PH down and tap water conditioner from the pet store. Both products are meant for fish tanks but my plants don't seem to mind it and I assume it's the same stuff that hydro stores sell. I know that these products probably aren't organic...
  18. Stomata

    Bubble Bags. How much hash per ounce of pure bud?

    I know that results would probably vary depending on strain/gland production, but on AVERAGE, how much hash do you think an ounce of good smoke would produce using bubble bags? I'm talking pure bud, not trim. I've done butane extraction with trim before, but never made hash with bubble bags...
  19. Stomata

    Tap water conditioners and chloramine question.

    I had an emergency situation yesterday. Up until then, I've been using gallons of distilled. I only have a couple plants so it wasn't a huge deal to buy it. However, I over fertilized and had to flush. No way in hell was I gonna buy enough gallons to flush. Long story short, I went to the pet...
  20. Stomata

    Smoking leaf as an alternative to cigarettes.

    Anyone ever smoke large quantities of leaf? We used to smoke it some when we were kids and didn't know better, but I was a kid then and not a thirty-something man. Some guy used to sell us zips of it for like 10 bucks. I think we got more high from oxygen deprivation than the actual leaf we were...