Take a pinch off


Hey everyone. Don't really know if this goes under harvesting but I was wondering when is it okay to pull a small bud off your plant to smoke. I'm good with just letting it go but sometimes I run low and my mind wanders to my baby. Hit to tear it up but if I have to, will it get me high? The pistils are still white-milky but I can see the crystals on the leaves. Was just wondering. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
You can.. I did the same actually. Just finished smoking it this weekend! It took a couple days to dry out enough to bust.. it got me a little high but it just tastes/smells like plant matter.

but it did the job I guess lol


Active Member
i know someone that did this last friday and we smoke it saturday.......we got high but i agree with these guys. just wait it out and you will be happier with the end result and it will taste alot better!


New Member
i just harvested my first grow not long ago but i pinched a few budz off just to try it. we got high but its was much better after letting it get done longer..


Active Member
It works, for sure... and obviously it would be better when fully matured. But it's hard not to try her out early and I don't believe that you harm the plant by doing it.

If you take a bud down low close to the stem you're likely allowing the plant to direct more energy toward the bigger and main buds, which is something many people try to do.

So chop one off, don't worry. Bake it at 100-150 in the oven and you'll be smokin' in no time.


Thanks. Sorry for all the typos in that first post. Like I said, I'm still holding off on doing it and would love to not touch it until harvest, it had just been on my mind and I wanted to find out. I had a smaller plant that I harvested a few weeks ago but I never took anything off it before the harvest. Did put it in the oven and roll a skimpy blunt and get blowed as hell. Hehe, can't wait for this one, she's bigger.


Well-Known Member
Buying that end of flower cycle bag if you're going to need it should be part of your grow plan.

Your happy girl, working hard to finish the fruit, all of a sudden WACK!
Just a limb, no worries, keep doing what your doing. LoL
Seriously, buy a bag, leave the plant alone. Kill her with one fell swoop, don't torture her.


Active Member
i've taken like 2 buds off one of my plants so far when i don't have weed i think about my plants and they look so delicious i feel bad for doing it tho i really wanna pull off as much weight as possible


Well-Known Member
ive dont it to my plants several times. last nite i was so desperate for a smoke, i rolled a joint with a small bud id just picked off, so it was still wet, it burnt fine and got me pretty blazed.

leaves also work great, most people say that you cant smoke them, but i can get blazed from them if you roll a thick j.


Active Member
leaves also work great, most people say that you cant smoke them, but i can get blazed from them if you roll a thick j.
For sure... anyone who tells you leaves don't get you high is wrong. Out of desperation I smoked down 2 full male plants waiting for this harvest.

3 nasty full bowls later :eyesmoke:..... it sucks but it works


Active Member
For sure... anyone who tells you leaves don't get you high is wrong. Out of desperation I smoked down 2 full male plants waiting for this harvest.

3 nasty full bowls later :eyesmoke:..... it sucks but it works
That is fucking sick........I would never just smoke male leafs....it wouldnt even get the everyday smoker high...just a headache

Go Go Ganja!

Well-Known Member
That is fucking sick........I would never just smoke male leafs....it wouldnt even get the everyday smoker high...just a headache

i smoke everyday and i smoke leaves all the time when im desperate .... lol it IS sick, but it DOES get you high. not blazed but it quenches the thirst :mrgreen: ....people talk about this headache all the time but i never experienced it .....i usually only smoke like one leave .... but i imagine if you just sit around all day and smoke leaves you probably will get a headache


Active Member
i smoke everyday and i smoke leaves all the time when im desperate .... lol it IS sick, but it DOES get you high. not blazed but it quenches the thirst :mrgreen: ....people talk about this headache all the time but i never experienced it .....i usually only smoke like one leave .... but i imagine if you just sit around all day and smoke leaves you probably will get a headache
most leafs dont get you high incase its late in flowering.......and the thc in them is not gong to get you high..........


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Don't really know if this goes under harvesting but I was wondering when is it okay to pull a small bud off your plant to smoke. I'm good with just letting it go but sometimes I run low and my mind wanders to my baby. Hit to tear it up but if I have to, will it get me high? The pistils are still white-milky but I can see the crystals on the leaves. Was just wondering. :neutral:
Yea, I just took some sample off my plant :)



Well-Known Member
most leafs dont get you high incase its late in flowering.......and the thc in them is not gong to get you high..........
I'm not sure which thc covered leaves you refer to.
If you're talking about the trim leaves used to make hash, hash oil, butter, ect.
or if you're a lazy stoner, the ones you vaporize?
What sets leaf resin apart from bud resin?