(Everyone) Does A Plant Need Leaves...!?!


Well-Known Member
i didnt say it was and overthinking IT or YOU
and the only reason i am talking shit is coz there was loads of people saying cut them funny that


New Member
ok but to be totally truthful here I even had to laugh at the question so you might look at me as a cocky f**ker too :twisted:
i didnt say it was and overthinking IT or YOU
and the only reason i am talking shit is coz there was loads of people saying cut them funny that


Well-Known Member
So lacy you gonna do some information study about the DARK RIFT as it has been appoved . meaning its gonna happen just the matter of when.


New Member
Yes sir. I may just do that. It does sound very interesting I have to admit. Thanks for the enlightenment :)

Have a good one ;)
So lacy you gonna do some information study about the DARK RIFT as it has been appoved . meaning its gonna happen just the matter of when.


Well-Known Member
how old is your plant? is it in the late flowering stage close to harvest, early flowering stage, or veg state? i did read of people trimming in late flower, but in early and veg, i'm sure the plant needs all the photosynthesis it can afford


Well-Known Member
Sorry BUT they are WRONG!
You only cut off fan leaves if they are dying and turning yellow otherwise...keep them on.

This is the best way too put it. Sorry about starting the laugh fest.:peace:
The longer your here on RIU, the funnier it is when you see certain questions. Didn't mean to cramp your mood.:blsmoke:

But yeah, like Lacy said, if more than 1-3 of your leaf is yellow I'd say rip it off. I know those big fuckin leaves are a pain. see if you can tuck it down somehow.

keep growin:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, you're wrong!! The leaves are integral for photosynthesis they produce energy necessary for bud development not take it. Just look in any biology/botany book!

i went to horticulture school, i was having a dick moment after reading this guys post, hence the sarcastic post, i apologize. :?