12/12 from seed using CFL's. NLxBig Bud and many many others!

Mister Black

Active Member
So the jury is still out on the seedlings. Figure they have got one more low ph water left in them before I have to decide whether they stand or fall. Probably fall. The fact is my Moby Dick is getting so big and bushy I might only have room for one more plant in the other tent anyway.

Now the Moby Dick has 9 CFL's on it. 4 are 26w. 3 are 45w and 2 are 65w. That is a lot of lumens but the plant seems to really like a lot of light. Still growing quickly. Have definitely decided to only use maxibloom KISS formula on it from now on until it is time to flush.

Still having to raise the lights every day at the moment. I'm putting that down to the 25/5/5 granules added to the Maxibloom. Now the 25/5/5 / Maxibloom mixture is finished I can cook up a new, different batch.

Defo in flower now and and if I play my cards right I'll have some good smoke ready by xmas. fingers, legs and everything else crossed! Plant is a 60-70 day flower cycle which I began on 2nd of October. I'd say the plant began a little later but the 2nd will do for counting purposes.


Nice man, thats a shit load of cfls for that whale, im sure its gonna turn out beautiful!!!
... my baby just showed her head today.. ill be making a journal too.

Mister Black

Active Member
Pulled the other 'exile' today. Smelled great but I could only see it going one way. Miniature plant. Miniature yield. Not worth it. So just the 4 remaining bagseeds now. Going to let their soil dry out a little more before adding some PH down water mixture again. Going to get these babies down to under 6.5 even if it kills them!

Can't see any of these seedlings making it to be honest. Will give them another week before binning and starting again.

Just had to feed the Moby Dick again. Can't believe how greedily it is drinking everything I give it. Have started with the KISS formula. Followed the instructions exactly for preparation. Going to feed every water until flushing tho this time. Last time I used plain water every other time and that seemed to lead to slight deficiency as the plants got bigger.

Have started minimal temp control in the veg area now too. Won't do much but better than nothing. Mainly for airflow which I found last grow is crucial in hot temp grows.

Pics soon.

Mister Black

Active Member
So my vegging area is too hot and the seedling soil is too high in PH and not drying out very well. As a last resort I moved them all into the flower cab and put a couple of 6500k bulbs on them. A 65w for 3 and a 26w for the other one.

I'll give them a week, maybe 10 days to do something in there before pulling and starting again. I guess due to my situation I'm locked into 12/12 from seed until the Moby dick is ready for harvest. At that time depending on what else is going on I'll either reveg it and go back to a more normal grow or totally chop and continue on with 12/12 from seedling.

Hopefully the lower temps and RH should encourage growth. Going to keep on adding low PH water until they get below 6.5 on the runoff.

The Moby Dick is showing slight symptoms of over nuting. Getting the odd leaf bending back like an eagles claw. Not a good sign. Plain water next time she is thirsty should hopefully lower the PPM in the soil.

Pics when the lights are back on.

Mister Black

Active Member
Just a quick note. Watered my Moby Dick with plain water tonight. Also the seedlings are looking better already although will have to let them dry out then PH down them again. Hoping that will 'fix' them and they can finally grow.

Mister Black

Active Member
Not much to say today. Just opened up the tent today and took some pics. Seedlings not doing a lot. Took some pics of them so I could compare progress.

Moby Dick doing ok and seems to be less bushy as pistols continue to shoot out at bud sites. Looks to be a female at least. What do you think? :eyesmoke:



Mister Black

Active Member
Gave my Moby Dick some 3/4 strength KISS formula nutes with her watering last night. I'm amazed by how fast she drinks what I give and how dry she gets so quickly. A sign of her being a bit root bound I guess but I'm unwilling to change to bigger than the 6L pot she is in presently as the whole idea of the grow was to keep the plants small and manageble in a fairly tight space.

Seedlings are growing very slowly and the soil is really taking its time to dry out in their cases. Don't really want to water till they are properly dry as I believe the roots may need more oxygen.
Will probably crack and give them PH down water with a tiny bit of KISS mix tomorrow or the next day.

Mister Black

Active Member
Tonight I hit the seedling with more PH down mixture. This is it for them. If they do not show real growth by this time next week they are going into the trim bag. Waste not want not! At that point I'll germinate something new. This time taking more care with the soil mix and flush of coco/PH etc.

The Moby Dick is looking very good and developing nicely day by day. Really hoping she will have some company one of these days!

Only time will tell.

Mister Black

Active Member
So I checked my Moby Dick tonight and amazingly she needed water again! I'm beginning to suspect I'll need a bigger pot!

This brings up a number of worries as I've not had the best of luck with soil in the past. I do have a significantly larger pot but filling it correctly is the worry. The plan is to properly flush some coco chips and coir then mix with some local garden center potting soil and some fish gravel to act as perlite.

The worry is that the plant is doing so well as it is I don't want to change anything. A secondary worry is that putting a bigger pot in my tent means less room for other plants/seedlings.

The final worry is that it is too late on in the process to transplant and the shock of doing so could stress the plant at a bad time for it to be stressed.

If anyone at all with any knowledge of my predicament were following this thread it would be comforting but it seems I'm talking to myself mostly. :wall:

Lastly on watering 1.2liters there was only a tiny amount of runoff. A sure sign the plant is constantly thirsty IMHO.

So will keep this thread posted for posterity if nothing else.

Mister Black

Active Member
So I checked my Moby Dick tonight and she was bone dry - again. I made the judgement that she is rootbound so against my original plan I repotted into a 3 gallon pot. I didn't want to repot in flower but I think it might work out in the end. Mixed up a similar mix to before. Coco chips, coir, local potting soil and fish gravel. Ran some low PH mixture through it as the flushing process for the coco generally gets the PH above 7.5.

As I suspected she was a root ball but now has room to stretch her legs.

Watered 1.5l of my KISS mix into the center of the plant only after the repot. There was no runoff which is fine. The pot is heavy enough to know there is enough moisture in there already. While she was out of the tent I pruned a little mainly on the lowermost branches. One small low branch snapped as I repotted so that goes in the freezer for later QWISO or Ice hash processing.

I wonder how much (weight) of material do I need for a batch of QWISO made in a smallish mason jar to be worthwhile?

Took some pics of the new set up.

seedlings doing very little. Temps remain in the 70's but RH is a little low at 30%. I wonder if the new bigger pot will change that.




Mister Black

Active Member
Checked in the cab today and as expected the plant looks a little stressed. Showing discoloration at the tips of the odd fan leaf and a bit droopy. Only to be expected after being repotted last night. Watered 2 of the seedlings that were 'pot light' one of them has actually grown!

PH is still too high on one of them but the one that is growing the ph is finally below 7

Am hoping for the best that the big one will recover. Only time will tell.

Mister Black

Active Member
So my RH is low. Like 25% and my plant I think needed some plain water. So I threw 3 liters of it at her tonight. Also trimmed some burnt and unhealthy looking fan leaves. As expected nothing much is happening after the stress of repotting. Hope I waited long enough before giving her a good drenching.

Pulled 2 of the seedling that are doing nothing. The other 2 have shown a little growth so I'm going to wait them out for another week.

Now have just under 50g of trim so am thinking of making a little QWISO. Just a little taste of things to come! I hope.

Is 50g enough material for say 3 washes?

No pics today as nothing is really happening. Going to be away for a day or two so hope to see some growth when I return. Either way I don't think she will need any more water for a while!

any ideas how I can up my RH anyone?

finally I'm becoming very discouraged about the lack of interest/helpful replies to this journal. I'm only a 2nd time grower and 1st time in a tent so I know pretty much nothing. :dunce: However I've had little or no help here. :wall:

Maybe I will try another site. Giving this place one more week then pulling this thread and taking it elsewhere.

So if you have something to say, say it soon or I'm out the door.:sad:
Hey bud, your doin well.
One thing i notice about this site is low activity, most people expect cause they post theyll get feed back but one must give to recieve, that being said, i have a couple pointers
-root oxygen absortion and prime plant temps are 70-75 degrees
-those winged creatures are fungus gnats, hang up sticky fly traps or theyll eat your roots
-get an hps, cfls overall make more heat if u dont keep a fan overthem and the less clutter the better
Lastly, STOP using coco, buy some organic potting soil. Peat and coco cause nothing but ph problems, with coco u need special nutes to avoid them. Also grab some dolomite lime to mix with the soil and save nutes till 2 or 3 week. The lime will keep ph stable and veg doesnt need much more than N but dont overdo it cause when you switch to flowering your plant can get sick.
Keep it up, hope i see some more from you bud, im also planning on harvesting for around christmas

Mister Black

Active Member
Here you go Mister Black. You were of some help to me when I first started on this site so I'm returning the favor. Take a look at these charts and I bet you can find your deficiency :)

BTW they are looking good!
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Thanks Giggles. Can't seem to find my def on that chart but I know I've seen it somewhere:idea:

The plant is doing ok. Still learning how to grow in coco. Have to stop treating it like a soil grow. Tested the ph which was about 6.5
Too high for coco really but not sure how to get it down as dolomite lime does not seem to be available in my location.

Still the buds seem to fattening up nicely. I probably repotted this one a bit too late which probably means it could have been bigger. Still I'm hoping for a couple of grams or more from here. We will see.

Mister Black

Active Member

Recent pic of my baby. Right now it is still drinking a lot of water loaded with nutes. I'm checking tric's ever 2-3 days and still mostly clear. Not started flushing yet. Going to flush with molasses water through it next week to start the one week flush process. I'd like to let it get over ripe a tiny bit as would prefer to more indica effect on the weed.