Recent content by kamonra

  1. kamonra

    The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

    all gods make up the supreme being .. all the stars or suns are cells that make up the supreme being
  2. kamonra

    How to get caught growing ... Lets hear it , so we all know were still ok

    a proxy is not gonna stop the govt secrect intellegence they can monitor emails, cell phones, or any other transmission at will now ./.. just a matter of finding you or deciding which transmission to easedropp on......
  3. kamonra

    How to get caught growing ... Lets hear it , so we all know were still ok

    your ra is diff than my ra .. or at least at a diff time .. lol ... Sun God Ra that is !
  4. kamonra

    How to get caught growing ... Lets hear it , so we all know were still ok

    i was just kidding but they can track anyone on the internet ...and they can monitor probably any site
  5. kamonra

    How to get caught growing ... Lets hear it , so we all know were still ok

    what about this fucking site we are on now .. setting all our asses up .....
  6. kamonra


    the point is the govt is fraud ... it lies when it wants something illegal ... it claims every idustry is loosing money .... banks need bail out , ins co. need bail out , auto makers need bailout ,, schools claiming broke cutting back on education , states and cities cutting back on...
  7. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    Most tobacco smokers consume more than 10 cigarettes per day and some consume 40 or more. Regular marijuana smokers seldom consume more than three to five cigarettes per day and most consume far fewer. Thus, the amount of irritant material inhaled almost never approaches that of tobacco users...
  8. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    fact is undefinable ./. because every thing is possible ... just havvnt been done yet .. unless it is not a fact until its been done .. well somewhere in the universe it has been done ..... also now this is a theory ... pertaining to the multiverse concept scientist now believes .... there is...
  9. kamonra

    How to make your plant turn purple?

    dam nice avatar .. makes me want to eat pussy now
  10. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    did you know there is a law that states you can only treat disease with drugs .... so if a doctor said hey drinkl this tea from s. america rainforest... it will cure your disease .. that doctor will go to jail ... in america ... and not only my child went through this marj smoke while...
  11. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    fuck spell check i have no respect for the english language it is fear mechanism .. for one example of many ... curse words.. who decided curse words are bad .. theres is no manual or no one knows where and who decided these are bad words... so now you get upset with me for saying a word...
  12. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    nothing can be proven as fact argument .... no actuallly i was gonna say .. nothing is undefinable
  13. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    i told you fact is undefinable.... in galeio would have stated flying was a fact .. he would be told he was a lier ... but flying is a fact but just hadnt been discovered yet .... if in 17th century someone would have said ..i could record my words on light and send them across the world . they...
  14. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    it s obvious if popullation is greater, there has to be more danger, at whatever ... from pollution to being robbed on the streats , to being one who will suffer from hunger ..thats pure mathematics the more there are the more threats there are ... and there hasnt been pollution this great ever...
  15. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    no the roman government started it .. the egyptians had one belief in the sun god .. and the many gods were all from the source creator .. it amazes me that archeologist still believe the egyptian believed in many gods .. whcih is true but the understood the supreme being was all gods in one all...