Recent content by Riles

  1. Riles

    Take a pinch off

    Thanks. Sorry for all the typos in that first post. Like I said, I'm still holding off on doing it and would love to not touch it until harvest, it had just been on my mind and I wanted to find out. I had a smaller plant that I harvested a few weeks ago but I never took anything off it before...
  2. Riles

    Take a pinch off

    Hey everyone. Don't really know if this goes under harvesting but I was wondering when is it okay to pull a small bud off your plant to smoke. I'm good with just letting it go but sometimes I run low and my mind wanders to my baby. Hit to tear it up but if I have to, will it get me high? The...
  3. Riles

    5-0 stories

    I only have one story where a cop ever let me go. It was 2 in the morning and I was driving into town to a gas station to chill with my friend who worked there. From my house to the gas station is like..3 miles tops. I had a joint and was smoking it on the drive. Right before you get into the...
  4. Riles

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    I slept with one of my ex's boys who was one of mine too. Like when we first had sex, my ex was locked up and we were just talkin and weren't together yet and I didn't know they were homeboys or anything or that I was going over to my ex's momma's house with his homeboy while he was locked up...
  5. Riles

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    I got another one. This one night I was over at some friends' house. It was 3 of 'em, 2 guys and a girl who was dating 1 of the guys. I worked with the girl and the guy who wasn't dating the girl. Well it was pay day and between the 3 of us and 1 other friend we got a lb and a half and then we...
  6. Riles

    what do you find disrespectful?

    This is classic. They had scheduled me to work a day when I had a class to go to for the last 2 hours of my shift, well, I'd been sick for a week or so so I'd already missed 2 classes so instead of missing another one, I asked this girl if she would come in and cover the 2 hours for me, she...
  7. Riles

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    Okay so I have one. One time when I was 13 or 14 me and my bro and our friend-who was a guy, both of them were 15 or 16 went to the movies. Scary Movie, either 2 or 3, my bro drove us so it was just us 3 so me and our friend burned a couple bowls on the way to theater and then when we got to...
  8. Riles

    what do you find disrespectful?

    See, now that's crap. If you take up so much of someone's time, especially on b/s stuff, you should at least pay them for it.
  9. Riles

    what do you find disrespectful?

    Went to Sonic during happy hour once, bought a Route 44 dr. pepper which came to $1.10, had a bit of change in my pocket and was feeling generous. Gave the car hop a 50 and told her to keep the change. She started to pass me the bills and I was like, no, all the change. She stared at me for a...
  10. Riles

    what do you find disrespectful?

    Ugh..Okay, I always tip when I go to a server style restaurant, but it's aggravating to me that a lot of people seem to think that we're OBLIGATED to tip them just because they were our waiter/waitress. I have worked in a server style restuarant, not as a waitress but still. Those girls make...
  11. Riles

    Tips as when to harvest

    Thanks man, nice info on curing on that site, think I visited it once before when I first started growing but RIU is definitely best. Well, I checked my plant this morning, like I do every morning and I have to say that it looked beautiful so I pulled it, cured it and it is now hanging in my...
  12. Riles

    Tips as when to harvest

    Maybe I should change the title of this to tips on how to get responses.
  13. Riles

    Tips as when to harvest

    First time grow and they were just some seeds from a fire batch I had and I had two plants take off. One of them is getting close to harvesting just was wondering if anyone could look at the pic and give me an estimate. It's a small plant so the yield won't be much but I'm only growing for...
  14. Riles


    I used a shovel to transplant the plant and a good chunk of the soil it's in to a pot that I moved (still outside) to a spot where it'll get the same amount of light but it sits under the awning so the water won't hit it so bad. That was a few hours ago and it still looks fine. I'll check again...
  15. Riles


    Okay, I'm less than 2 weeks away from harvesting one of my plants but I think I may have a problem. There's rain in the forecast, a lot of it-flash flood warnings even. And where I live (and the plants are growing) the ground is uneven so water pools up easily. It's been raining steadily at...